
Shisui Uchiha

This is a story where Shisui Uchiha didn't die. A fanfic that starts the moment Itachi wiped out the Uchiha Clan. Shisui was believed to be dead but he wakes up, not only with both his eyes still with him but it felt like he had crossed into a plane where he did die. And with his alternate self dead, Shisui's journey to find redemption for his best friend begins. Of course, this will contain some R-Rated scenes in regards to smut, gore, and violence. This story will vary greatly from the original, it won't be a copy and paste. [All rights and credits to Kishimoto for the show, Naruto.]

Kelvin_A · Komik
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6 Chs

Shisui's Unlikely Encounter

Shisui left the tavern and explored the village further, he couldn't believe that there existed a village without shinobi and what were the chances that he stumbled upon it with no effort?

"So Itachi really did it…" Shisui thought; he was in disbelief that his best friend was capable of such a thing but he understood that if Itachi went that far then maybe that was the only option he had.

"Hey, you! What do you think you're doing!" A voice called out behind Shisui, Shisui was so lost in thought that he had lost sense of his environment.

Shisui jerked his head back to see a white-haired young boy with a large scar across his forehead.

He dresses casually, if Shisui could guess his age he would put it at sixteen.

"Do I know you?" Shisui questioned with a raised brow.

"You fucking wish! What do you think you're doing, sneaking around?! I know your type! You want to steal something, don't you!?" The young boy barked.

Shisui had neither the time nor patience for this, he needed to get back to Konohagakure to see just what was happening.

Shisui heaved a loud sigh, the last thing he needed right now was attention and this boy yammering was doing just that but Shisui was curious as to why he was so on guard.

"Can you quiet down? I'm standing right here…" Shisui said with a poker face.

"You fucking bandits are all the same!" The young boy cussed out, he was a bit too aggressive for Shisui's liking but Shisui now understood where he was coming from.

"Bandits?" Shisui repeated after him.

"That's right! Don't you pretend!" The boy barked.

Shisui squinted his eyes, he should have realized that this would be the fate of such a village.

Bandits would prey on them unchecked as they didn't have any protection.

"You're new…" A voice said behind the young boy that was busy screaming.

"I see you have met my younger brother, Haruki…" The lady behind the kid said.

Shisui was surprised by what he saw. This woman was easily 6' 2 and had a figure that could rival that of Tsunade but she had smaller breasts and was more on the muscular side with beautiful white hair like her brother.

"My name is Ayako, what should I call you, stranger?" Ayako said, Haruki kept quiet the moment his sister appeared, pouting would be more accurate.

"Ayako… I go by the name Shi…" Shisui paused, he knew giving away his real name might come back to bite him in the ass so he only gave her the first three letters of his name that coincidentally formed a name.

"Nice to meet you, Shi. Are you lost?" Ayako was showing kindness to a stranger she met on the street because she knew he was new in their town.

There was no way she wouldn't have noticed such a handsome man.

"Here she goes again…" Haruki thought to himself, he knew exactly what his sister was doing.

"I'm afraid I don't have anywhere to stay and I don't think I know where I can spend the night," Shisui said with an awkward smile.

Ayako couldn't believe such a man could exist in this village, she was at the age where her parents were asking her to bring home a husband and she just found a handsome man but she feared that he might be intimidated by her physique so how was she going to show him her feminine nature?

"It is too dangerous to be walking around alone, how about you spend the night at my place and when the day breaks, we find you a nice place to stay?" Ayako proposed and this was exactly what Shisui was looking for because he had no money on him.

If he was going to stay here then maybe he could get food as well seeing as this lady was rather eager to have him. Shisui, however, was a shinobi and knew that this might be a trap.

He was well-equipped to handle it because there was no way he was dropping his guard.

Shisui nodded in agreement as they were off but Haruki didn't like the course of action that his older sister chose to take because what if Shisui was indeed a bandit then she would be bringing him right into their home.


Shisui arrived in a rather medium-sized home, he was surprised by how hospitable the parents were as they treated him with utmost care.

They were all seated around a table, ready to have dinner as Shisui's stomach was rumbling.

"I never thought my Ayako would bring home another man after the last…" An elderly woman blurted out

"Mom!" Ayako called out in a hushed tone before sneaking a glance at Shisui, hoping he didn't hear.

Luckily for her, Shisui was so distracted by the food before him that he paid little to no attention to what they were saying

The father kept quiet, staring at Shisui suspiciously because there was no way such a man would be interested in his hulk-like daughter begging the question, what sorcery did Ayako use to get such a man here?

"Is she a witch?" The father thought to himself.

Dinner went on relatively peacefully and Shisui was guided to a room by Ayako, who slipped into something more revealing. Showing off her muscular thighs and cleavage, she was self-conscious about how she looked but she also knew that she needed to act more feminine if she was going to attract a man.

"That's your room," Ayako said, pointing at the door.

Shisui thanked her by bowing his head as he headed to the door but he noticed that Ayako was still standing in place.

"Do you want something?" Shisui asked and Ayako nodded.

"I will be glad to help, you have helped me a great deal today," Shisui said to which Ayako averted her gaze.

"Can I spend the night in your room?" Ayako requested shyly.

"Wait… What!?"