

A police officer stop at a farm in Clarendon, Jamaica, and talked to an old farmer.

He said to the farmer, " We are conducting a raid on your farm, we want to see if you have guns or drugs."

The farmer replied with acceptance, " Okay, but don't go into the field over there." The farmer said as he point at a location.

The police officer verbally exploded and said, " I will tell you this, I have the authority of the Jamaican government!" reaching into his pocket, the arrogant police officer removed his badge and proudly display it to the farmer, "see this badge?! this badge means I can go anywhere I want.... On any land! No question asked, no answer given! you understand old boy?"

The farmer kindly nodded, apologized, and went about his chores.

Moments later, the farmer heared a loud scream, he looked up and saw the police officer running for his life, he was being chased by the farmers big bison bull. With every step, the bull was gaining ground on the officer, and it looked like he would be ground before he reach safety.

The officer was clearly terrifed. The old farmer threw down his machete, ran as fast as he could to the fence and yell at the top of his lungs.


This one of my favorite ones.

I HOPE I mad your day!

Soul_Rivercreators' thoughts