
Shinitai negai

This story is about a demon getting killed by a a newly hero and his party he ventures out to create his ow world where he wants to live in peace but multiple challenges keep getting in his way.

Knight_8915 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs

The Battle Of Mights

"Show me what you've got," the Wind God taunted. Menma charged forward, seemingly missing every strike. The Wind God cleverly redirected Menma's attacks with his gusts of wind. Knight watched in anticipation, yearning to join the fray. He stood on the ledge, poised to jump down, but Sun Wukong intercepted him. Sun Wukong challenged Knight, suggesting that if he was itching for a fight, he could engage in a battle with Sun Wukong himself. Buddha, standing alongside Sun Wukong, proposed that Ichimaru could engage in three simultaneous battles. The prospect excited Knight, but before he could make a decision, the announcer caught the Lionsgate King's menacing glare and quickly apologized, fear evident in his tone.

Meanwhile, Menma struggled to land a hit on the Wind God. Frustrated, he decided to activate his domain, known as the "Beast Territory." This domain replicated the dynamics of a jungle, where Menma was the predator, and his adversaries became prey. His stats soared to rank S, elevating him to god-like levels. Menma launched another attack, and despite the Wind God's skepticism, the blow sent the deity hurtling through the air.

The narrative shifted back to Knight, who confidently declared, "You ready for our rematch?" Sun Wukong acknowledged that their previous encounter had been enjoyable and noted that Knight had grown even stronger. Sun Wukong proposed taking the battle to space and then a new dimension. With a snap of his fingers, they found themselves in an entirely new arena surrounded by empty space. Sun Wukong urged Knight to prepare for the impending clash.

In another scene, Buddha and Ichimaru squared off. Ichimaru commented that it had been a while since he could truly let loose, challenging Buddha to give it his all.