
Shura God of War

Slashing the sun and the moon with the palm of the hand, slashing the netherworld with the sword and stepping on the sky, there are trillions of mortals in the world, Asura becomes a god and I am the craziest! The proud son of this day was framed by villains and abandoned by his family. After falling into the mortal world, my talent awakened. I, Chu Feng, vowed to kill the Nine Heavens and take back everything that belongs to me! All beings regard me as a Shura, but they don't know that I use Shura to become a god of war!

HuaXiao · Fantasi Timur
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85 Chs

Chapter 83 Bullying me? no one

"Are you trying to decide between my life and death?" Gong Luyun sneered.

"It's about life and death with you, are you afraid?" Chu Feng asked.

"Afraid? I'll be afraid of you? Haha... It's ridiculous." Gong Luyun laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world, and then said to everyone:

"Today, I have decided on a life-and-death decision with this son. A year later, I will still be here, and we will decide between them. If he can block my three moves, I, Gong Luyun, will kill myself here, and I will never complain."

Gong Luyun's words are domineering and direct, and he is extremely arrogant. It can be seen that he is full of confidence in himself. The most strange thing is that people actually recognize his confidence. It seems that at this moment, people have seen the appearance of Chu Feng's tragic death here a year later. .

What can you do in one year? Not to mention that Chu Feng is still in the Spirit Martial Realm, even if he is already in the Yuan Martial Realm, it is impossible for him to enter the Profound Martial Realm within a year.

What's more, Gong Luyun is now the recognized number one genius of the Azure Dragon Sect, and his strength is likely to increase a lot within this year, so people think that the chance of Chu Feng winning is almost zero.

"However, after a year, if you can't stop my three moves, I will slap you to death, and no one can save you."

Gong Luyun pointed at Chu Feng and left these words viciously, snorted coldly and walked away quickly, and those who came here with him all sneered at Chu Feng before chasing after him.

"Chu Feng, I'm sorry, it's all my fault..." Su Mei came to Chu Feng's side, looked at Chu Feng whose face was covered in blood, and cried again in distress.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury, don't cry."

Chu Feng wiped the tears from Su Mei's cheeks, then turned his eyes to Situ Yu and the others not far away, and said with a smile, "You don't have to be afraid, since we are no longer members of the Yimeng, we have nothing to do, I won't trouble you."

"Chu Feng, we..."

Hearing Chu Feng's words, the expressions of Situyu and the others changed for a while. They really did not dare to approach Chu Feng. They were indeed afraid that Chu Feng would involve them and who would offend the first disciple Gong Luyun.

"Oh, you don't have to look at me so hypocritically. I, Chu Feng, don't owe you, and you don't owe me, Chu Feng. From now on, strangers."

Chu Feng waved at Situyu and the others. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were extremely indifferent. There was no need for such a hypocritical friend by his side.

Seeing Chu Feng like this, Situyu and the others didn't pretend, they gave Chu Feng a meaningful look, and then they each left. Right now, they must clear their relationship with Chu Feng, otherwise, disaster will be imminent.

"This little friend, within a year, how sure are you that you can win that Gong Luyun?" At this moment, Elder Li asked.

"Haha, to be honest with this elder, I don't even have a 100% certainty right now." Chu Feng was also frank.

"What? If you don't have one, you dare to decide between life and death, aren't you cheating on my old man?" Elder Li immediately blew his beard and stared.

"Hey, I thank the elders for helping me just now, but although Chu Feng is not even 10% sure now, he will definitely be 100% sure in a year's time?" Chu Feng said with a smile.

"You kid, where did you get so much confidence?" Elder Li squinted at Chu Feng.

"My self-confidence comes from pressure. After a year, if I don't win, I will die, so I must win." Chu Feng smiled again.

"Hey, young people now." Elder Li didn't say anything, but took out a roll of paper from the Qiankun bag, came to a notice wall in the square, opened the rolls of paper and pasted them on it .

At this moment, many disciples gathered around, because they knew what it was. It was the assessment result of Chu Feng and others, and what they most wanted to know at this moment was what kind of talent Chu Feng was to dare to provoke Gong Luyun like this.

However, when Chu Feng's information was posted on the announcement wall, everyone was dumbfounded, and his talent was unknown. What was the situation? After staying in the core area for so long, this is the first time I have seen someone whose talent is unknown.

"Heh, he failed to activate the test stone, so his talent is naturally unknown." Elder Li explained with a smile, as if he knew everyone's doubts.

"What? Failed to activate the test stone? Doesn't that mean that he is not even a low-level talent, I rely on, pretending to be like this, he is a waste after a long time?"

The people exclaimed in surprise, and looked at Chu Feng with even more contempt. Elder Li did not comment on what the people said. After pasting the twelve rolls of paper, he waved his sleeves and walked into his ancient building. in the palace.

"This old man, it's really not easy."

Chu Feng wanted to thank him again, but seeing that Elder Li refused to even look at him, he did not go, because he knew that Elder Li must have his own plans to save him, but he still did not know the reason.

And no matter how much he said thanks, it was useless, because thanks should not be said with words, but should be done with actual actions. What Chu Feng has to do is to defeat Gong Luyun a year later. Only in this way is the best. Thanks for the way, at least let everyone know that this Elder Li saved him today and did the right thing.

In the voices of countless people, and under the eyes of countless people, Chu Feng took the core disciple token and went to his residence in the core area.

And from the beginning to the end, Su Mei was by her side, ignoring the words of others at all, and just looked at Chu Feng distressedly, which made Chu Feng's heart very warm.

"Chu Feng, it's all my fault, it's hurting you."

"Leave the Azure Dragon Sect, go to my family, my family will protect you, and don't fight with that Gong Luyun." After entering the palace, Su Mei hurriedly said.

"What do you mean? You want me to be a tortoise?" Chu Feng was a little unhappy. Although he knew that Su Mei was doing it for his own good, he was still very uncomfortable.

"You don't know the background of Gong Luyun. His family's power is no worse than that of Qinglongzong. The reason why he came to Qinglongzong to practice is to become the suzerain of Qinglongzong and want to occupy this place."

"Let's not say that you have little chance of winning him after a year. Even if you can win him, you can't kill him, because if you kill him, his family will definitely kill you."

"In short, you have almost no hope of winning this battle. He and his family will not give you this hope." Su Mei said solemnly.

"Oh, if that's the case, I won't just kill him, but his family."

"Su Mei, I know you are doing my best, but I, Chu Feng, have never been afraid of things. Since I dare to make an appointment with him today, I will definitely go to the appointment in the future, even if it is me who will die, I will recognize it. "

"I, Chu Feng, are not afraid of death, I am only afraid of living a lifeless life. Today, Gong Luyun humiliated me like this, and he will humiliate me a hundred times in the future. Otherwise, what's the point of my life? Could it be that I live in this world and let others humiliate me? of?"

"No, I, Chu Feng, are not born to be angry. No matter who the opponent is, they can never try to oppress me. I can endure the humiliation for a while, but I will not endure the humiliation for a lifetime. I will let all those who oppressed me. He paid the price."

"If Gong Luyun dares to oppress me, I will kill him Gong Luyun. If his family dares to oppress me, I will destroy his family. If the whole world dares to oppress me, I will slaughter all the people in the world. Unless I die, the whole world will be destroyed. , no one wants to bully me, Chu Feng!"