
Shuangwen heroine she doesn't want to become popular

《爽文女主她不想爆红》 爽文女主她不想爆红 [作者]:大哥喝冰阔落 [类别]:言情 [状态]:连载中 tag: Shuangwen Entertainment sand sculpture system flow variety show heroine wear book modern and modern time travelling love Romance After Shi Zhi diligently completed the 999th fast-passing mission, she could finally choose a world for retirement. Shi Zhi stretched her fingers to put forward the conditions - to be beautiful, to have a good figure, to have money, and to have a lot of money. Then, with the wish of welcoming a better new life, she dressed as the heroine of Shuangwen in the entertainment industry. She is beautiful and has a good figure, but she has no money, notoriety, and heavy debts. Shi Zhi: ? ? ? System: The host boldly rushes forward, rips and stomps, and hurry up. After becoming the top streamer, you can be discovered by the richest butler and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes! Shi Zhi: Where does it need such trouble, she is here to retire. He turned his head and went directly to the rich butler, "Dear, do you think I look like the daughter of your deceased master?" The billionaire property get√. ...The audience discovered that the 18th-tier female artist who was riddled with black material changed Shi Zhi. Become lazy and Buddha. When other female stars wore skirts with the least fabric and shivered in the cold wind and were beautiful and frozen, she walked across the red carpet wrapped in a down jacket like an uncle walking. The other artists' hobbies are either singing or dancing, and the last time is reading. The question is "A Brief History of Time", Shi Zhi, "fishing, playing chess, planting flowers." I especially like flowers, and have money to spend. Shi Zhi's agent felt that this artist did not need to be rescued, and most of them were abandoned. Shi Zhi planned to withdraw from the entertainment circle with her billions of properties, and live a normal life in a big bed of 300 square meters. Then she was on fire. Tens of millions of fans called her, what kind of treasure girl is this, Miss Shi Zhi gave me fire! Going around in circles, after all, she has become the appearance of the heroine of Shuangwen? [The copy was written on 4.18 and screenshots have been taken] The idea: everyone is their own life

Sader_Flores · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
114 Chs

Chapter 31

  When Shi Zhi came in, the staff of "Full Impact" Soul Station did not expect to encounter such a tough stubble.

  Shi Zhi is beautiful and beautiful. She is not only a female artist, but also a female artist with a lot of black material. Just now, even the veteran kings were told by the information they collected that the veins burst out on their hands. Girls themselves are easily vulnerable, and their hearts are vulnerable. The staff at the inn heard that Director Erhuili said to make Shi Zhi cry, but he didn't think it was a difficult task.

  The staff smiled at Shi Zhi and signaled to Shi Zhi.

  "Sit down."

  There is a sofa in the room and a table in front of him, so Shi Zhi and Shi Zhi can sit face to face.

  Shi Zhi thanked him and sat down.

  Staff, "Relax."

  "We are just chatting, would you like something to drink, red wine?"

  There was soft and lyrical music in the room, and the staff even poured red wine for Shi Zhi. Those who didn't know the situation might really thought it was an ordinary chat.

  If only the faces of every artist who left the room weren't so ugly.

  The program team took great pains to pretend to be decent.

  Shi Zhi shook her head to indicate that she did not drink red wine and asked, "Is there any tea?"

  The staff slowly made a question mark, but in order to reduce the vigilance of the guests, they would still be satisfied with such trivial matters, so Shi Zhi held a cup of steaming tea in his hands.

  The staff cleared their throats and spoke differently.

  "A lot of people outside say you are a vase, and today I saw a real person..." There was a special pause.

  Shi Zhi said that she was listening carefully, "Huh?"

  He grinned at Shi Zhi, "It's really a vase."


  While the staff was waiting, Zhi's face changed. He said this to another actress just now, and that actress's reaction was bigger, and her eyes turned red as soon as she came up.

  Whether it's crying or rage, it's what they want to see.

  The camera in the house was aimed at Shi Zhi's face, trying to record all her micro expressions accurately.

  Shi Zhi, "Thank you for complimenting me on how beautiful I am."

  She also felt that this face was too perfect. At least the wish she made at that time came true very well. Shi Zhi sometimes wanted to look at herself for a while when she looked in the mirror.

  The staff had a stiff smile on their face.

  The reaction was completely different from what he expected.


  He said Shizhi vase, Shizhi actually thanked him, what is a good description for a vase!

  He even felt that the next step for Shi Zhi was to thank the country for watching, thank the audience, and thank his parents.

