
Aisy's Party - I (Bonus Chap)

[Aisy's POV]

I was there right behind Erio slightly impressed with my necromancy powers. As it appears, my skeleton army can extend the more I use it. Currently the limit just exceeded four, meaning I can control five monsters at once.

Not to mention, how my army receives a slight buff in their strengths as they transform into a skeleton. Therefore, my army of all these deadbulls and orcs was doing a great job in making me get more Exp, faster. Easy hunting, really.

But at one point, when the hunt was getting way too easy, my procrastinating part took over and I started looking for a tree to lean on, but the first tree I stared at, coincidence or not- exploded.

Erio and the Brave both immediately faced back at the tree, in a confused shock - all three of us.

"Can't Silver stay quiet?" Erio commented asserting his belief that it was Silver's job.

Of course, it was Silver... I can't even see him from here but we are talking about him, the overpowered crystal eye guy.

The Brave however, although he was young in age, had quiet the mature behaviour. He said, "I don't think he did this for laughs and giggles." taking a look at us he continued,

"He might have wanted to send us a signal."

Erio was about to say something but kept that thought to himself not entirely disposing the Brave's opinion.

Even I, came to be slightly convinced at his argument. Why else would he randomly try to blast a tree here?

"I think so too, let's return." said I.

Erio stayed silent. He was behaving much weirder than yesterday. Yesterday he was cheerful, more excited than any of us, and talkative. Today he is the opposite, frankly.

"I am moving, Brave come on."

The Brave followed me and Erio stayed in his place.

"Erio come on!" said the Brave as if he was used to calling elders by their name...

But Erio stood in his place, looking down which was was suspicious.

"Erio? Is everything okay?" I asked him.

"You two, go and look for him. I will be staying here." he responded finally.

"Why? If he really is in a trouble, you are the one we need."

"And if he isn't, I will only waste my time."

That angered me, "Erio!" I raised my voice, "He is our teammate, and you are sounding illogical."

"Whatever, I am still not going."

I sent him a death stare being irritated at his mean attitude. What was his problem with Silver all of a sudden? I had no idea.

The Brave clinched his teeth in hatred and murmured silently, "No wonder the Face didn't tell me to serve all the Heroes..."

What was I supposed to say to him? I remained quite and turned, only ordering the Brave, "Come on, Brave,"

We two moved on our way, running as if, to the caravan while Erio went to fight another orc monster.


Within a minute of running, we got to see our caravan back, although there was no sign of Silver.

The Brave ran faster than me and caught up to the caravan in no time. As I was close too, he peered inside the caravan to inform me in fear, "Aisy!! Silver is not here!"

That. Was. Concerning.

Silver might be slightly weird but he wasn't such a moron as to leave this invaluable caravan to roam around in such a place completely full of monsters! Not to mention, with those eyes of him, I bet he could hunt sitting from here as well.

"Go look for him. I will use my skeletons to look too."

Something serious definitely happened.

Erio was acting so mean, Silver disappeared. I wondered if the reason was somehow connected to the meeting with the Face. Shivered I again... The very memory of the Face brings me fear. As the Face said, the more sinful you were, the more scary I shall appear to you.

Sigh, forget that! I told to myself. The Face only explained some new rules to the system like taboos to me. Although he also mentioned of certain prophecies. I don't believe in them. Future can change because future hasn't come yet.

I believed in this quiet the simple logic. Although... If something like destiny is true afterall... No.. I wouldn't fall that low... Not Silver..

"Aisy! Why did you stop there?"

"Oh right." I lifted my one hand up quietly uttering, "Rise,"

Two falcon monsters rised up from the void on ground immediately. I killed them only a few minutes ago and they were already being of use.

The monsters, many of them as I noticed, could communicate within themselves and many couldn't. But all of them, could talk to me and vice versa as I added them to my skeleton army. How did I understand them? It's hard to explain. It's as if our hearts are enjoined to know each other.

The falcons landed on my two shoulders as I commanded them, "Go. Look for a black and messy haired man, who is about the age as me. And pretty cute. Is well-built yet closer to thin than fit." I dumb-labelled myself as I noticed how hilarious my description of him was. The falcons need to not know that much. "Go! And if you don't find him, still look for any other humans nearby!"

As they took of their flight, I, then, went with the Brave.

The Brave unexpectedly was frustrated with the situation. Even sweating, I noticed. "Oh no..." he said. He was afraid.

"Brave, he wouldn't leave us." I tried to calm him

"He wouldn't leave us?"

"No. Have faith in your Hero."

"He wouldn't leave us... No, of course he would..."

"What?" I was confused. "What the hell, why?"

"And I can't tell you why... But I need him... Gosh.. Why did it need to turn out like that. I am sure a bandit group has kidnapped him." he didn't answer me.

"Sprint to Erio, bring him and we have to then reach out to the bandit's base then. We can't lose Silver." I finished, also sweating at that point as my tension was rising in his thought.

Bandits kidnapped him... Yeah that was the only plausible reason. Who knows what type of a bandit defeated his Eye magic. We will just have to defeat them. Zero other option.

We couldn't just lose Silver.

I remember, the first day I saw him, as he woke up the latest from his thone, I somehow already had a hunch that he was about to be special. He had a pretty face, and those two striking eyes... That day, as I found him opening his eyes from the throne, two hands on the two pillars of it. I knew he was the protagonist of this World. That's right, he had that unordinary charisma with him.

The Brave was already out of my sight to reach closer and shout out to Erio to call him back. But sigh!

Minutes later, much more late than I imagined, the Brave finally returned with the gloomiest face.

"Aisy... Aisy... Thank the Lord, you are still here. What will happen now?" he looked so afraid... That it scared me too, he quiet obviously brought a bad news with him.

"What happened?"

He frowned looking down,

"Erio disappeared as well."