
Shinji's Playground

Shinji survived the White Room along with Kiyotaka, and was adopted by Professor Ayanokoji. Now he'll enroll in the Advanced Nurturing High School along with his brother. However, unlike his brother who wants to have a normal and quiet school life, all he wants is to cause havoc and have fun as he make his way to the top. Watch as he conquers the school, and a few girls along the way!

TheHunter12 · Komik
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55 Chs

President, Class A Crisis, And Russian Drama

~~~ With Miyabi ~~~

The next day, Miyabi woke up in a good mood. After all, today was his first day as the student council president. His first step in order to make the whole school his playground. He already made all of the students in his year his toys, and by becoming the student council president, he'll make everyone else his toys, and rule the school.

So of course he was in a good mood!

He got ready for school, and once he was ready, he started to make his way to the school and to the student council office. On the way, he waved and delivered smirks to the girls and boys who were his toys and soon-to-be toys, especially to the female ones, getting a few giggles and blushes.

However, as he arrived at the school and made his way to the student council office, he took notice of a few workers hired by the school carrying a lot of boxes, and they seemed to come from the direction of the student council office.

Once he finally arrived at the office, he already had a frown on his face as he saw that the workers indeed came out of the office with the boxes, and saw some of the student council members standing outside of the office, so he approached them, the frown gone from his face and instead, there was a bright smile plastered on his face as he asked Ikuto Kiriyama, one of his toys, and the soon-to-be Vice President:

"Kiriyama, why there are some workers taking things out of the office?" he asked, and for the first time since he met him, Miyabi saw the smallest of smirks on Ikuto's face as he said:

"The new president decided to make some changes to the office"

It took Miyabi a few seconds to register the meaning of his words, and when he did, he put on a confused expression and asked:

"What do you mean? I didn't decide anything like that..." he said, and he could see Ikuto struggling from preventing his smirk to get any bigger as he said:

"You didn't hear? Apparently, last night, as his last act as the president, Horikita-Senpai decided to remove you from the vice president position and give Shinji Ayanokoji the position, making him the new president. He was impressed by his performance at the sports festival and by his academic scores and decided that he was a BETTER fit than you to become the new president"

"..." Miyabi didn't say anything and blankly stared at Ikuto for a few seconds and then entered the office, to see the workers finishing to put together a big round table, and saw Shinji talking with one of the workers. He approached Shinji with a smile on his face and said:

"Good morning, Ayanokoji-Kun. Can you explain the meaning of this?" he asked, gaining Shinji's attention, who smiled in return and said:

"What? You don't like the new table? I thought that the previous table put a distance between the student council members, and that won't do. After all, we are all students in this school, who wants to make the life of our fellow students easier, so we need to work together, so I thought that we need a change of atmosphere to the room"

"I didn't ask about the damn table! I asked about how are you the new president!? This position is MINE!" Miyabi said in a stern tone

"Are you okay, Senpai? You seem rather... upset..." Shinji said and put on a confused expression, but Miyabi could see the amusement in his eyes.

"You... how long have you and Horikita-Senpai been planning this?"

"Planning what? Horikita-Senpai suddenly called me last night and told me that he made me the new president. When I asked why he did that, and why didn't he told anyone of it until now, he said that he didn't want the trouble of trying to deal with you trying to convince him otherwise. I told him that I'm only a first-year and I shouldn't take the spot, but he didn't take a no for an answer, and here we are"

"Then, why don't you just resign and give me the position, and I'll make you my vice president, so next year you'll be ready for the position?"

"I thought of that too, but then I thought that If I already got the position, why don't try it out? If I'll see that I can't handle it, then I'll resign and give you the position. Sounds good?" Shinji said and presented his hand for a handshake, which Miyabi, albeit reluctantly, reciprocated the gesture, and the two shook hands.

"I'll be looking forward to working with you, Senpai"

"...me too, Junior..."

They said one thing, but both thought the same:

'At least for the time being...'

~~~ With Honami ~~~

The students of the new class A sat in their sits as waiting for Chie to arrive at the class.

"E-Everyone, can I say something before we start today's homeroom?" Chihiro said, and Honami noticed that she looked a little hesitant.

