
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

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288 Chs

Chapter 167.

E/N : The seventh chapter as promised.

And always rememba...

Your Allfather Author/Editor - PrimorDious.

Peace out ✌.



Chapter 167.

After some time, Wang Feng managed to adapt to the God Killing Spear, feeling a surge of excitement.

"Setting aside the other aspects of the God Killing Spear, its attack power may not match the Pangu Axe but it's undoubtedly one of the supreme treasures," Wang Feng mused.

As his trump card, Wang Feng was hesitant to wield the Pangu Axe recklessly. With the God Killing Spear now in his possession, he had an alternative for attacking, sparing his physical body from constant strain.

While punches and kicks flowed smoothly, Wang Feng couldn't rely on them every time he engaged in combat.

"Next, I need to assess... the strength of this spear. Simply holding it consumes soul power constantly." Wang Feng muttered, his brow furrowed in concentration.

He could keenly sense his soul power diminishing rapidly, drained by the intense and malevolent energy emanating from the God Killing Spear. An ordinary soul master who dared to touch it would likely succumb to insanity or be consumed by the spear's malevolence.

Fortunately, Wang Feng's body and soul were resilient enough to withstand its effects. It was safe to say that, on this continent, no one aside from Wang Feng could wield the martial prowess of the God Killing Spear.

"Wait a minute..." Suddenly, Wang Feng's voice trailed off as he sensed something amiss.

He sensed that within the depths of his mind, that silent and mysterious humanoid martial soul seemed to be stirred by the intense and demonic energy of the God Killing Spear.

"Oh no, is this martial soul about to awaken?" Wang Feng's pupils constricted as he realized that the enigmatic humanoid martial soul that had been on the verge of awakening for some time.

Unexpectedly, the fourth form of the Chaos Green Lotus seemed to draw out this humanoid martial soul.

Upon reflection, it made sense. The mysterious humanoid martial soul had always required absorption of various tyrannical murderous auras to manifest. The fierce demonic aura of the God Killing Spear was likely the ideal nourishment for it.

In the next instant, the black robe enveloping Wang Feng's body began to ripple. Fortunately, he wasn't wielding the Pangu Axe this time, or his robe would have torn instantly.


In the next instant, six pairs of exceedingly dark phantom like wings suddenly sprouted from behind Wang Feng's back. His hair also began to grow rapidly, and his eyes gleamed with malevolence, as if the mask had been removed!

If Wang Feng were to be seen at this moment, his appearance would be shockingly terrifying. Though his facial contours remained sharp and angular, they exuded an extreme malevolence, casting an eerie aura. Even the most beautiful woman would pale in comparison to the beauty and devilish charm he was exuding right now, overwhelmed by his cold and sinister demeanor.

It seemed as though he wielded control over the heavens and earth, enforcing an order of evil.

His once pale blood-red eyes now gleamed a deep crimson, radiating a terrifying aura that permeated his surroundings.

However, unlike the uproar caused by the Pangu Axe, which nearly shook the entirety of the Star Dou Great Forest, this transformation only affected the immediate vicinity.

In this moment, Wang Feng's stature grew once more, holding the simple and unassuming God Killing Spear in his hand, his jet-black hair continued billowing in the wind, lending an air of frenzy to his appearance, akin to a demonic entity.

"This humanoid martial soul is truly extraordinary... and with twelve wings? I don't recall any angel in religious mythology having more than six wings," Wang Feng remarked, feeling as though his entire being was on the verge of exploding.

Two disparate forces clashed within him, yet despite the tumultuous sensation, Wang Feng could sense his physical prowess had increased significantly, at least threefold.

Moreover, his heightened senses detected several distinct auras converging from all directions toward him.

Though his soul power dwindled rapidly, Wang Feng remained attuned to the present moment.

"Three kilometers away... Two powerful Soul Kings are engaged in a heated battle over a soul ring, both consumed by rage." he noted.

"Four kilometers to the northeast... Two men and one woman. Two male soul masters are violently assaulting the female soul master? Disgraceful!"

"At nine o'clock, two 6,000-year-old Earthen Kings are voraciously feasting... and their meal appears to be three soul masters?"

"Three kilometers behind me, a soul master is absorbing a soul ring. His companion is envious and appears to be seizing the opportunity to strike..."

"Two kilometers away to the left, a male soul master is wailing inconsolably... as his female companion faces imminent death."

As Wang Feng opened his eyes, he could sense these auras lingering in the air, slowly drifting from a distance. Though invisible, they held color in Wang Feng's eyes.

It was as though he could perceive all the sinister occurrences transpiring around him.

"This angel, it seems, truly embodies the opposite essence of the angel associated with Qian Renxue. Completely independent and shrouded in a cold and malevolent aura." Wang Feng observed, holding his breath as he felt the power coursing through him.

However, he couldn't deny the formidable strength of this humanoid martial soul. Compared to every transformation of Chaos Green Lotus, it was nearly on par.

