
Shredder Boyfriend Scenarios

A who would have thought that a coldhearted man could fall in love again? those who dare to cross his path are intimidated by his stare alone, but fear will soon take over by his presence. are you able to help him learn to love again?

MidnightMoon8888 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

When You See Him at Your Job

Wearing your work uniform, you make your way to the coffee shop. It's not a long walk from where you live, and so you save a ton on gas and you never need to use the subway. It's been a week since you saw the man, Oroku Saki. For some reason, the name alone sparks your curiosity. But everything about that man... Ever since he saved you and the day he walked you home, you couldn't help but think about him.

But what are the odds of seeing him again? Well, unless you happen to be near the building he occupies. And that's another thing you've been thinking about. It's not an office building or even a storage place. It all looked like where a villain's lair would reside. 

All you can really do is wonder. Maybe you'll see him again, maybe you won't. But to be honest, you hope you do.




...Later that Day...




Working full-time as a barista has its perks. One of them is that you get a good employee discount on drinks, food, and pastries. Plus, you have a pretty chill manager. And because you're one of the better employees working there, you get some extra time on your lunch break. 

So now, you sit by the window enjoying your drink and food. It's somewhat busy here, but most of the people have already been served and are sitting down. A few of them are using their laptops while everyone else is on their phones. But you, you just take the time to look out and see the people walking outside. A couple of pigeons flying around. A stray cat. Cars driving. Same old, same old. 

But then, a man in a dark gray business suit enters the coffee shop. Nobody really notices him, but you did. Looking over his way, you see it's the same man you've been thinking about. Oroku Saki.

He isn't wearing the armor or the helmet and the old scars and burns are visible. As he walks towards a certain part of the shop, he sees you. You both just blankly stare at each other for a few seconds as he walks towards the section where customers can pour their coffee from one of the coffee machines. 

His back is now facing you as he takes one of the stacked coffee cups. You can't believe it. The man who saved you is standing right over there. Should you say hi to him? But you feel nervous to walk up to him. 

After making his coffee to his liking, he heads to the register and pays for the coffee. You don't see him now. You think he'll just walk out of here as soon as he pays and that's the end. But it's not. Instead of walking out the door, he takes a sit right in front of you. 


Y/n: Mr. Oroku Saki. H-Hi, I didn't know you come to this coffee shop.


He sees your uniform, thus confirming that you do work here. That's good information for him to know.


Oroku Saki: The Mr part is not necessary. Have any of those "robots" tried to harm you?

Y/n: No. I haven't seen them at all since that day. What are they?

Oroku Saki: That's classified. But I will tell you that you no longer have to worry about them. 

Y/n: (Smiles) T-Thanks, again.


Though his old burns left their marks on his face, he's still handsome regardless. You only manage to look him in the eye for less than a couple of seconds. You swear you can't exactly put a pin on it, but there's just something about this man that makes you... what's the word?... Well, you're definitely curious to know more about him, at least you know that. 

He then gets up, and just before he turns fully turns around, you say this.


Y/n: Hey, it was nice seeing you again. Maybe we'll run into each other again. 


His head turns to you. Now you're looking up at those eyes again. 


Oroku Saki: I'll be seeing you soon Y/n.


Turning around, he walks off and out of the coffee shop. Although you didn't have much of a conversation with him, you're glad you spoke with him again. Now you're really curious about him. 

Well, he did say he'll be seeing you again. He'll probably be a regular here at the shop now. But at the same time, you want to get to know him as more than a regular. You guess only time will tell if he feels the same.