"Actually, I received an anonymous message yesterday, which contains a recording I think everyone should hear..." Chihiro said and took her phone out of her pocket, and played the recording, and they all heard a voice that was changed through technology saying:

"Hello, students of the new class A. First of all, congratulations for promoting to class A. However, I'm afraid I'm bringing bad news to you.

You see, my goal when I manipulated all the participation tables was to defeat classes A and D and get them to blame you for it, seeing that your class was the only class whose participation table hasn't been changed.

This time, however, you guys are on my aim.

It's simple really. Until you transfer 20 million private points to this number, I'm going to expose two secretes of students in this class every day, using a recording that will be sent to one of you at the start of every morning.

Now, let's proceed with today's secrets:


Yui Ninomiya is cheating on Tetsuya Hamaguchi with Takeshi Miwa

Ryuji Kanzaki is in love with Honami Ichinose

I'm sure that I don't need to tell you that not to tell about this matter to the school staff and your homeroom teacher. Trust me that I'll know when you do, and if you'll do that, I'll release all the secrets in the school's forum, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that.

You better hurry or else more secrets will be revealed in the next days" the voice in the recording said, and when the recording ended, there was silence in the classroom, as everybody was shocked until Tetsuya stood up, a hurt expression on his face as he turned to Yui

"Yui!? Is that true!?" asked a shocked and hurt Tetsuya

"Well..." Yui said and averted her gaze

"No way..." said a shocked and hurt Tetsuya, before his expression turned to one of anger, and he grabbed Takeshi by his shirt and exclaimed:

"How could you do this to me!? You're supposed to be my best friend!!!"

"I'm sorry, but it's just happened! It first happened during the summer vacation, and then it happened again and again since she said you wanted to wait until you marry!"

"Shut up, you son of a bitch!!!" Tetsuya said and punched Takeshi in the face, causing him to fall to the ground

"You think you can get away with hitting me since you're angry?" Takeshi said as he stood up with a hostile expression

"Stop it you two!! Don't you see that this is exactly what that person wants!?" shouted Honami as she stood between the two, separating them

"Kanzaki-Kun, do you really in love with Ichinose-San?" asked Chihiro

"I-I..." said Ryuji, blushing deeply, as he took a glance at Honami for a second, before he stood up abruptly and said:

"I need to go now!" Ryuji exclaimed, grabbed his bag, and ran out of the class

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

~~~ With Shinji ~~~

As the lunch break started, Shinji and his group of friends headed to the cafeteria. However, they were stopped by Ryuen, accompanied by Albert. Ryuen openly glared at Shinji with hostility, while Shinji smirked amusingly.

"It's good to see you, Ryuen. Where were you yesterday? I didn't see you at the festival?"

"You bastard, you think you can get away with it!? I know you were the one who sent Ishizaki to the hospital!!" exclaimed Ryuen

"I'm afraid you're wrong this time, Ryuen. I don't tend to resort to violence, unlike a certain someone. Speaking of which, how is Ishizaki anyway? I hope his condition is getting better" Shinji said, the smirk not leaving his face

"You little..." Ryuen said with pure anger on his face

"How dare you accuse Shinji-Kun of that!? He's not like you! He wouldn't do something like this!" exclaimed Kei as she hung of Shinji's arm

"You little bitch..." Ryuen said in anger, but then, as if realization hit him, his eyes widen as his expression slowly turned into a menacing one, as he said:

"I see... I guess I'll see you later..." Ryuen said, and he and Albert moved past them, as Ryuen thought:

'Have fun with your little girlfriend while you can, Shinji Ayanokoji, because it will not last long...' Ryuen thought menacingly

~~~ Scene Change ~~~

At the end of the day, Shinji went out of his classroom, only to see Honami and Chihiro approached him, the urgency visible on their faces.

