
World Of Androids [END]

Yuuta hesitantly let Shingo in his apartment. Shingo looked around like he was expecting something to be there. Yuuta noticed this so decided to question it.

"What were you expecting me to unpack in seconds?" He asked sarcastically. Shingo shook his head as he sat down holding Nanako in his hand.

"Where's your Android?" He asked bluntly. Yuuta flinched at the question not really knowing why. He wasn't good at technology and the price for Androids were so ridiculously high that even if he saved his money for a year he wouldn't even be able to purchase a Mobile Android.

"Hmph, I came from a farm in the middle of nowhere. You think people randomly sold Androids there?" Yuuta questioned acting snarky. "Is your doll gonna sing or what?"

"Oh," Shingo stayed simply but then snapped back into reality. "Oh right! Nanako!" Shingo was really gentle when handling Nanako. He placed her carefully in the ground.

Nanako began to move side to side. "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to Shizukage Building! We hope you'll - We hope you'll - We hope you'll enjoy your stay! That is all, have a good day!"

After Nanako was done she bowed. Shingo rubbed his nose with a smug look but Yuuta was unimpressed. He crossed his arms hoping there was more.

"Well . . ." Shingo waited Yuuta's reaction.

"That was such a crap performance. Leave so I can get ready to go to the bathhouse."


"Ahhh, there's nothing like bottled milk after a hot bath." Yuuta sighed as he finished his bottle of milk. "Is it really weird to not have an Android?" Yuuta asked himself as he walked over to an automatic trashcan. They seem to be eyeing him as soon as he pulled out his bottle of milk.

"Damn it! The piece of plastic is so heavy despite her looks!" Someone yelled creating a lot of noise. Multiple banging sounds came after. Yuuta became curious of the noise. An old man was trying to throw out an Android.

"Um sir," Yuuta called four startling the old man. He immediately dropped the Android who seemed to be asleep. She was absolutely beautiful.

Long ebony hair that reached her legs, her skin was as white as snow. She was petite but her figure was slender. Yuuta couldn't see her eyes but he knew they were beautiful and bright. All she was wearing was a white shirt but Yuuta knew he needed her.

"Sir, why are you trying to throw that Android away?" Yuuta questioned causing the old man to flinch.

"Damn . . . Some angsty teen gotta meddle eh" The old man mumbled to himself. He looked around, sure he was in a secluded area but he couldn't kill Yuuta. "Sakurako fall back, you can't kill him here." He whispered knowing the blonde Traditional Warrior Android was getting in her fighting position. Leaves rustled singling that she had left.

"Huh?" Yuuta asked when he didn't hear a response. The old man turned to face him with a smile.

"Well you see this Android here is defective." He said pointing to the girl on the floor. Yuuta tilted his head with confusion.

'She seems fine to me.'

"I'm just here to throw it out -"

"Can I have her?" Yuuta asked out of the blue.

"What - ?"

"Can I have her?" He repeated staring at the Android. The old man giggled nervously.

'What do we have here . . ."