
Golden sunbeams

The scream got stuck in her throat. The ramman sat there wide-legged. His eyes shone faintly in the light of the burning tealights. His snake was hard and throbbing lightly. Sneeringly, he stretched out his forked tongue to Laila and let it glide nimbly through two fingers. Laila was stunned. She felt a painful pressure on her bladder.

The ramman held out a hand to her with long curved claws. "Come on." Laila grabbed her hand and let him pull him onto the couch. She was sure she had to dream. The ram man slipped a claw over his throbbing snake. Laila stared in fascination at the bumps under his skin. "I've got you well again, right?" Laila saved a comment. "Do you know what your new friend is doing right now?"

Laila looked around anxiously. But Dick was nowhere to be seen. The ramman looked at her calmly. "He's shoveling your grave."

"You lie." stammered Laila. "You are not the first."

"You lie." a feeble whisper. "Look at me." Laila wanted to resist the order, but as if under duress she turned her face to him. "Join me."

Laila thought how strange it was that she felt in her dream losing control of her body. The hypnotic gaze of his red eyes caught her. She reached for his muscular shoulders. As Laila swung her leg over him, he brutally penetrated her. A flash exploded in front of Laila's eyes, and suddenly they were no longer sitting on the couch in Dick's hut, but hovering over the forest clearing. Laila looked down.

Dick stood in a hole, whistling merry, shovel after shovel of dark earth over his shoulder. The ram man moved Laila's hips back and forth. She felt the gliding of the balls. "Look." he implored her and pushed her faster back and forth. "Look closely." Laila saw the pots of roses. Next to the fresh hole stood a coffin of glass.

The ram man drew his claws over Laila's breasts. Hot she felt his forked tongue on the delicate tips. He sat down under her. "For whom the hole is shoveled, Snow White?" Again he pushed Laila back and forth on his snake. She could not help but clutching his upper arms as he thrust harder and harder.

He forced her to another orgasm. Another flash in front of Laila's eyes. Back on the floor of Dicks Hut. With a panicked look she saw the naked dick at her side, asleep. The ram man slowly withdrew from her. His head with the mask hovered over her for a moment. "Kill him before he kills you."

The disgusting face vanished.


Laila let the two Italians through the destroyed patio door. The two looked like an inflated version of the Blues Brothers. Black suits, white shirts, black ties and expensive sunglasses. On their heads they wore no hats, but thick, black hair. The younger of the two was tall and broad, his name was Francesco.

The older one was much smaller. It was almost as tall as it was wide, almost reminiscent of Danny de Vito in its compact form. He introduced himself as Tonino and was the spokesman for the two. He made a derogatory remark about the dilettantisch hit disc. Laila shrugged. "The hut should be torched anyway."

The two Italians effortlessly tucked Summersby under his arm and threw him into the back of the van. "Ah, arson, Francesco's specialty." He pat on the shoulder of the Rocky Balboa blend paternally. "Is there a heating system in the basement?" Again, Laila had to endure an Italian cursing gun when she could not answer the question. The two wanted to go down and take the situation itself. Before that, Laila asked for a cigarette. As she leaned against the van smoking, she thought grimly about the two snooty Italians.

They gave the tough mafiosi and made no secret that women were more likely to belong behind the cooking pot. Should they think their part? The battlefield in the basement would not upset them, she guessed. Laila smoked her cigarette and disappeared into Summersby's kitchen. She picked up the leather folder and went back to the van. After two more cigarettes, the two Italians appeared.

"What the hell is that down there?" Tonino wanted to know. The two were deathly pale. Laila held out the folder in silence. The two leafed through Summersby's life's work and crossed themselves. The elder held out the folder to Laila and looked at her reverently. "You have made the pig harmless?" Laila nodded. Violently he pulled her into his arms and kissed her moist right and left on the cheeks.

Silently, he patted her on the back. They squeezed in threes in the driver's cab. After about 100 meters, he held a black box with a silver lever in front of her nose. Sam pushed the lever forward. Behind them came a loud explosion. Rocky Balboa steered the van swiftly towards the city. "You need widow clothes." Tonino studied her. "Gucci or Prada?" Laila looked at him. "No matter, the main thing is black." "Gucci," he repeated grimly.

Laila was elegantly decorated and sold in a small Italian bistro. Tonino looked at the clock. "We'll be back in two hours." He threw her a pack of cigarettes. "I've selected a delicious Italian menu for you, so you're busy for a while."

Laila stayed behind and fought bravely through pasta, carpaccio and saltimbocca. She was sipping a first-class latte macchiato when a black Maserati stopped in front of the bistro. Francesco held the back door open for her. They reached Rome in three quarters of an hour. After two more hours, Laila was on the plane.

The huge black hat with the veil had stowed a friendly stewardess in the hand luggage compartment. In general, they were extremely attentive to the mourning widow. Laila looked out of the window and looked at the sun-drenched clouds.

"Showtime" - soon.


The morning dawned and Laila rose softly. Dick was still sound asleep. Carefully, she closed the door behind her and ran into the woods. Frantically, she searched for the spot where she had turned off the path and ran through the thicket to the clearing. Laila found the spot and was grateful that she had struck a path with her boots in the stinging nettles and ferns. Naked as she was, it would have become even more painful for her than it already was.

Her legs burned where the stinging nettles touched her skin. After agonizing minutes she reached the clearing. Golden sunbeams illuminated the square and made it shine in a supernatural light. Reluctantly, she entered the strange square and approached the planters. Many tiny flies strayed in the air. Her gossamer wings shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow.

Laila heard the singing of the birds and the chirping of the crickets. Only the light gray stone tubs with the bright blooming roses seemed somehow out of place. At close range she realized that they were artificial flowers. The buckets were not filled with earth, but with artificial moss and were surprisingly easy to push aside.