
Entering a High-Level Dungeon

Dianella had just finished cleaning her apartment when she got a video call from Keith. She sat on the sofa in her room, answering the video call on her laptop. It turned out that Rolf, her second brother, also joined the call.

People gossiped the Smith family had a conflict since Rolf became a member of the Golden Wattle guild. Of course, it was all a rumor because they were on a video call today. The video call would never have taken place if they were in conflict.

"How is your new place going? You must be in trouble because there's no housekeeper." Rolf was the first to start the conversation. His dark hazel irises revealed a pitying expression.

Despite this, Dianella responded nonchalantly. "I'm not like you, who always requires the help of a servant. Aren't you busy taking care of the hunters in your guild?"

"Yes, my workload will increase from now on. My team ran into some difficulties. They failed to get to the core of Karm the Undead."