
「 Blueberry Meringue Pie, Vagues de l'ocean 」

"Tarte Meringue, Vagues de l'ocean." Akira said as he stretching his hands.

The dish served by Akira is a Pie with meringue that looks like a waves of the ocean above it, therefore, Akira names the dish Vagues de l'ocean, which literally means Ocean Waves in france.


Everyone is speechless when they see Akira's dish. Its just too beautiful. The meringue, a light char, and the layers of the pie.

"This... What in the atlantis is this dish... That meringue looks absolutely stunning. Its a 10/10 just by the appearance itself." Kazune said as she took the fork on the table and cut a piece of Akira's Meringue Pie.

"Also, what do you do to create a dark and light blue colored meringue like this, and not purple? We all know that even though it's called Blueberry, the pigment from the fruit itself isn't pure blue, but purple," Rui asked as she looking at the beautiful Meringue on top of Akira's pie.

"Have you heard of Butterfly Pea Flower?" Akira asked with a mysterious smile.

"Ah!!!" When Akira said that, it ringing a bell in Rui's mind. She seems to know what is that.

" What I use to create this color in the Meringue is Butterfly Pea Flower. and to make this dark and light blue gradations, i'm using the mixture of Butterfly Pea and Blueberry sauce, while the light blue is made of pure Butterfly Pea liquid. Then i create these white bubbles kinda thing using a refined sugar which I painted at the end using a Fan Brush. "

Akira explained in more detail about how he could make the "sea waves" on his dish.

Rentaro who heard Akira mentioning about Fan brush, raised his eyebrows.

"Fan Brush? Isn't that for painting, why would you use that in cooking when you can just sprinkle it on top of the meringue."

Akira shrugged as he smiled at Rentaro.

"I like perfection, Is there a problem with that?"

"Well, no..." Rentaro said, well he can't argue with that. Then everyone looked back at Akira's dishes and they all thought the same thing.

' it's a shame if it's just eaten like that !!! ' They thought.

Seeing that everyone was still gasping, and no one dare to touch his dish. Akira sighed before he opened his mouth.

"Well, no matter how beautiful it looks, if it taste bad, its a bad dish. Eat it!" He command, while looking at them crossing his hand in front of his chest.

They agreed, what Akira said is indeed true. The most important thing is how it taste.

" Well, let's see how it taste like. " Kazune muttered.

Then, five of them immediately took a piece of the pie with fork before slowly put it into their mouths. And right after the soft texture of Akira's Pie touched their tongue, their mind flipped into 4th dimension.

"""""HAH ???? Where is this!!!""""" They yelled in unison as their surroundings suddenly turns into an ocean view. No, they are in a boat, in the middle of ocean, swaying. Chills and silent atmosphere suddenly changed when a gigantic wave, a Tsunami violently struck them.

* NAMI !!! *

The five of them yelled in pleasure, blown away by the strong sweet, sour, and creaminess of Akira's pie. Its went a completely direction than Kumai's dish whose made to be as light and refreshing as possible.

'This flavour, the blueberry sauce is so strong, its like getting strucked by a giant Tsunami. Full of flavour.'

After they regain their senses, their face reddened.

"Ahhhh~, Sweet, sour, a little bit of bitterness, and even savory, it blends perfectly into one extraordinary pack of flavour." Kazune said while holding his cheek, even her hands trembled just because of that very small bit of Akira's dish.

Rentaro just recovered from that berry punch, looking at Akira's dish with a serious face.

"The pie is creamy, soft but still have that amazing texture in it. And the crust is just simply perfection. Initially, i thought this dish will be too sweet because of the refined sugar on to of the meringue, but i was wrong. While the sweetness is rich, its not too sweet... Arghhhh! I couldn't explain it with words! "

Rentaro said, the sweetness in this dish itself is too complex. It cannot be reached just by reducing the amount of sugar. There is something in this dish that create this sweetness.

'No, this dish is not that simple, did he use something else other than sugar as the sweetener, is it honey? 'Rentaro thought, he then revealed his thoughts.

"So that's how you do it, did you use honey?" Rentaro said.

Akira then nodded slightly.

"Correct! I use honey in my pie." Akira said.

But Rentaro is still confused as hell.

