
20 Team 5

A/n: I'll post this extra chap since its pretty boring :/


It was already break the group of four could be seen eating riceballs on a balcony.

"As expected you three are together" Shigeo said as he put his hands on the railing.

"Well, it's not much of a surprise and out fathers already recommended to lord hokage to put us into a team" Shikamaru said as he heard from his dad who was the jonin commander. "Tch, what a drag. This means I probably will have less time to cloud watch"

"You better take this seriously Shikamaru!" Ino said as Choji just ate his riceballs and suggested to go eat a barbecue after.

"We just celebrated at Yakiniku's yesterday Choji" Shigeo said as he sighed

"You can never have too much meat!" Choji said but before he could continue Shikamaru spotted Naruto.

"Look it's Naruto" Shikamaru said as everyone looked to where he was pointing.

"pfft, look he's going to try and sneak up on Sasuke" Shigeo said mildly amused. They watched as Naruto jumped into the window Sasuke was in and began to wrestle him as the window shut. After a few minutes Sasuke came out.

"It's not a surprise that he got beaten, after all Naruto is still under Sasuke" Shikamaru said making Ino nod.

"Naruto has been dead last since our first year after all, while Sasuke was always among the top" Ino said causing Shigeo to laugh. "What?" She asked.

"That isn't Sasuke, it's Naruto he's just using the transformation jutsu to look like Sasuke." Shigeo said as he laughed. After all, it was just an illusion, with his Observation Haki he could see through it easily.

"What?!" The others said as just after the transformed Naruto left, the real Sasuke also came out fuming.

"Wonder why Naruto transformed into Sasuke?" Ino said as Shigeo answered her.

"Probably to try to get a kiss or something from Sakura. Naruto likes her after all, and She likes Sasuke" Shigeo said causing Ino to laugh.

"Pffft hahaha! I feel bad for forehead now. I want to see it play out but lunch is almost over" Ino said.

Although she said that she actually wanted to talk to Sakura. Although the two were not friends anymore, it was because they liked the same boy before, but now that she no longer liked the Uchiha, she wanted to be her friend again.

"Yeah, lets head back to class" They all said as they headed back.


"Alright, I want all of you now to wait here until your jonin sensei arrives and calls for you all" Iruka said as he left the class.

Soon after ten minutes the first jonin came to pick up team one, one by one the jonins came one after another as they also came along to pick their newly assigned genin up.

Twenty minutes after the jonin of team four arrived a man with a bandana style head protector came in. He looked around as before he spoke.

"*Cough* Team *Cough* five, follow me" He said as he turned around. As he turned Shigeo got up and followed the man. Seeing Shigeo move, the other two also followed Shigeo's example and followed.

After arriving at an empty courtyard, the jonin went to lean next to a tree as he looked back at the trio of fresh graduated. He looked at them but his eyes were fixated on Shigeo a lot longer than the other two, most likely because the boy had quite a reputation.

"I will be your Jonin Sensei. My name is Hayate Gekko, I like my family/friends, girlfriend, and my job. I hate traitors as well as enemies of the leaf. My hobbies are enjoying tea and kenjutsu... my dream is to overcome my sickness" He introduced before he coughed lightly.

"Now you, introduce yourself" He pointed at Shigeo who nodded.

"Shigeo Murakami. My likes are my friends, new jutsu's, and sparring. My dislikes are those who endanger my friends and enemies. my hobbies include training, gardening, and spending time with friends" Shigeo said as Hayate nodded before pointing to the girl.

"My name is Akame Katsuchi. I like my family and friends. I am mostly proficient with genjutsu and my dislikes are perverts and those who look down on me. My goal is to become a jonin!" Akame said.

"Mn! Now you" Hayate said to the last person.

"I am Ren Itoku! I like my family and friends and I dislike it when others think I won't succeed! My dream is to make a lot of money!" Ren said

"Alright, meet me here tomorrow at 8 a.m, make sure you aren't late. *cough!* cough!* Now dismissed" Their jonin sensei said as he flickered away.

