
Chapter 13

"Where and who? Jonas, speak now or you'll forever be silenced." Jonas, who was chained on his chair gave Sera a sideways glance.

"W-what a-a-are you talking about?" His head was hanging low, as he was exhausted from shouting and crying from pain. In just a couple of hours, Jason had experienced what it's like to be in hell. Torture after torture, it was a miracle that he hasn't lost his consciousness yet, with the amount of blood that he had lost, yes it was.

"Don't pretend as if you don't know anything Jonas. Who were those men you sent to my house?" Sera raised her left eyebrow as she walked closer to Jonas.

"I-i sw-ear i do-don't know w-what you're talking a-about,"

"Jonas, lying is futile. Just tell me their names and their location so that we can be done with this." Sera sounded a bit irritated, she was frustrated because Jonas won't admit where those three men were.

"I know lying would be useless so why would I?! I am already in this state! Do you think I'm foolish enough to add another firewood to burn myself?!"

"Then who were those men inside my house last night?! I swear Jonas if I ever know that those three are one of your accomplices, I will kill you!" Sera slapped Jonas hard on the face.

"And that's for trying to drug my friend!" She landed another slap.

"And that's for making me feel like a whore last night!" She then quickly walked out of the cell, with tears streaming down her face.

Sera ran through the stairs, still crying and at the same time wiping them off when her phone started ringing.

It was an incoming call from aunt Kenna, Sera composed herself first before answering the call.

"Yes, Aunt Kenna? I'm on my way out now, thank you for letting me in, inside your basement."

"That's good, it's nothing at all. After we finish our business with that Jonas we'll send him to the hospital, I know you and Naja may not agree to it but he had already paid for what he did. Luckily he'll no longer do what he did, but if he'll do it again then I have no choice but to send him personally to the police."

"I would be lying if I said that it is okay for me, but I trust you, Auntie, please take care of him for us," Sera said almost near the exit.

"Oh, by the way, Sera? There are three gorgeous men outside our gates looking for you. Ahh~ our darling Sera had finally grown up, swiping three men off of their feet! By the way, can you give one of them to my daughter? Those men have such good genes, it would be a waste if my daughter couldn't marry off with one of them!" Aunt Kenna was animatedly speaking to her on the other line, but Sera stilled on her tracks, just like a rock, not even blinking her eyes. The shock was so palpable on her face.

'Did she hear it right? Three men? But what if those men were not the same men she had a 'thing' with last night?'

Sera began to panic, but then stopped again when she remembered Aunt Kenna said that, those men were looking for her. That wouldn't be such a big coincidence, right?

And how the hell did they know that she was there?! Those men could've gone to her house, but no! They went here to Naja's house.

"Auntie are you sure they are looking for me? Not Naja? It's quite impossible for three gorgeous men to just pop out of nowhere looking for me, that's just hilarious!" Sera laughed but the other line was silent.

"Oh~ but they aren't my dear, they have specifically requested SERAPHINA KAGURA VESCARA's audience. That's why I called you to confirm if you knew them so I could let them in." Sera thought for a while and finally, she said yes.

It was better if they converse inside Aunt Kenna's house than outside. She didn't want them to escape, now that they've personally come for her, she'll grab her chances.

Sera immediately went out of the room and slowly walked her way to the house's living room, where she saw a jaw-dropping gorgeous man.

"Holyyyyyy~" it was just a whisper but the three god-like creatures heard her whispered squeal and immediately stood up. Kenna was startled by the sudden movement of the three who were quiet and not moving in their seats.

"My Lady,"


"Mi Reina,"

The three men were looking at her on the second floor of the house, not minding the strange stare Aunt Kenna was throwing at them, and the ' i can't believe expression' on Sera's face.

Sera's brain was still buffering as the three walked their way to where she was. Baffled by what was happening Sera jumped to her feet.

"Don't come near me! Stop right thereeee! It was you! It was you three! What did you do to me? How dare you touch me?" Kenna was confused at what was happening so she excused herself to leave, even though she was ignored by the four.

When Kenna left the room, the man with glasses slightly bowed his head with his right hand on his chest and apologized to her without most sincerity.

"I do apologize, my lady, for not asking for your permission on kissing and pleasuring you. But do believe me that what we did was the only way for you to calm down quickly and safely. My sincerest apologies."

Sera blushed at how hot the man's deep baritone voice was, not to mention his sexy British accent as he spoke.

'Plus when she called her my lady'

"Mademoiselle, please let us face the consequences of our immoral actions if it would please you, Mademoiselle. We would like to take full responsibility."

The man with white hair spoke as he bent on one knee, and bowed his head with his right hand on his chest.

'Shit, why did that French accent sound so alluring?'

Sera was so lost in her thoughts that the three men thought that she was so mad at them so, the man carrying his sword kneeled on both his knees, bowed his head, and then raised his hands which were holding the sword.

"Señora Vescara, if we can't be able to repay our sins by taking full responsibility, please use my sword to execute us."


But Sera didn't move, she just keep on staring at the three. A long moment of silence befell the four until Sera spoke.

"Tell me your names, Mga Gago."