"Shinji-Kun, can we talk to you for a second?" asked Honami with urgency in her voice

Shinji, seeing the urgency on her face and hearing it in her voice, asked:

"Is everything okay? You two look a little sad for two students of a class that just been promoted to class A. I know that because my classmates are elated because of our promotion to class B"

"Can we go and talk in your room? There is something very important we need to talk to you about" Honami said

"Sure, let's go then"

~~~ Scene Change ~~~

"So that's how a boy's room looks like..." Chihiro said as they entered Shinji's room, looking around the room

"Chihiro-Chan! It's rude to stare like that!" Honami said, a blush adorning her face, but despite her words, she also looked around subtly, while thinking:

'There's also a boyish smell in this room... Shinji-Kun's smell... wait a minute! What am I thinking!?' Honami thought, her blush only gets deeper, and Chihiro and Shinji who saw that exchanged a subtle knowing smirk

"Well, I didn't know I'll be having guests today, so it isn't exactly tidy. Sorry about that. Make yourselves comfortable, and I'll make us some tea to relax, and then we'll talk about what you wanted to tell me"

~~~ Scene Change ~~~

Honami and Chihiro told Shinji everything that happened today, and Chihiro played the recording for him to hear, and after they finished, Shinji said:

"I see... is that okay for you to tell me about it?"

"The voice in the recording only mentioned the school staff. So what do you think we should do?" asked Honami

"It really isn't my place to decide what you should do, as I'm not a part of your class, but I can tell you what I think. As I see it, there are three options:

One is to try and meet his demand. That is the way to act if you want to protect your classmates' secrets at any cost. I wouldn't really recommend it, since usually in these cases, the culprit will continue with his actions if he'll see that the victim is cooperating.

The second option is to tell the school and risk having the secrets revealed. That is the way to act if you absolutely don't want to pay the ransom, but that will be at the cost of your classmates' secrets.

The last option is to find out the identity of the culprit ourselves. We'll make it seem like you're trying to gather the points, but in reality, we'll try to expose him. The risk in that is in the case he'll find us out, which in case he'll probably reveal all the secrets and will vanish before the school will track him down.

You should present these options to your classmates, and decide together. That's at least what you should do only if you absolutely trust your classmates"

"What do you mean?" asked Chihiro with a frown

"The way I see it, there is also a chance the culprit is in your class"

"It can't be! We are all good friends in the class!!" exclaimed Honami

"I'm afraid that you're mistaken this time, Honami-Chan. There is no place in the world where everyone likes everyone. People may act they get along, but at the end of the day, they all have small resentments to other people. I think there is a high chance that the culprit is in your class. First, he worked to improve his status within the school, and you got to class A. Now he tries to improve his status within the class, by taking down the leading figures, and when everyone will be down, he'll emerge as the new leader of the class. Today, he revealed an intimate secret of Kanzaki-San, and I believe that the other secret is to mask his true intent"

"No! I refuse to believe that it's someone in our class" Honami strongly denied

"I'm not saying that it is, but you can't disregard the possibility. I tell you what. If my theory is correct, and today he revealed Kanzaki-San's secret, who is one of the class representatives, then tomorrow, he'll do it to the other one..."

"Me? But I don't any secrets!" Honami exclaimed, but Shinji could see her panic and horror in her body language, while Honami thought:

'There's no way he knows about my feelings to Shinji-Kun, just like he exposed Kanzaki-Kun's feelings today... or even worse, there's no way he knows about THAT... right?'

"Unless you go to the school and tell them today, you'll find out tomorrow. I personally think that there isn't someone who doesn't have secrets, but maybe I'm wrong, just like I may be wrong about the culprit"

"I see... Thank you for today, Shinji-Kun. You really helped us..." Said Honami with a smile, but you could that she was a little bit disheartened, as she stood up and started to head out when she noticed that Chihiro was still sitting.

"Chihiro-Chan? Aren't you coming?"

"I want to ask Ayanokoji-Kun about something so I'll stay a little more..." Chihiro said with an apologetic smile

"That's okay. I'll see you tomorrow then!" Honami said and waved to both of them, and went outside of the room.

After she left, Chihiro gained a natural expression as she asked:

"Well? What do you say?"

"Looks like it worked perfectly. Good job, as expected of you" Shinji said with an approving expression

"But, are you sure you want to do that? If you'll go forward with it, you'll break her. It's obvious that if you'll reveal her secret, something she worked so hard to hide, something she's so ashamed of, it'll break her"

"That's the whole point. And then I'll come, like the knight on the white horse, and rescue her, and then she'll be completely mine. And without her, class A will be doomed, with all of their secrets that will be revealed, they won't be able to trust each other, and the class will fall. You truly did good in the information gathering"

"You do know that I am a part of that class, right?"