  The most important thing is that he couldn't feel any reluctance at all, Shi Zhi really thought it was a compliment from the bottom of his heart.

  But I'm not complimenting you! Wake up!

  The hair was a little in the way, so Shi Zhi pinned it behind her ear, her skin was fair and delicate, and her face was so bright in the sun, the staff couldn't help but sigh, she was really beautiful.

  Sanity was urgently recalled. He failed in the first round, and the staff was not discouraged. He had other tricks.

  Moving, he said to Shi Zhi, "I watched a TV series you filmed some time ago."

  When he said the name, Zhi Zhi couldn't remember it, after all, she didn't take it, but Shi Zhi still nodded.


  The staff member, "I watched more than 20 episodes, but I couldn't stand it anymore and turned it off because it sucks." He shook his head when he said it sucked, making people want to beat him.

  Attacking each other's works, the staff felt that this time it should be done, right?

  Shi Zhi showed an expression of disapproval.

  "More than twenty episodes?"

  "It doesn't look good, what are you doing for more than 20 episodes? Shouldn't you turn it off as soon as you find it's not good?"

  Although she didn't say that, the staff still saw what she meant from her eyes——

  Is it stupid?

  The staff were choked.

  Yes, it doesn't look good. Why should I watch more than 20 episodes, not all normal people...

  wrong! This is not a problem of normal people. Didn't he want to embarrass Shi Zhi?

  This reaction was something he hadn't even dreamed of, how could Shi Zhi not have the same idea with him at all.

  The successive enlargement moves failed, which caused his confidence to be frustrated, and the questions asked later did not affect Shi Zhi. Shi Zhi also drank a few sips of tea from time to time, and seemed to be leisurely.

  Not only did Shi Zhi not cry, she didn't even have a broken expression.

  Instead, the staff felt exhausted.

  Shi Zhi's psychological quality is also too strong. You must know that these questions are very sharp and are specially selected. When interviewing veterans face so many shelling attacks, they will leak their emotions.

  The staff felt that they might not be able to get anything out of Shi Zhi today, and even planned to find the next "victim", but Shi Zhi seemed to be chatting very speculatively.

  Holding the teacup, she looked at the staff and leaned forward slightly.

  "Aren't we chatting? Why don't we just talk about me, let's talk about you too."

  "How old are you this year? Do you have a girlfriend, get married, or have children? Do you want to have a second child? I bought a house in a few rings."

  "Don't be nervous, just a normal chat, relax, would you like something to drink?"

  Shi Zhi gave the staff a reassuring smile.

  The director of the monitoring room found that Shi Zhi had completely copied what the staff had done to her before.


  The staff didn't realize the danger coming, he just felt that the female star in front of him suddenly resembled the elders in his family, which made him involuntarily start to restrain himself.

  He is not too young. He is married and has a child. He has no plans to have a second child. The first child is almost unaffordable. The child is simply a beast of gold.

  Naturally, the house was not bought, it was rented. Similarly, there was no money.

  Shi Zhi chatted with the staff, "The children have already gone to primary school, they are quite old."

  "Teaching children to learn is not easy."

  These words were said to the staff's heart. He had gradually forgotten what the occasion was, and wiped his face.

  "It's not easy, it should be said that it's too difficult!"

  "Every time I teach a child, I am on the verge of collapse. Why are primary school students' questions so difficult now? This is not at the level of our primary school."

  "And the child can't listen, no matter how many times you say it, you can't yell at him, anyway, it's not... I want to drink something."

  Shi Zhi poured a cup of Erguotou for the staff, and she even found a place to change the music, from lyrical songs to sad songs, which made people feel very desolate when they heard it.

  The staff sighed Erguotou, and went up to the top. He said to Shi Zhi, "I want to cry listening to this music."

  Shi Zhi handed him the tissue.

  It was also in this room, and she was ready to listen.

  Cry, it's okay, there are tissues.

  So I kept doing things just now, gloating to poke at the pain points of the artists, and the staff who were happy watching their painful expressions sobbed.

  Complaining about the difficulty of work, making money, family, children, and social relationships.

  He is really hard.

  The 1.8-meter tall man almost fainted from crying in the room. He was completely engrossed in his emotions. No matter what the director called him, he didn't pay attention, and completely ignored the director's words.

  In the end, Shi Zhi brought the staff out. He stayed in the room and said that it was uncomfortable to look at that room.


  "I have to go in and see."