"No, its not just a regular honey isn't it? I know that cause i just feel like the regular honey doesn't taste like this at all." Rentaro.

" Your tongue is surprisingly pretty good, huh. You can even taste that slight different. Unexpected from someone like you." Akira said, it makes Mea chuckled and Rentaro just narrowed his eyes,

" What did you just say!?"

Akira just ignored him.

" That's true, I use white honey, well its actually known as kiawe honey in hawaii." Akira said as he took a jar that contained a white slightly cream thick liquid.

"I always bring this honey everywhere i go, because it has that unique, delicate tropical sweetness that you wouldn't get from any other honey, it is very flexible to use since it doesn't disturb the taste of the main dish. That's the star igredients of this pie." Akira said.

They want to ask how he get such a thing but the temptation of Akira's pie is even bigger than that. They literally devoured every single bit of Akira's meringue pie.

"This sour taste... Hmmm, so you also put slices of Blueberry into the pie."

Akira just nodded at Mea words, he then said.

"I use cinnamon and little bit white wine vinegar in the pie. And then make 2 layers of blueberry sauce between the batter dough. And finallt I mix the finely chopped blueberries into the Pie dough." Akira said as he grinned, Kumai who heard that widened his eyes.

"That!!! The same idea with me???" Kumai exclaimed as he think that Akira just stole his idea.

"Well, that doesn't change the fact that my dish is better than you." Akira said with a cocky smile on his face.

Hearing that, blue vein popped on Kumai's forehead, he then exclaimed.

"Your food is much better than mine? Don't fucking with me, transfer student! " Kumai yelled, he then turned around and looked at Kazune, Rui, Mea, and Rentaro.

"Oi, all of you, why are you just silent, said something to shut this cocky bastard mouth!" Kumai said while pointing at Akira, but there is no answer came from the four of them, their eyes darkened. Not even a single bit of Akira's dish remained on the plate, devoured completely.

Seeing that, Kumai also became a little lethargic.

"Oi, four of you! Said something!" Kumai said, again there is no answer.

Akira the break the silence as he looking at the four, i mean three judges.

"Just announce it already, the winner of this Shokugeki. I want to take a bath." Akira said, mocking Kumai.

Then Kazune, Rui, and Mea, raised their hands and pointed at Akira, which made Kumai's eyes widened, while Akira smiled even wider.

"Of course," Akira said as he took off his black headband.

After that, the atmosphere became a little quiet, the three judges still lowered their heads, while Rentaro just looked away. Even if they are Kumai's friend and would probably on his side. But Akira's dish is two levels above that.

That Blueberry Meringue Pie is absolutely demolish Kumai's Mille Feuille.

After he took of his band, Akira changed his expression.

" So now i'm officially the resident of this dormitory, right?" Akira asked with an indegenous smile, contrast with his cocky attitude just now.

'Where is that cocky bastard go? ' Everyone thought.

Kazune then took a key from her pocket, and handed it to Akira.

"This is the key for the room no 222, that is your room from now on, the dinner start at 8, remember that." Kazune said to Akira who received the key with a bright smile, then thanked her.

"Thank you, Kazune-san." Akira said before he turned around and started walking while humming.

"* whistle * Bath~ Hmmmmm~"

After Akira left the kitchen who still remain silence, Kazune who saw Kumai kneeling on the floor, still couldn't believe that he just got clapped by first year student then came and patted his shoulder.

"Take it easy, Kumai, this is just an unofficial Shokugeki, we won't mention it and it seems that the transfer student is not that type of person to do that either. " Kazune said, trying to cheer Kumai up.

"I couldn't care less about that, it's just how can i lose to first-year students, who haven't even been in this school for a day. Am i really not that good!?" Kumai murmured, but Kazune patted him again and said.

"I don't think you lose because your dish isn't good. That is one of the best dessert i've ever taste for sure, but thaf Blueberry Meringue Pie... I mean! The thing is, there is nothing you can do about this result other than train harder to reach into that level. You feel me? '" Hearing that from Kazune, Kumai just nodded. Its cheered him up a little bit.

While Kazune just looking at the door where Akira left esrlier.

' Hyoujou Akira, huh.... How terrifying. '

Here you go! Thanks for all the support guys!

GrandCastercreators' thoughts