
Chapter One (PT 1)

'Dear Olive,

My husband and I had known each other since we were young and decided to flee when my family, especially my father, disapproved of our relationship. Now at the age of 35, it seems that the spark that led us here has gone out. We are continually fighting with each other and have four little ones and another on the way. He's always gone within the late hours of the night and doesn't return till' that next evening. I'm afraid and certain that he sees someone at his job, but can't prove it yet. Oh Olive, what should I do to save my family from falling apart from my husband's infidelity?

Signed, Confused, and Tired.'

Her emotions hit me like a pile of bricks just from touching the envelope. After reading it, all I seem to feel was anger and sadness that came from the poor woman as she wrote this letter. She feels so conflicted about what to do in her situation and is tired of the fighting, and it may worsen. The series of knocks shook me out of my stupor, snapping my gaze towards the door.

"Kai, open the door. I know you're there!" Rolling my eyes once, I heard the shrilled voice of my older sister, Haven, on the other side of the door.

Hiding the letters in my desk drawer before opening the door to see Haven nearly red in the face looking around my living room and kitchen while she pushes past me.

"Yes, I'm doing just fine, Haven. How about you?" Shaking off the hatred and desperation coming from her while she ignored my sarcasm, throwing a heated look my way before searching through the kitchen drawers.

"I know she gave it to you, Kai. Where is it?!" Closing my eyes, counting to ten as I hear her continue messing up my living room, throwing the pillows and cushions to the floor only to find the sofa empty while she continued on her rampage.

"Where's what, Haven?" Snapping her brown gaze towards me with rage burning in them, waiting for me to give up what she was going to waste on herself once more.

"The money, Kai, what did you and mother dearest do with the money that Memaw Jo left us?!" She screeched to me.

'Of course, she's looking for the money. Why else would she be here?'

Moving towards the kitchen, feeling her gaze on me as I put on some tea, knowing that she wasn't going to leave until everything is out of her system.

"I hid it so you won't ever get to it, Haven. You know right well, we need that money to help with mama's bills." My words fell on deaf ears while Haven grew red in the face marching, more like stomping, directly in front of me as waves of hatred grew more than the desperation that came from her.

"I need that money, Kaiah. You don't know what's at stake if I don't get that money!" All of the hatred went out the window only for fear and desperation to be left in her emotions, to cause my dizzy spell to worsen.

I supported myself on the counter as nausea washed over me while Haven continues to rant and rage about the money. "Haven, what did you do now? Who did you borrow money from this time?" Biting her bottom lip before she stormed out of the small apartment, not bothering to answer my question either.

'I'll probably hear about it later from mom when she goes whining to her about me not helping her. Again.' Rubbing my temples at the constant thumping thanks to Haven's usual dramatics, letting the calming aroma of chamomile tea hit my nose, causing the negative vibes Haven left on me melted away. Looking around my cozy three-bedroom apartment only to stare at Haven's mess of my living room.

Huffing at her childish antics before fixing my sofa to how it once was, before rereading the letter once more only to feel the same emotions attachments by the desperate housewife.

"Hey-hey! Were you able to finish with enough of those letters for the column?" A cheery voice peeked from behind the front door, revealing my cousin and editor of Blyss Hollow's paper, Natalie Gordon.

She looks over to where I stood, rearranging the cushions in the living room, before pouring herself some tea leaning against the counter. "I'm guessing that your sister had come by today for a sisterly moment that she is known for?" She grinned, sipping her tea.

"If you call her throwing a tantrum over not getting what she wants, again, a 'sisterly moment' then yes, she did." I huffed before handing off my finished responses to the other conflicting letters. "These are the ones I was able to finish last night. You'll get the rest later on or tomorrow at the latest." Rubbing the bridge of my nose, feeling another headache coming worst than the last one.

"Maybe you should relax a bit, cousin. I hate for you to overwork that brain of yours just for my deadline with the boss, for the article," Nat spoke with a concerned look on her face.

A smirk appeared upon my face looking back at her. "Oh, I doubt that you'll have any problem with the deadline, seeing as your boyfriend is your boss." Her concerned expression melted into one of annoyance at the joke.

"Yea,' not sure how long that's going to last since he nothing but a worthless jerk!" Nat huffed. Waves of emotions rolled off of her body. "All not well in paradise, I assume?" I mused while she huffed, keeping her anger at bay, by her current off-again on-again boyfriend, Nick Deacon.

"He keeps canceling our dates, not bothering to answer my calls or texts....maybe he dating someone behind my back?" Nat whisper with unshed tears in her eyes, ignoring the headache of sadness coming from her, holding her while she cried.