
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 7 - Another Lecture Day......Great.....

"Hey, dad! Wake up!"

I groan as I open my tired eyes before blinking to see Veemon staring and smiling at me. I stare at me before pulling him into a hug while staying on the bed.

"Dad!! Let go!!"

"Nope. You need your daily dose of cuddle." I said while cuddling as he giggled while pretending to struggle to get out of my hug. I know he's pretending since he didn't even bother to use any of his strength, especially since the attack stats written on the digivice is 107, which is quite high for someone who just hatched.

And not to mention, he end up hugging me back. Yeah, this adorable blue menace is here.

It was a complete surprise to see my son just hatch without any warning. But, when I check again, I finally found out why. The data my Digi-Vice absorbs acts like a loading bar, like some virtual pet game. If I get to kill more wild Digimons, I can absorb the data and hatch more eggs.

As for Dorulumon, Ballistamon, and Starmon, it turns out Bagramon's data was absorbed prior to my return to human world. And the amount of data I absorb were enough to speed all of Pickmons' hatching time to an hour or two. What is this? A weird RPG game mix in with virtual pets and shits?

"Hey, dad?" I look at Veemon giving me a curious look. "Did you have class today?"

"...Oh sh-crud!" I gently put down Veemon before rushing into the bathroom to take a shower and change my outfits. I walks out of the bathroom, grab a bread, and runs off with the bag.

It took me a while but I just realize that my bag is heavier. Ah, well, probably my imaginations.


"Should we stop him earlier?"

"I doubt we even can. Also, it's his fault for not setting the alarm."


I sigh as I arrived at the lecture room on time. I went to sit on one of the seats and place my bag on the ground

"Oomph!" I paused before looking at my bag. Wait, why is my bag looks like it was stuffed with something!? I unzip the bag as Veemon popped his head out, gasping for air.

"Veemon!?" I hissed silently as Veemon looks at me wity a sheepish look. "Oh, don't give me that look, young man. What are you doing here!?"

"I want to see how the lecture in human world are. Is it different to Agumon-hakase's?" I sigh before rubbing my forehead. Veemon looks like a kid being scolded. "I-I'm sorry....."

"....next time, talk to me, okay?" I said before pulling out my digi-vice and let Veemon get in. As I put it away, I blink to see a girl stood next to me, drops her notebook while making a disbelief expression.

"....I think I overdid with staying up all night." She mutter before grabbing her book and walking away. I can't help but in complete disbelief, despite being glad. How did she come up with such conclusion!?

Nevermind, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I notices the lecturer has enter the class, as she place down a book with thick pages. I can't help but sweatdrop at the huge book.

"Wow, I never seen such large book!" I stiffen at Veemon's voice, getting everyone's attention. I sweat nervously as I hide my Digi-Vice from everyone.

"...anyways...." I mentally sigh in relief as everyone ignores the sudden loud voice. I look down at my Digi-Vice and give a silent gesture as Veemon looks down sheepishly.

After those 'close calls', which let's be honest, I'm suppose to get caught from those, we continue to listen the lectures she gave us. Professor Tamao, the current lecturer who teach us Finance, actually gives her lectures very clear, something I'm grateful.

After the class is over, I puts my book into the bag as everyone starts leaving. I notices Professor Tamao actually approach me.

"Hello, Prof." I said as I place my bag around my shoulder.

"Hello, Otokita." She said before giving me a concerned look. "I hope you're able to keep up with my lectures."

"I actually did." I said with a smile.

"I hope you do. You have a tendency to not ask questions despite not understanding them." I sweatdrop while laughing sheepishly.

"I can understand it better now, promise." I said while waving my hands.

"That's good." She then look at me again. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" I was confused by her question.

"I heard from Professor Daiki that you've been distracted and that bags under your eyes is very visible." I can't help but winced.

"Y-yeah, I accidentally stay up all night while doing an assignment." I said while rubbing my head as she sigh.

"Please take care of yourself more." I simply nodded as she left the class. I simply stood there as Veemon suddenly popped out of the Digi-Vice and sits on my shoulder.

"She seems care about you, dad." I look at Veemon before rubbing his cheeks.

"Well, she's my academic advisors. I don't know much what they did since most students refuse to talk about them, but she took her job seriously, constantly asking questions about my situations and giving advices so I can deal with it. She's one of the reason I still find this place bearable." I said as Veemon simply nodded.

"Like Agumon-Hakase!" Veemon stated as I chuckles.

"Yeah, like Agumon-Hakase...." I said before looking at the ground, worried about that silly professor. "I hope he's okay...."

"I know he will, dad!" Veemon said enthusiatically. I can only smile at him before hugging him. I let him go as he enters the Digi-Vice before leaving the class. I turn to notices the similar girl from before stood behind the wall while reading a book.

...great, my paranoia is acting up like crazy. I hope that she didn't listen because if something happens to my family, I'll never forgive myself.

...now I can't help but wonder how are my family is doing right now. Ah, I bet they're being oblivious right now. I doubt they're worried about me, given how much of a failure I was to their eyes.

I walk back to my dorm room and open the door, seeing the complete mess these fuckers create from all the chinese foods I bought for them. As for the fuckers, they're sleeping soundly on the ground and the bed with the nose bubble and round belly.

"....." I stare at the room with a twitching eye before closing the door and take a deep breath. "CLEAN UP, YOU LAZY BONES!!"

I watch in satisfaction as they jumped out of shock and panicked. To make the scene funnier, they actually did what I ask them to do before collapse on the floor.

"S-Shoutmon!" I glare at them while crossing my arms.

"I know we all gone through life and death situations together, and everything we did together, but at least have a standard!" I said as they all look guilty. I simply sigh before putting my bag on the wall hanger before sitting on my bed.

"So...." I said calmly, getting their attention. "If I recall, you all promise to keep an eye on my son whenever I was away, right?"

I clench my fist as they start sweating bullets. I ain't letting them get away from this, no way...

To be continued