
Sigilborne: The Awakening Chronicles

Its been 120 years since the Sigil has appeared, Human have created hierarchy, powerful humans over weaker ones, Stronger the Richer one gets, This is the Story of our MC gains his sigil unaware of its powers, Join the journey where our MC goes through a remarkable journey and creates his dream into a relity.

ArcusDreader · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Chronicles of Sigil- The Shadow(II)

As Alden struggled to rise, his comrades rushed to his aid, their faces etched with concern and determination.

"Stay with us, Alden!" shouted one of the Freeborn, offering a hand to help him up. "We've got your back!"

Alden grasped the outstretched hand, drawing strength from the solidarity of his comrades. With a defiant glare at his adversary, he rose to his feet, his body still throbbing with pain but his spirit unbroken.

The dark figure sneered, his eyes glittering with malice. "You may have friends, but they won't save you from your fate," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You are but a pawn in a game far larger than you can imagine."

Alden clenched his jaw, his fists tightening at his sides. "I may be just one person," he replied, his voice steady despite the chaos around him, "but together, we are stronger than you could ever hope to be. And we will not let you destroy everything we've fought so hard to build."

With a roar of defiance, Alden launched himself at his adversary, his sword flashing in the dim light as he unleashed a flurry of strikes. His comrades followed suit, their weapons clashing with those of the enemy as they fought tooth and nail to protect their home and their way of life.

The battle raged on, each blow struck and parried with deadly precision. But despite the odds stacked against them, Alden and his comrades refused to yield, their spirits burning bright with the fire of resistance.

And as the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the night, Alden knew that though the road ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, he would face it head-on, with courage and determination, knowing that as long as he stood alongside his comrades, there was nothing they could not overcome.

"We did it," one of the Freeborn exclaimed, a weary smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "We drove them back!"

Alden nodded, his gaze sweeping over the battlefield, his heart swelling with pride at the sight of his comrades standing strong in the face of adversity. "But the fight is far from over," he replied, his voice tinged with determination. "We may have won this battle, but the war rages on. And we will not rest until we've secured a future where justice and freedom reign supreme."

The Freeborn cheered, their voices rising in defiance against the forces of oppression that sought to crush them. With renewed vigor, they set about tending to the wounded and fortifying their defenses, knowing that the enemy would not rest until they had been vanquished once and for all.

As the night wore on and the stars shone down upon them, Alden stood at the forefront of his comrades, his heart heavy with the weight of the challenges that lay ahead. But amidst the darkness and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope burned bright within him, a beacon of light that guided him forward on the path to victory.

For in the crucible of conflict, he knew that true heroes were forged, and that as long as he stood alongside his comrades, there was nothing they could not overcome. And with that thought in mind, Alden vowed to press on, ready to face whatever trials and tribulations awaited him on the road to freedom.



 The shadow End

Well fisrt short ARC is over

ArcusDreadercreators' thoughts