
All Alone

~You are beautiful no matter what they say, words can't bring me down~

Looking at the mirror, staring at her own face. Eyes that are full of emotions, full of sorrow. She thought, "It's really true that the mirror doesn't lie it really shows who you are. I really am an ugly creature just like what they all say."

"Such an ugly girl!" "You UGLY DUCKLING!!"

"Go to hell ugly girl!" " You don't belong here!"

Words. Harsh harsh words. That's what they're calling me in school. The accident changed everything. Before my life was so damn perfect but now my life is ruined.

~Hey...Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful lady~

And the person I knew who will protect me turned away from me because of my face.

"Jeric, please don't do this to me, don't leave me."

"I'm sorry I can't, I can't live with you."


However, it doesn't end that way...

"Hays!!" and she looked away from the mirror. Ika expressed a deep sigh and get her jacket and decided to go to the park to relax. She thought she will have her peace of mind but unfortunately, it's far from happening as she sees the three bitches coming her way. The same people she thought were her true friends.

"Oh look who's here????", said Lenny with an exaggerated expression. Ika just rolled her eyes secretly because of what she had heard.

"The one and only ugly duckling."-Jaine.

'Now they're here again to remind me how fucked up my life is. Thanks to them.'

'There's no Jeric who will protect me.' she thought. All she can do is to close her eyes and accept their hurtful words.

"Hey!! What are you doing to the lady?!" To her surprise, she opened her eyes and saw a handsome man going their way and three girls immediately walked away from them but before they escaped they rolled their eyes at her and told her she's a bitch.

"Miss, are you okay?" asked the guy when he came near her.

"Uhh, I am, thanks", bowing her head afraid he might see her face and got scared.

Because of curiosity to see Ika's face, Lucas lifted her face using his two hands holding both of her cheeks. Ika went still and stared at the handsome guy who saved her from the bitches. The man was surprised to see Ika's face so he let go of her face unconsciously and step back. Because of the move, he made Ika turned her back on him and run away, thinking how scary she must have looked like to him. She was flabbergasted when Lucas chased her.