
Shinji's Playground

Shinji survived the White Room along with Kiyotaka, and was adopted by Professor Ayanokoji. Now he'll enroll in the Advanced Nurturing High School along with his brother. However, unlike his brother who wants to have a normal and quiet school life, all he wants is to cause havoc and have fun as he make his way to the top. Watch as he conquers the school, and a few girls along the way!

TheHunter12 · Komik
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55 Chs

The Start Of The Survival Test

"Okay everyone, hand me your phones! We need to gather all of the phones, and give it to Sensei!" Shinji said to his classmates. After gathering all of the phones in a box, Shinji picked up the box and started to walk towards the teachers' post, but before he did that, he whispered something to Yosuke:

"I'm counting on you to calm everyone. In situations like this, we all need to be calm, or else we won't be able to accomplish anything"

"Sure. Do you have any plans for this test?" asked Yosuke

"Right now, we need to find a suitable spot to set up our base camp, and then decide on our leader and occupy the spot"

"Okay. Then, I'll calm everybody, tell them about our plan, and when you'll come back, we'll head into the forest" said Yosuke, and Shinji walked away.

When Shinji arrived at the teacher's post, he saw Sae and Chie Hoshinomiya, the homeroom teacher of class 1-B

"I've come to deliver our phones, Chabashira-Sensei"

"Good. Put them on the table" said Sae, and gestured at the table

"Hi~~~, Ayanokoji-Kun!" said Chie in a playful tone

"Good morning, Hoshinomiya-Sensei" said Shinji as he dropped the box on the table

"Good morning to you too~~~ So? How are you and your classmates are holding up?"

"We haven't even started to do anything. The class is still a bit shaken about the test, but they'll calm down soon"

"I see. It's too bad that you're not in my class. We could have used a capable student as you~~ How did you end up in class D anyway?"

"Who knows? I'm not the one who decides who will be in each class. By the way, I wanted to ask you something, Chabashira-Sensei"

"What is it?"

"Well..." Shinji said, and his eyes trailed to Chie

"Is it possible that you don't trust me, Ayanokoji-Kun?" asked Chie and pouted

"It's nothing personal against you. It's just that the question is related to matters of our class, and you're class B's homeroom teacher. I also heard that you specifically are close to your students, so I can't risk it"

"Chie, can you please go for a couple of minutes?" asked Sae

"Okay~~~" Chie said, and walked away, leaving Shinji and Sae alone

"So? What do you want?"

"As of now, the test hasn't started yet, right?"

"Right. Only when a class is headed into the forest, its test starts"

"Then, I can still use my phone, right?" Shinji said, taking out his phone from the box

"What do you need it for?"

"On our first day, you said that we'll be able to buy anything using our private points, right? If that is the case, I would like to buy something from you"

"What is it? As long that it isn't something that listed in the manual, you can buy it"

Then, Shinji smirked widely and said:

"Then, how many points will it cost to buy a fake leader card?"

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

"I'm back!" said Shinji

"Great! Now that Shinji-Kun is here, we can head out!" said Yosuke, and class D started to walk into the forest. Shinji quickly walked next to Kikyo, and whispered in her ear:

"I have it. You remember what are you supposed to do?"

"Yes" Kikyo answered

"Good. I'll give it to you by night"

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

"Everyone! I think it's time to go and look for a spot for our base camp" said Yosuke

"There's no need" Shinji said as he stood up

"What do you mean?" asked Yosuke

"When I was looking at the island from the ship, I saw something that is possibly a suitable spot. I'll go and check if it's not occupied. You need to stay here, or else I won't be able to find you"

"You saw a spot from the ship?" asked Kei in surprise

"I only figured it was a spot after they told us about the test"

"Are you sure it's safe to go alone?" asked Yosuke

"Don't worry. I'm quite used to places like this, so I won't get hurt. Well then, if I won't return in an hour, start to look for another spot" Shinji said, as he disappeared into the forest. After he created some space from his class, he started to run

'Good, I got rid of them. Now, let's start and look at the spots the upperclassmen told me about' Shinji thought and started to speed up

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

After half an hour, Shinji managed to run by three spots, and now he was on his way to the fourth. However, he managed to hide, just when he saw Kohei walking out of the cave that was supposed to be the fourth spot. Shinji noticed that Kohei was holding a leader card

'That's weird... there's no way that someone as cautious as him would hold the leader card in his hand when anyone can see him...'

"We were lucky, Katsuragi-San!" said a familiar voice, from inside the cave, and a few seconds later, Yahiko walked out of the cave

'I see... so it's a trap to make people think he's the leader... it would work on most people, as everyone is desperate for cp, but not on me...' Shinji thought, and quickly run away, before they could spot him, and continued to the last fifth spot

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

"So? what do you think of this spot?" asked Shinji as he led his class to one of the spots. It was a spot near a river

"Now we won't need to buy more water!" said Maya

"Now we only need to decide on the leader!" said Yosuke

"I can be the leader if no one else wants to and if no one has any problem with it..." said Shinji

"I think it's a good idea! Shinji-Kun is very reliable!" said Kei

"Don't you think we need to choose someone who doesn't stand out too much? I don't have anything against Ayanokoji, but after what happened with class C, I think that the other classes, especially class C, will watch Ayanokoji" said Teruhiko

"That's right..." said Yosuke

"That's not necessarily true. You see, while it's true that I did gain some attention, no class will just guess the leader depending on popularity, since the risk is too big. No class will risk 50 points by guessing the leader. If a class will want to name the leader, they would have to confirm it. Which means that either they steal the card, or catch the leader when he claims a spot. I'm pretty protective of my belongings, so they won't be able to steal the card from me, and we can simply form a ring around me when I'm claiming the spot. That way, no class will be able to figure out that I'm the leader"

"I see. That's a logical conclusion. Sorry for refuting you" said Teruhiko

"Then it's decided!" said Yosuke

"I'll go and get the leader card of Sensei!" said Shinji

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

"You again? What do you want now?" asked Sae as she saw Shinji coming

"You're horrible... treating your student like this..." said Shinji with fake sadness


"I need a leader card with my name please"

Sae quickly issued a card, and Shinji started to run back

'Let's go and claim the other spots before I return'

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

After he claimed the other spots, he came back to the base spot and claimed it too. Then, the class proceeded to set up the camp, and when they finished, Shinji was quite surprised that Kiyotaka, who went to get some branches for the campfire, returned with Mio Ibuki, a student of class 1-C. One look at Mio, and then into Kiyotaka's eyes, made Shinji smirked inwardly

'I see... so that's the strategy Ryuen chose... looks like the card will be useful after all...'


I've decided to add Suzune to the MC's harem!!

Airi will go to Kiyotaka, so I'm sorry for anyone who wanted her to be with the MC.

The harem consists of:

Kikyo, Honami, Kei, and Suzune.

You're welcome to offer more harem candidates, but I won't promise to add anyone.