  Ning Jiachi had no idea what was going on inside. When Shi Zhi entered the so-called spiritual station, he began to fidgeting and kept walking around.

  The more he learned from the artist he had just experienced, the more worried Sister Zhi became.

  They have been in for so long and have not come out.

  Until he heard the crying getting closer, Ning Jiachi couldn't care about anything else. He also promised fans to take good care of Sister Shi, and then it was Sister Shi who took care of him for so long on the show.

  Ning Jiachi wanted to go inside after saying this, but the male singer held him back.

  "Why do I think this doesn't sound like Shi Zhi's cry?"

  This cry, a little man.

  While he was talking, the door was already open, and Shi Zhi came out from inside, walking like an old man for a walk.

  She put her hands in her pockets, her eyes were not red, and her face was not bad. Seeing that Ning Jiachi and his party were staring at her, she said, "What's wrong?"

  Ning Jiachi, "...Sister Shi, you didn't cry?"

  He thought that Shi Zhi was made to cry by the troubled show crew.

  At the same time, Geng Can and the male singer were both lost in thought, who was crying?

  When the answer was revealed, she cried with snot and tears, and the extremely miserable staff showed from behind Shi Zhi.

  Guests: ! ! !


  Shi Zhi was not made to cry by the staff, she made the other party cry?

  One by one, the eyes of Shi Zhi began to change, especially the guests who had not been relieved from the cheap questions asked by the program team before, and they felt a sense of revenge.

  I'm sorry, seeing other people cry should not be gloating, but I can't help it!

  Hahaha, after all, when the other party poked their scars just now, there was no mercy at all.

  I didn't expect Shi Zhi to be so strong at such a young age, and she wanted to shout out to Sister Shi along with Ning Jiachi.


  Because Shi Zhi broke the mentality of the staff of Xinxin Station, he had to change another staff member, and the other staff member was not as eloquent as the previous one.

  The questions were similar, but the way they were asked was softened, which also made the guests behind Shi Zhi feel a lot better.

  The guests in the back looked at Shi Zhi and said: Thank you.

  Without Shizhi making the staff cry, the guests in front are their fate.

  The show was almost finished here, and the director also said that he would invite everyone to a feast. This time, no guest stayed.

  Knock Lima's feast!

  The so-called big meal at noon is still fresh in my memory, who should I answer?

  But Shi Zhi's seafood dinner is really fragrant.

  I don't care about everyone in the program group, and some people have begun to secretly diss "Full Impact" with their friends. The experience is very poor, and people are tossing people. Don't come to participate.

  Shi Zhi is an exception.

  Facing the team that came to meet up, the assistant asked, "Sister Shi, how is the show?"

  Shi Zhi thought for a while, "It's pretty fun."

  "It's just that the props are fake and the quality is not good."

  Shi Zhi still remembered the door that she had taken down without too much effort. It was like touching porcelain, and she still had to take money.

  The props teacher of the program group passed by not far away, and when he heard this remark, he almost vomited blood.


  After recording the new variety show, Shi Zhi returned to the crew to film.

  The filming place is a small film and television city, and there are still a lot of people. Shi Zhi's scene today was relatively smooth, but when it came to the supporting roles, they got stuck. Shi Zhi was bored sitting there, so he simply went out and yoked.

  There was an uncle playing chess over there, and Shi Zhi went over to watch the game with his hands behind his back.

  The uncles were average chess players, but they were quite happy to play. Shi Zhi watched it with relish. She didn't make any movement, but the uncle noticed it.

  After all, there is only one young girl in the group.

  "Can you understand?" The uncle who turned his back to Shi Zhi asked Shi Zhi back.

  Shi Zhi replied, "A little bit."

  "Then what do you think I should do next?"

  "Old Liutou, are you shameless, and you still expect other people's dolls to help you?"

  As soon as the uncle spoke, the uncle on the opposite side began to scold him.

  Uncle Liu was not angry either, he laughed and provoked, "Are you afraid?"

  The other party, "Hey, can I be afraid of you?"

  "Come on, the girl dolls come together, I'm not convinced, I've played all over the film and television city with my chess skills, and I'll tell you..."

  Shi Zhi didn't want to intervene at first, but she could see that Uncle Liu was indeed at a disadvantage, and the uncle on the opposite side was more stable in playing chess.

  But everyone was looking at him, and the uncle on the other side didn't mind. Anyway, Shi Zhi had nothing to do, so he helped Uncle Liu with some tricks.