"Of course I know. Don't worry. While I'll still need you in the class, I'll send you points so you won't be affected by the status of your class"

"That's good to know. But still, how will you gather 20 million points to transfer Honami to your class? Even If you hacked the points distribution system, you can't just add 20 million to your account..."

"Don't worry about that. I have other plans that are set in motion, and when they'll get completed, I'll have everything that I need in order to transfer Honami"

~~~ Scene Change ~~~

In a big mansion, somewhere in Moscow, sat a big Russian man on a leather chair. He had white hair with blue eyes and had a full beard. He wore an expensive black suit and matching expensive black shoes. He was Ivan Malkovich, the leader of the Russian mafia. On his side, was a blond girl with emerald-colored eyes, and had an hourglass figure, with big breasts, a thin waist, and wide hips. She wore a black leather mini-skirt and a white blouse, showing off a generous cleavage. She was Lisa Malkovich, the eldest daughter of Ivan. And in front of them was a beaten Anton, sitting on his knees.

"Do you understand what you did wrong?" asked Ivan, no emotion in his voice

"Y-Yes father" stuttered Anton. Ivan glared at Anton, but then felt Lisa glaring at him menacingly, sending a shiver down Ivan's spine, and to mask it, he coughed into his hand and said:

"Of course, I was also to blame for telling you to find out Shinji Ayanokoji's identity, but it doesn't change the fact that you acted carelessly in a foreign country, in which we have only one big connection, one who you threatened with guns on! You better not make such a mistake again!"

"Yes father"

"Good. Lisa my dear?"

"Yes, Papa?" Lisa said in a cutesy tone

"Arrange a flight for Japan. Arrange security fitted for the three of us. I'll be going to meet Shinji Ayanokoji myself, to properly apologize for Anton's actions, and complete the business Anton was sent to complete in the first place"

"There's no need for you to go, Papa. I can go by myself and-" Lisa said but was interrupted by Ivan who said:

"That won't do. After all, Shinji Ayanokoji and Shinji Amasawa are the same man, and that makes you subjective in anything related to the Amasawa Industry"

"How did you-"

"How did I know? Don't take me for a fool, Lisa. A Shinji Ayanokoji that runs the Amasawa Industry that you introduced to me when there is a Shinji Amasawa that you used to meet when you were young, one which you showed fondness to when there is also a Japanese teen who matches Shinji's looks who you've been fucking all last year, and you thought that I wouldn't make the connection? One look at the pictures Anton found in Japan and I knew that they all were the same man"

"Papa, you've been spying on me!?" Lisa exclaimed, a light blush on her face

"Of course I did. You're my precious daughter, there's no way you'll ever be without surveillance"

"Papa, I hate you!!!" Lisa exclaimed and run out of the room

"Anton, I trust that you can arrange the flight and security. You can do at least that much, right?"

"Yes father"

~~~ With Lisa ~~~

"Damn that old man!!!" Lisa shouted in anger as she destroyed all the hidden cameras in her room. She then bit her nail in frustration as she thought:

'Now how am I supposed to have Shinji help me overthrow my father in my stay in Japan if that stupid old man is going to come!? That ruins everything! I was sure that I had him wrapped around my finger, seeing how I remind him of mother, but it seems that there are still some functioning brain cells in his senile old brain... I planned for so long to overthrow him using Shinji and his genius brain, and now it's going to be a lot harder...

But Shinji is a genius. A scheming, manipulative, sexy genius. The only human being that is my equal. I'm sure that together, the old man's pitiful try at limiting my action will stay just like that, a pitiful try. Because with both of our geniuses, no one will stop us... and we will rule this planet as king and queen... the only perfect human beings...' Lisa thought, and she started to get aroused from her last thoughts, so she laid on her bed, opened her blouse, removed her skirt, and her hands started to wander...

Shinji's private points - 6,455,800

An auxiliary chapter containing the class points after the sports festival is also up

TheHunter12creators' thoughts