
Side Character Transmission: I'm OP

After dying,she was transmitted to a fantasy cultivation world. Her mission is to collect or increase her favoritism points. Along with her OP system,she travel between different worlds and dimensions.

Cuddles_loves_you · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

mission (3)

The child actually grew up to be one of the geniuses that even the most powerful being would be envious. At the age of 5,they discovered that the spiritual energy that produce by her spiritual core is enormously so dense. Also having all the elements in her core,she was regarded as a super duper genius.

Okay let's stop now and go back to the reality *Shi Xia pushes the screen*

"so when are you leaving?" master Yan asked.

"umm... around 3 days master..is there anything you want me to do?or something?" Shi Xia curiously eyed her master. Her master shared the same surname as the original owner of this body. He was originally her cousin but due to his achievements,he was regard as one of the youngest grandmaster in the celestial world.

"no. In fact,i want to give you this" he opened his spatial space and took a beautiful looking ring.

"this?" Shi Xia looked at the ring in her hands. She can feel that the ring produces a spiritual energy.

"that ring contains a good amount of supplies. From food to clothes. I think there's everything in that ring. I just forgot" You Shinyan smiled embarrassly. Shi Xia stared at his master feeling a warmth spreading to her heart.

"master thank you so much!this saves me a lot from shopping!" Shi Xia bowed at her master earnestly. She was really lucky to have this master of hers. Not only he is handsome, he is also kind..or not.

Her master is a cold person but to her,he was warm. He spoiled this little cousin of his till some of his admirers felt like they've drink a mouthful of vinegar. He spoiled her rotten.

"master if thats all,I'll be going now. There's still something i need to do."

"go ahead YueYue"

"bye bye master"she waved her hand and run outside.

You Shinyan stared at Shi Xia retreating silhouette.