
Shoked lovers

This story is about Ella's bully Nathan falling in love but he foces himself on her before she gets a chance to know how she really fills

Ell_Dawn · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

"Stop, Don't Stop"

I wake up to someone gently rubbing my belly "Good morning kitty" I hear someone say in my ear gently, It sends shivers down my spine "Nathan?" He kisses my ear "Who else would it be kitty~?" I look at him, why do I fill safe right now, I start to sit up brushing off the filling but I cant because my arms and legs are tied to the bed posts "Nathan untie me" he rubs my belly a bit softer "No." I shake my head "Nathan please." He gets on top of me "I said no" I try to move more and try to get free "Im not going to do anything but, you are" I shake my head "No no no my answer is no!" He kisses my lips gently "Its ok like I said before youll be alright" I start to cry not wanting to do this "Please" He unties one of my hands and puts it near my pussy "Rub." He uses my index finger to rub my clit gently "I-I don't want to" I jerk my hand away from him, he sighs "Punishment then" He looks at me "No cumming." I shake my head "You choose, Make yourself fill torture or ill torture you." I close my eyes "Im not doing it" He sighs "You are very complicated" He unties me carefully "I-I thought-" He cuts me off "You wont listen I won't give you what you crave. here are the rules, 1. No masterbating 2. No flirting 3. Once you get home from anywhere you come straight up here and sit on this bed. 4. you cant talk to any body unless I say. and-" I cut him off "YOUR NOT MY MUM!" I start to get up but he grabs my wrist "You obay me" I glare "Why is even no masturbating a rule! I won't even do it!" He slightly laughs "You want to do stuff you cant" I fold my arms "Your not fair" He grins "Yes, Yes Im very fair" "Just shut up ugh" I roll my eyes "Don't tell me what to do and don't roll your eyes at me!" "OR ELSE WHAT HUH?!" He pulls me to lay down quickly his figere slowly teasing my clit and my hole leaving me to moan quietly "Ah~ n-Nathan stop." He moves his finger on my clit faster and faster, my body about to cum...Then he stops "Wha-" He grabs my chin to make me face him "Every time you misbehave I will get your body so heated and about to cum then Ill stop." He gets up and walks out leaving me hating my life "Why me" I mumble to my self but I start to get up and I put one of his T-shirts on and a pair of my undies and I head down stairs "Ella?" Nathan walks to the end of the stairs and I see two people standing next to him, I cant tell who they are, I look at Nathan in a concerned like way look "Ella, this is my mother and father" I start to dart up stairs back up to his room he starts chasing me "Wait Ella stop" Before I could slam his door shut all the way and lock it he stops the door from shutting and quickly try to get under his bed but he grabs my ankle "Ella, knock it off!" I try to kick my ankle free but he pulls me out and puts me on his lap and hugs me tightly "Calm down, Look at my floor your heart rate and breathing are to fast" I put my hand on my chest. jeez he's right!, after five minutes of me sitting on his lap and me trying to calm my breathing down he kisses my for head "Your breathing is calm, like I was saying the male and female down stairs are my mother and father I didnt think they would be coming over but they did, let's get you dressed and you can meet them ok?" I nod my head gently in agreement "Alrightly!" He lifts me up and sets me on his bed "How about a cute white dress with blue flowers?" "Y-ya that sounds cute" He hands me a short-ish dress with flowers on it and he puts it on me "ok lets go down stairs" He starts to head out of his room and I stay still looking at the floor "What's wrong?" he asks me "The dress is to short" He hands me some tights "Sorry." We get down stairs and Its time to meet his parents, Im doomed