  Then Uncle Liu won.

  "The little girl really has a hand."

  "There are not many young people who are still willing to play chess."

  The loser was not angry, and everyone handed Shi Zhi a small bench for her to sit down and chat.

  What are you doing standing, sitting?

  Shi Zhi also sat down.

  The uncle is a resident near the film and television city. He has long since retired. His son and daughter are busy with work. If he has nothing to do, he simply goes to the film and television city to play as a group performer. He doesn't expect to earn much money. say.

  "Is it the actor here?"

  The uncles didn't know Shi Zhi, so they naturally regarded Shi Zhi as a group performer.

  Shi Zhi, "Yes."

  "I have acquaintances here. When the uncle introduces you to the job, he looks so handsome, he will definitely be able to succeed!"

  Shi Zhi, "...Okay!" Thank you uncle.

  After chatting and chatting, we chatted, "Is there a target? If there is no target, the uncle will introduce you to one."

  Shi Zhi: This really doesn't exist.

  When it comes to finding a partner, the uncles are not inferior to their own wives in combat effectiveness. They all think that Shi Zhi is beautiful and shrewd. They want to introduce their relatives to Shi Zhi, and they keep asking what conditions Shi Zhi wants to find.

  Shi Zhi really answered in a serious manner.

  "It's not important to be unconditional, the key is to have a good eye."

  The uncles nodded, "Yes."

  The uncles were still very funny, and Shi Zhi had a good time chatting with them.

  Brother Quan and his party were looking for Shi Zhi everywhere, and they heard this as soon as they came over.

  ? ? ?

  Only one dares to ask, the other dares to answer.

  The team has already found them. Shi Zhi guessed that it was her turn to shoot, so she waved goodbye to the uncles. The uncles also asked Shi Zhi to add a WeChat group. The group was filled with nearby uncles and aunts. The young man introduced to Shi Zhi.

  In just half an hour, Shi Zhi has been classified as his own by the uncle.

  Assistant, "Sister Shi, your social skills are too strong." Even the uncle has a common topic.

  "But what's the use of adding a group?" Can Sister Shi integrate into the uncles and aunts in the group?

  It happened that the crew was chatting over there, "I want to buy some fruit, but I don't know which fresh and cheap ones are nearby. I went to a chain fruit store two days ago. It's really expensive..."

  Shi Zhi said, "Let's go to the Western Vegetable Market, it's less than a kilometer from here."

  The production crew didn't expect Shi Zhi to reply to her, and was a little surprised, but still thanked Shi Zhi.

  "Thank you, Sister Shizhi. After that moment is over, I'll go over there and have a look."

  Shi Zhi, "You're welcome."

  What is the use of joining a group? There is always a group of people who know where the freshest fruits and vegetables are and which supermarket is discounting. Your uncle is still your uncle after all.

  After Shi Zhi joined the group, the group started to launch emoticons, colorful [a beautiful day starts in the morning] golden [entering a group, it is a family] and open lotus flowers [dear friend wish you a long smile open].

  When the assistant saw that, Shi Zhi also sent one.

  What she posted was an aunt holding a cup [Cheers to our friendship].

  assistant:? ? ?

  Sister Shi, is your style of painting wrong? It should not be more perfect.


  Before the broadcast of "Full Impact", the program Aite had a group of people. Although many Reuters have exposed it, the release of the list still made passers-by other than fans excited.

  This list is really a bit luxurious.

  However, everyone noticed that Shizhi's Weibo has the most interaction, and even the veteran kings have specially left messages below.

  "Have you seen X Tianwang leave a message to Shi Zhi? Didn't X Tianwang rarely engage in this kind of interpersonal interaction, why did he leave a message to Shi Zhi?"

  "I saw it, and the attitude was great!"

  Black fans, "Shi bitch has infinite charm." It implies that Shi Zhi has hooked up with the Xianwang.

  It was immediately refuted by passers-by and Tianwang fans.

  Tianwang fans, "Brother and sister-in-law have a very good relationship, so you don't have any friends, right?"

  Tian Wang is married and has children, and the children are not too young. The family relationship is very good. Tian Wang is also a famous good husband and father. He can't pretend to be a person for decades. Fans are very reassured about Tian Wang.

  Netizen, "I'm really convinced, there is only that little thing in my mind all day long, hooking up, hooking up, hooking up a fart, I used to say that Shi Zhi hooked up with Chen Baichuan, like a decent, but in the end I only saw Chen Baichuan in the past Minato next to Zhi... Several people have commented on Shi Zhi, she can hook up so many people in one show."

