
Short Muses

Short stories of blending lives with mingling singles. Living in every dark corner of the city where no one is there to watch or to witness but needs to be happened and always will do. No one can stop or hold those moments where passed nor anyone can see the fourth coming but can endure to withhold the upcoming shores of love, lust, innocence, mysterious misfortunes or exceptional redemptions. Note: fictional, please read without comparison with your lover or ex or beloved or someone you think you know more than him or her. Please read with open mind. Trying to be the lost descendant of Shakespeare when English just a language to speak to convey our feelings not a barrier with subtle rules.

Shivering_water · Fantasi
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41 Chs

Soundless night

It's been twenty years after that night when I last heard her voice on the telephone. I don't know why my ears wants to hear that voice again. I was her only friend back then I first met her on kindergarten class. Back we didn't realise that we are not same. We made each best friend without knowing we are boy and girl. But it was too late for us to understand then. We were already done everything together. Later on, she started to feel shy before me after falling in love with my best friend. We chose separate path back then me and my two best friends because I never thought of being a wall between the room. Jack and Katie, got married and wished them long life then moved out to my new life. I am Maxwell, live in a penthouse of my own, CEO of brown group of companies. Today is her birthday, she never knew that it was me not Jack who texted her every day, sent birthday gifts and tried to make her life easier.