
Shredder Boyfriend Scenarios

A who would have thought that a coldhearted man could fall in love again? those who dare to cross his path are intimidated by his stare alone, but fear will soon take over by his presence. are you able to help him learn to love again?

MidnightMoon8888 · Televisi
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7 Chs

When You See Him Again

A week has gone by since that incident happened. Thankfully, nothing like that has happened again. Even though it's been a week, the man who saved your life has been on your mind, and you hope that you can see him again to thank him.

As you walk to your friend's apartment, you see the same robots walking toward a white van. There are six of them, and they all look the same. Trying to appear human, but you already saw what they are. One of them sees you, and the minute they all see you is when you book it. You're not taking the chance with them.

You run as fast as you can. You don't hear footsteps, but you're not risking it just to look back.

You run until you reach a building and you immediately let yourself in, thinking that it's a business building and there's someone who can help you. But once you shut the door, you run straight down the dark hallway until you open the door and that's when you see something you weren't expecting any building to have.

Most of the floor is basically a huge tank, but you don't see any fish in it. The middle is a pathway to the end of the room. A throne is what you see at the end. You walk towards the throne. No one's here, just you questioning what kind of building is this.

Once you're next to the throne is when you being to wonder if this is a villain's lair or something. You've heard of superheroes and villains, but you never thought you could be in either one's lair. You walk by the large windows to see if the robots are around.

As you're staring out, the window is when someone walks in. He instantly notices you standing by the windows and he walks towards you.

You don't see anything out there, so maybe this is a good time to walk out of here before anyone sees you.


???: What are you doing here?


You jump when you hear the man's voice, causing you to turn around. It's the same man that saved you before. He takes another step towards you and you step back, but that step is your last since your back hits the window.

As you froze in fear at his menacing stare, you felt shivers down your spine. You could feel his eyes staring into your soul.


Y/n: I-I was running away from those robots. I came here for help. I didn't know you lived here.


Without blinking, his eyes continue to lock with yours. Though this man did save your life before, it doesn't mean you don't feel a sense of fear. You don't know what he's thinking right now, but you hope that he knows that you're not lying.

You only see his eyes as the metal helmet covers the rest of his face. However, you can see the dark scars caused by fire on the right side of his face. Those eyes... now staring at you from less than six feet. There's also a discolor in his right eye. What happened to him?

But after he stares at you for a few more seconds, he turns around, his back facing you.


???: Let's go.

Y/n: T-To where?

???: I'll walk you home.


You don't say anything else and you just follow right behind him as he leads the way out of the building. You catch up to his pace, now walking next to him. It gets awkward real quick. You want to ask him so many questions, but you know you can't. Well... you can definitely thank him.


Y/n: Thank you for saving my life. And thanks for walking me home.

???: ... You're welcome.


He doesn't even look at you and just keeps walking. Your eyes naturally shift to the side, not facing him, as you can't think of anything else to say. The moment you do is when his eyes shift to you.

Somehow, you fascinate him. He can't really figure out why exactly he's thinking this way. But for some reason, you just do.

After finally reaching in front of your apartment building, he turns around and begins to walk away, leaving you alone. You don't know if this will be the last time you'll see him, but at least you should know his name.


Y/n: Wait!


The man turns around, but not completely, and he stares at you, waiting for your response as to why you called out to him.


Y/n: Is it okay if I get your name?

Oroku Saki: Oroku Saki.

Y/n: Oroku Saki?... Well, thank you again, Oroku Saki. My name's Y/n.


He just nods his head before turning around and walking away. You feel like you should say something else, but what else is there to say? Turning around, you walk up the stairs and enter the building before going to your apartment.

As you enter your apartment, you let out a sigh of relief. Not because you were completely scared of the man, but at least you got to thank him. Nevertheless, he does spark your curiosity.








The man gets back to his lair, walking to his throne before sitting down as his henchmen bow down to him. Giving them a couple of orders to follow, they then leave, leaving him to be alone in his throne room.

In spite of the late hour, he's used to staying up late since there's always something to do regarding his "underground" business.

He looks at the window, the same window you were looking out of not even an hour before. He doesn't know why the Kraang are bothering you, but he's going to make sure they stay away from you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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