  It's not just the king who left a message, most of the people who participated in the show left a message for Shi Zhi.

  This is worth thinking about.

  When did Shi Zhi's popularity become so good?

  You must know that during that period of time, there were almost no artist friends around her, and it was precisely because of this that there were a lot of remarks about Shi Zhi's bad character.

  Soon it was the turn of the show.


  At the beginning of the show, Ning Jiachi and Shi Zhi contributed a lot of jokes. Ning Jiachi has been cueing Shi Zhi, saying that he should not separate from Shi Zhi.

  Many of you have seen "Our Village", and even if you haven't seen it, you have also glanced at the clips on hot searches, knowing that Shi Zhi has a good relationship with Ning Jiachi, and that Shi Zhi has Ning Jiachi's favor.

  Fans of Ning Jiachi came to popularize science.

  "I met Sister Shi at the airport and asked Sister Shi to take care of Chi Bao. Chi Bao said that this time it was him to take care of Sister Shi, and the child grew up."

  "I feel that Chi Bao will be more reliable this time. If he doesn't need to cook, he can still rely on him."

  Shi Zhi and Ning Jiachi did not separate, everyone entered a secret room, and then the famous scene appeared.

  When everyone was seriously deciphering, Shi Zhi fiddled in front of the door a few times, and then the door was demolished, and the staged rushing out.

  Netizens: ! ! !

  Shi Zhi's dazed little expression brightened with everyone's confused expression, it was funny no matter what.

  "Damn it, hahaha, everyone, don't drink water when you see it here, don't ask me how I know, the screen has been scrapped."

  "Shi Zhi said that she just moved casually, is she really sealed with Erha's soul?"

  "Help, God rushed out of the door, it's so cute, hahaha, I can already feel the despair of the show team through the screen. Others break the secret room by solving problems, and Shi Zhi relies on the secret room to break down the door? Very good, very strong. "

  Ning Jiachi did think of letting Shi Zhi remove the doors directly, but the program crew stopped them with an urgent voice, so that the next secret room could go on smoothly.

  Shi Zhi didn't forget to make compensation after tearing down the door.

  "Shi Zhi still remembers compensation, praise."

  "She has always been like this. Before clarifying her own affairs with other anchors, she wasted a little time and made up for it twice."

  Ning Jiachi said at the airport that he protected Shi Zhi this time, and he did behave in a decent manner at first, and Ning Jiachi's fans also thought that this time he was really supporting him.

  Then there was screaming.

  After it got dark, the whole scene was extremely chaotic. Ning Jiachi went back to get the wig that had been dropped by the male singer and waved it. Under such circumstances, Shi Zhi, who was calm, simply glowed.

  Especially when Shi Zhi had not forgotten about Geng Can, he specifically called out to Geng Can and asked her to follow him, and when he pulled her clothes, it seemed as if a special effect of 2.8 meters had been added.

  "I feel that Shi Zhiren is good."

  "If it was me at this time, I would call Shizhi Dad."

  "Wuwuwu, Canfan thanked Sister Shi. Cancan was really scared. She didn't dare to trouble others, so she kept silent. Thank you Sister Shi."

  "Thank you Sister Shi for bringing Cancan."

  Geng Can's fans are all thanking Shi Zhi. Small artists have no human rights. Although there is no special distinction between them, Geng Can is obviously much more cautious.

  The secret room was very dark when the guests were recording, and they couldn't see everyone's expressions clearly, but the broadcast was also on camera, and everyone's reactions were captured.

  Geng Can was shivering in the corner all the time. Everyone thought she would be ignored all the time, but they didn't expect that there was another Shi Zhi who remembered her.

  The moment the woman in overalls asked Geng Can to hold her clothes, Su almost broke her leg.

  And then swallowed the mountains and rivers with a sigh--


  Let Shi Zhi be confused.

  From a male singer, he also wanted Shi Zhi to lead him, and quickly changed the name of Shi Zhi to sister, Ning Jiachi also lost face and made a sound of begging for lead.

  Ning Jiachi fans: Chi Bao, can you do it?

  Male singer fans: Thank you Shi Zhi!

  Shi Zhi dragged three, and Tuojiadaikou was covered with everyone's slightly trembling hands. She strutted and swept everything.

  The program team also really marked Shi Zhi as safe and reliable.

  You can not believe in yourself, but you can rely on Sister Shi.