
Sign in Shadow Clone

Looking at the wooden door of the classroom, the eight year old boy with long, black hair sighed. He didn't want to be a ninja. As he opened the sliding door, he was dazed. Because a emotionless, mechanical voice sounded in his mind. [A famous location found, Sign in system starts.] [Congratulations to host for getting Shadow Clone technique]

Mike_Lu · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 3: Graduation Fail

The ninja academy wasn't just about the theory, history or chakra. It included lot of physical activities like running, sparring with each other, and practicing aim with kunai and shuriken.

For a student who want to graduate, he or she needs to perform well in all aspects, like taijutsu, proficiency in using kunai or shuriken to certain extent and three basic ninjutsus namely clone technique, substitution technique and transformation technique.

There were some special cases, but they were genius in their respective departments.

Kent 'intentionally' performed average in every aspects, except for proficiency in using Kunai or shuriken. It was because there was no way to practice with weapons in home.


Four years passed by, nothing major happened except for some whispers about extermination of Uchiha clan.

Kent wasn't much bothered about it.

If he was invincible in the world, he might've saved the Uchiha clan from being massacred but unfortunately he was not.

This incident also showed how cruel this world was. Even a powerful clan like Uchiha could get annihilated in a single night. The children, the elders, no one except for Sasuke Uchiha was left alive.

But Kent's goal of having a peaceful life never changed. He was just a normal academy student who couldn't even perform the basic ninjutsu properly.


In the classroom...

'System, sign in.'

[Congratulations to host for getting 'Lightning attribute' chakra nature]

"Finally," sighed Kent.

"Finally what?" asked a boy with spiky, black hair. It was Shikamaru Nara who was sitting to his right side.

"Well, its finally time for graduation," said Kent gloomily. "I am afraid I will fail."

"Oh," Shikamaru returned to his lazy, sluggish self.

Portrayal of Shikamaru in the anime was pretty accurate, lazy but intelligent. His observation skills were also very good.

And this was also the most important reason Kent kept a minimal contact with Shikamaru. He knew how scary a ninja could be, especially one with a high IQ. They could even infer a person's psychology with simple interaction with the person.

'Whatever, an academy student like me who is bound to fail will not attract any malicious attention.' Kent returned his focus to the front.

Two teachers were standing behind the front desk. They were both wearing the standard chunin vest. The one the left had long, silver hair and long face. And the one on the right had black hair and a plain face with a scar that run horizontal below the eye level on the middle of the nose.

Despite the presence of both the teachers, there were occasional whispers among the students.

"Silence everyone!" The teacher with the scar on his face said. "Today your ninjutsu proficiency will be tested. The students have to perform the clone technique to pass."

"Anything but clones, Iruka Sensei..." groaned a blonde haired boy with large goggles on his forehead.

"Stop complaining, Naruto!" Iruka scolded.

"But sensei–"

"No buts, Naruto. If you want to pass then you have to summon decent clones." Iruka said.

Kent watched the interaction between Naruto and Iruka-sensei with amusement. The class would be very boring if not for the antiques of the students. Each had their own quirk.

"Kiba Inuzuka..."

"...Ino Yamanaka..."


One by one the students were called in the front and told to perform the clone technique.

Some of them passed, some of them failed. Some rejoiced, some returned with gloomy, teary face.

"Kentō Ishikawa..." Called Iruka Umino, the teacher with the scar on his face.

"Yes," Kent responded and walked to the front.

He narrowed his eyes and concentrated. After taking a deep breathe, he formed a basic hand seal and called, "Clone technique."

Suddenly there was cloud of smoke in front him. The smoke dissipated after few seconds and what appeared was two distorted version of Kent, devoid of colour as if they were outlines on a piece of white paper.

"Fail." Kent sighed internally with relief.

"Haha..." The students laughed out loud, even the ones who failed.

"They look like a drawing a paper."

"Ha, It look so dead and deformed. At least my clones looked like me."

Whispers of discussion sounded among the students.

"Silence everyone!" Iruka yelled out loud. "Kentō, go back to your seat,"

"Okay Sensei," Kent went back to his seat with his head down.


After the exam ended, everyone went home. Like them, Kent also returned home. His eyes were a little lost.

He entered the bookstore quietly.

"What happened, son?" asked his father, who was sitting behind the counter. His father was waiting for him, intending to know the exam result.

"I failed the graduation test." Kent said gloomily. Without waiting for his father's words he directly went upstairs and slammed the door shut.

"..." His father wasn't sure what to say.

From the beginning, he didn't want Kent to become a ninja. But after his son's continuous persuasion, he reluctantly allowed his son to attend the academy.

But now that Kent failed his graduation test, Bokuto, Kent's father, wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad. He was happy that Kent might not to become a ninja after he failed his graduation, at the same time, he was disheartened to see his son's sad face.