
Joining Luffy

"Darling, wake up!" Erza

"Let me sleep for a bit more!" Fuhaku replied

"We have to leave today!" Erza

"Right, I almost forgot about that!" Fuhaku woke up instantly


At the meeting room.

"I and Erza are leaving for some time so, take care of everything till then" Fuhaku

"Since, we have already recovered all the tailed beasts, there's no need to worry about them" Fuhaku

"Obito, passed the four, five and six tailed beasts to me" Fuhaku

"First, you will be the head of the guild until I return" Fuhaku

"Good" Hashirama

"But, be careful of Orochimaru and rest of the Akatsuki members" Fuhaku said seriously

"Don't worry about the small things" Hashirama laughed

"Kamui" Fuhaku and Erza disappeared


"System, use the void shattering talisman" Fuhaku

The space in front of Fuhaku and Erza distorted and both of them entered it.


"Where are we?" Erza checked her surroundings but there only water in front of her

"It seems we are on an island" Fuhaku said

"Ohh, there's a small boat in the sea" Fuhaku

"Let's go and join them" Fuhaku

Both of them walked on water and moved towards the boat.

"Is that Luffy?" Fuhaku thought



"Luffy, two people are coming near us" Sanji said while looking at Fuhaku and Erza

"What they are walking on water?!!!!" Sanji


"Hey, can you help us get to a nearby town?" Fuhaku

"Get on!" Luffy

Sanji kneeled in front of Erza.

"What's your name beautiful lady?" Sanji

"I am already engaged" Erza replied coldly

"What?!!!" Sanji

"Yes, she is already engaged to me" Fuhaku said while hugging Erza from behind

"Such a pitiful day for me" Sanji said with sadness on his face

"But, there's still Nami-chan" Sanji

He became happy again.

"What's your name?" Sanji

"I am Fuhaku and she is Erza" Fuhaku

"Sanji, I am hungry so make the food fast!" Luffy said while lying on the boat

"I need a big piece of meat" Luffy

"Before, I saw Nami looking at the price of Arlong's head" Johnny

"Arlong?" Sanji

"Yes he is the most dangerous pirate of the east blue" Johnny

"Let me tell you about the grandline first" Johnny

"There are four super powers in the grandline" Johnny

"The shichubukai, yonko, marine and revolutionary army" Johnny

"Arlong was the member of the crew of one of the shichubukai, Jinbei" Johnny

Luffy and Sanji weren't listening to Johnny at all.

"Hey, are you two even listening?!!" Johnny

"Arlong, heh" Fuhaku

"I am going to cook" Sanji

"Luffy are you a pirate?" Fuhaku

"Yes" Luffy smiled

"Can we join your crew?" Fuhaku

"What can the both of you do?" Luffy

"We have the strength equal to that of a vice admiral" Fuhaku

"Vice admiral?!!!" Johnny

"Good, both of you can join!" Luffy

"Are you sure joining a pirate crew?" Erza asked

"They are different than the other pirates" Fuhaku smiled

"If you say so" Erza


"The food is ready"Sanji

"The food looks delicious"Luffy

Sanji went to the corner of the boat.

"There's a big thing under the boat"Sanji

The animal came out of water.

"Amazing, a swimming cow!" Luffy

"We can show our strength on that cow" Fuhaku smiled

"Good, show us what you have got" Sanji

"Water style water wave jutsu" Fuhaku, a big water wave swept away the huge cow

"Amazing!! You have the water fruit" Luffy

"You can say that" Fuhaku

"In water, no one can beat me, even admirals!" Fuhaku

"Amazing!!" Johnny

"You can surely defeat, Arlong!" Johnny said with overwhelming confidence

"We should start eating now" Luffy

"Your cooking is pretty good" Fuhaku said while looking at Sanji

"Thanks for the compliment" Sanji laughed

"Guys, I can see the shore now" Johnny


Near Cocoyashi village.

"Luffy-aniki, Nami killed Usopp!" Yosaku

"What?!" Luffy

"Nami wouldn't ever do that, she is our friend" Luffy grabbed Yosaku's collar

"She killed him for some treasure which is in Cocoyashi village" Yosaku

"What?" Nami walked towards Luffy

"As beautiful as ever, Nami-chan" Sanji

"I will kill you" Zoro drawed his sword and moved towards Nami but was blocked by Sanji.

"Have you ever seen a swordsman attacking a woman" Sanji

"Zoro, you need help?" Fuhaku

"Who are you?" Zoro

"Fuhaku, a new crew member" Fuhaku

"Good, help me kill her" Zoro

Fuhaku disappeared from his place and appeared behind Nami.

"Girl, do you want to die?" Fuhaku

"Darling, don't do anything to the girl please" Erza

"Lucky you" Fuhaku disappeared again and appeared beside Erza

So fast!!

"Nami, how about destroying the Arlong pirates?" Fuhaku

"Whaaaat?!!" Nami

"I will do anything you say, if you can defeat the Arlong pirates!!" Nami

"Let's go and destroy the Arlong pirates!!" Luffy shouted

"Ohh, Usopp you have returned" Zoro

"Yes, Nami saved me from them" Usopp

Please suggest the devil fruit for Fuhaku and Erza in the comment section.

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