Yet, amidst the darkness, Wang Feng sensed that he could exert some form of control, though he lacked sufficient power to do so.

Furthermore, he couldn't shake the malevolent influence of both the evil thoughts brought by the humanoid martial soul and the fierce and malevolent aura of the God Killing Spear.

"...I'm fortunate." Wang Feng murmured, acknowledging the precariousness of his situation.

Wang Feng reflected on the fact that neither the God Killing Spear nor the mysterious martial soul, he had awakened could be handled without the tempering of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire. It was now clear to him that without this tempering, his soul and spirit would have been unable to withstand such evil forces and might have turned him into a mindless slaughtering demon.

Contemplating further, Wang Feng realized that his decision to undergo the Red Lotus Karmic Fire tempering, by Ice and Fire Lake, had been a wise one.

"Well, it appears that a ten-thousand-year soul beast has been stirred by my presence. It's time to venture deeper... and acquire the fourth soul ring. It shouldn't be too demanding, around 40,000 years will suffice."

Just as Wang Feng was considering his next move, elsewhere in the Star Dou Great Forest...

"Your Highness, many soul beasts in this area seem to be slightly agitated," an elderly man remarked. If Wang Feng were present, he would have recognized him as one of the three board members he encountered at Heaven Dou Royal Academy, Meng Shen Ji.

"Why does Your Highness choose to hunt for his sixth soul ring in the Star Dou Great Forest?" Zhi Lin inquired respectfully.

The third member, Bai Baoshan, remained silent, observing the man before them, dressed in men's clothing, wearing a mask, and sporting blond hair.

"This location suits me," the man, addressed as Your Highness, replied casually.

"In the heart of the Star Dou Great Forest, there are several extremely dangerous soul beasts. If encountered, even with the combined strength of the three of us, we could only ensure Your Highness's escape," Meng Shen Ji cautioned, coughing lightly. "In comparison, the Sunset Forest is much more familiar and safer."

The trio served as the board member of Heven Dou Imperial Academy and were also members of Xue Qinghe's faction, the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire. This man before them was none other than Xue Qinghe himself.

"In that case, you may return. I can handle this alone. I'll seek out a ten-thousand-year soul beast," Xue Qinghe declared, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Xue Qinghe's visit to the Star Dou Great Forest served a dual purpose, acquiring the soul ring was just one aspect, while the other was to uncover the reason behind the presence of a young man named Wang Feng in the forest.

However, venturing into such territory alone posed inherent dangers. Upon learning of Xue Qinghe's intentions, the three board members naturally decided to accompany him. Despite their formidable abilities, they were wary of the potential threats lurking within the forest. Even the three Soul Douluo dared not underestimate the dangers of the Star Dou Great Forest. The emergence of a powerful soul beast, ranging from 60,000 to 70,000 years in strength, could prove deadly even for them, let alone for Xue Qinghe.

Thankfully, Xue Qinghe's objective was to locate a soul beast that had existed for over 20,000 years, minimizing the risks involved.

The four swiftly traversed through the Star Dou Great Forest, their heightened senses enabling them to instantly detect the presence of nearby soul beasts.

Suddenly, Xue Qinghe came to a halt, prompting the others to stop as well.

"What's the matter?" Meng Shen Ji inquired.

Xue Qinghe slowly turned to gaze in a specific direction.

Once again, the unmistakable malevolent aura permeated the air, clearer and more pronounced this time.

"This is the third occurrence of this happening," Xue Qinghe murmured, her gaze focused. "Moreover, this time, the location seems to be the same as the last two occurrences. It's within the Star Dou Great Forest. It appears to be concealed within these woods."

She had sensed this malevolent presence over seven years ago and now, it had resurfaced once again, coincidentally within the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest. Its clarity surpassed that of the previous two occurrences.

"Let's head there." Xue Qinghe commanded, pointing in the direction where Wang Feng was located.

She intended to investigate the source of this malevolent aura firsthand.

The three board members nodded in silent agreement, prepared to follow Xue Qinghe's lead.

As the four of them prepared to depart, the earth suddenly trembled violently!

A colossal soul beast resembling a beetle erupted from the ground. It was immense in size, spanning at least a football fields and standing six or seven meters tall. Its gaping maw dripped with venomous fangs, while its black armored exoskeleton bore deep fissures, lending it a grotesque appearance. Blood-red wings sprouted from its back, exuding a menacing aura.

The beetle soul beast emerged, instantly releasing its formidable soul power, locking onto the four individuals.

"No, it's the Blood Demon Beetle!" Meng Shen Ji exclaimed, his expression turning grim. "This savage and ferocious soul beast should be residing deeper within the soul forest. How could it appear here?"

"It appears to be a 60,000-year-old Blood Demon Beetle!" Zhi Lin added, his complexion paling. "Your Highness, we must retreat immediately. We will hold it off! With our combined strength, we can easily restrain it. However, if it sets its sights on you, it will pose a significant threat!"


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