Seeing the jonin leave, Shigeo also turned around and left. He had seen their jonin sensei before, and he usually had a sword on his back. Thinking of this, Shigeo wondered if he should also learn kenjutsu, after all there are massive feats one could do if he were to apply Armament Haki along with kenjutsu.

"Ah, Shigeo-kun! Where are you going?" Akame asked as she saw Shigeo leaving.

Shigeo stopped and looked back at both his teammates and enlightened them. " I'm going to prepare for tomorrow. The both of you should prepare as well, there is still one more test for us to become full fledged genin"

"Haa?! What are you talking about? We already did the exam!!" Ren said confused

But Shigeo only shook his head. "Yes but that's just the academy exam, our jonin sensei will test us whether we are qualified to have what to takes to survive being a ninja. All the academy taught us were history and the basics while the jonin will teach us how to be a full fledged ninja, if he says we fail then it means we will be sent back to the academy" Shigeo said.

"But... that's...!" Both said shocked

"You can choose to not to believe me" Shigeo said as he left.


In the Konoha market district, Shigeo was seen walking before he entered a weapons shop.

"Welcome!" A man said as he looked at the boy "Ah, brat its you!"

"Yo old man. I need to stock up on some tools" Shigeo said as he looked towards the man. He was a man in his late forties who owned this small weapons shop. He was introduce to him from one of his new friends and a recent student of Gai, Tenten. She was a girl who wanted to be like Tsunade of the sannin but gave up as she had no talent for medical ninjutsu but did however find her talent in the use of weapons and fuinjutsu.

{a/n: I was tempted to do the Higurashi weapons trope but decided not to}

She had many places to get her weapons stocked up and Shigeo on where the best places to get weapons were located at.

"So what will it be today?" The weapon's shop owner Jin asked.

Shigeo took off his gloves as he put it on the counter and said " I need you to put a storage scroll onto both of my gloves. I also need you to store them up with shuriken while I also need to buy 2 sets of kunai's and 10 explosive tags."

"Alright then" Jin said as he grinned. He took something out the counter as he slapped it on the palm of the gloves. After taking it out the gloves now had a seal planted onto it.

{a/n: think of it like those fake tattoos where you just have to slap it onto something for it to stick to}

"These seals will only be able to hold 50 shurikens each. So that would be 100 shuriken as well 20 kunai and 10 explosive tags. The shuriken each are 15 ryo, the kunai set are 500 each, and each explosive tags are 80. Not to mention the the seals for both gloves which is 1000 each, altogether 4400 ryo" Jin said as he calculated them.

"Here" Shigeo only nodded as he gave the man the payment. "So you have any of the things I asked for last time?" Shigeo asked.

"If you are talking about scrolls on learning basic fuinjutsu then yes. I got my hands on it though the price is 15,000 ryo. After all it's about learning fuinjutsu, one of the basics are just storage scrolls and if you learn that you could just sell storage scrolls and make your money back not to mention getting rich" Jin said as he opened a drawer and took out a scroll.

Shigeo had asked Jin if he could find anything that taught things related to fuinjutsu through his sources and connections. But it was hard since fuinjutsu was quite rarely used, after all even seal masters were scarce. So even after 6 to ten months Jin only got a copy of the basics of fuinjutsu now.

"I'll buy it" Shigeo said as Jin raised an eyebrow.

"You sure? I mean fuinjutsu is hard, you might not even have an affinity or talent for it and may just end up wasting 15,000 ryo" Jin said but seeing Shigeo's serious look he shook his head.

"Don't ask for a refund" He said as Shigeo payed the man 15000.

"Alright Here are your gloves stored with Shuriken. Along with all your other stuff" Jin said as he put Shigeo's things onto the counter.

"Alright thanks Jin" Shigeo said as he put the gloves on and stored everything else.



Appreciate all of you helping point out mistakes or correcting me. Please continue to do so since my knowledge of Naruto is pretty rusty.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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