
Shining God in Danmachi

Kaylon Rozzo, a noble billionaire, with a dream life, ends up dying in a quite heroic way, and then reincarnated as a GOD in Danmachi, join me to observe his adventures within the infinite cosmos. This is my first Fanfic so bear with me, if something seems strange to you, I accept advice and guides, I hope you like the story... (Daily chapters from Monday to Saturday!) The characters and stories/animes in this Fanfic are not mine and the credits go to their respective authors. #GOD #NoHarem #MultiversalJourney #romance #OPMC #Danmachi #Orario THIS STORY IS TRANSLATED FROM SPANISH INTO ENGLISH BY AN AI, SO IF THERE ARE THINGS YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, EXCUSE ME

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47 Chs

Rozzo Family

**Adventurers Guild**

Today, the lively guild had a large number of people gathered, staring at the bulletin board.

One of the adventurers who arrived at the guild approached with curiosity, seeing the crowd, and not seeing anything interesting, he asked the nearest adventurer.

"Hey, what's the commotion? Why are so many people at the bulletin board?" The adventurer asked.

"Eh? You don't know? Have you heard the rumors about the new family that arrived?" A mustached adventurer asked him.

"Oh yes, I heard about them. They said they were numerous and looked strong. Does this have anything to do with it?" The adventurer asked the mustached one.

"That's right. Today, they will publish the announcement of their statuses," the mustached adventurer said as he looked back at the bulletin board.

"Seriously!?" The adventurer understood the great anticipation of everyone in the guild, approaching the bulletin board, he also waited eagerly.

They didn't have to wait long because soon a guild counselor came out with several announcement papers in her hands.

Taking the announcement board, the counselor began to put up the status papers, which only contained the level and the family they belonged to.

The adventurers waited with anticipation for the counselor to finish putting up the statuses.

Soon, after putting up all the statuses, she put the bulletin board back, revealing it to the adventurers.

The adventurers who approached with anticipation quickly observed the statuses.

As they looked at the statuses, shock and disbelief appeared on the faces of the adventurers.

"Darn it, it must be a lie!"

"A joke, how could a first-level family just appear out of nowhere!"

The adventurers simply couldn't believe that a first-level family would emerge out of nowhere.

"Idiots, these are the guild reports, how could they be false!" Another adventurer snapped the rest out of their denial and hit them with the harsh reality.

"Darn it, a level 6 adventurer, eight level 5 adventurers, seven level 4 adventurers, this is already considered to be on par with the Loki and Freya families."

"Not only that, they also have several level 3 and level 2 adventurers."

"Now, apart from Ottar, there is another level 6 adventurer. It seems that the superiority of the Freya family is a thing of the past."

"Now they are not the two giants of Orario anymore, they are the three giants of Orario."

The adventurers were still in shock from the information about the Rozzo family.

You should know that in the current Orario, there was only one level 6, and level 5 is the elite within Orario.

and now another level 6 and eight level 5 adventurers appear, undoubtedly a huge power increase for Orario.

"Hehe, now the dark faction must have a headache," an adventurer laughed maliciously.

"Haha, that's right, now those rats from the dark faction must be trembling," another adventurer laughed cruelly.

There is no one in Orario who does not hate the dark faction, after all, who wouldn't hate a group that only seeks chaos for no reason?

While no one noticed, a pink figure ran out of the guild towards some part of the city.


The little pink Pallum that had run out of the guild was now seen entering through the gate of a large residence.

Running through the house, the pink Pallum headed towards the main hall. Once she arrived, she saw five women sitting in a room.

A woman with brown hair and blue eyes, a woman with black hair and a yukata, an elf woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a woman with red hair and green eyes.

The girls who were chatting paused as they saw the small pink figure rushing into the living room.

"Lyra, what's the hurry? What's going on?" The woman with brown hair and blue eyes asked, confused.

"Lyra, you must remember to maintain your image at all times, running like that is rude," the blonde elf scolded the small Pallum, Lyra.

"Hey Ryu, no one cares about your image nonsense," the black-haired woman yelled back at the blonde elf.

"You!... I'm trying to maintain the image of the Astrea family," the blonde elf returned the shout to the black-haired woman.

"Alright, alright! Calm down, let's hear what Lyra has to say. Shut your mouths, Kaguya and Ryu!" Alice, the captain of the family, silenced the group and looked at Lyra.

"Huff*, You can't imagine the madness I just saw!" Lyra, still amazed by the immense power of the Rozzo family.

"What happened? Did you find someone smaller than you?" Kaguya asked with a mocking smile.

Lyra's face darkened, yet ignoring Kaguya's comment, she said, "Remember the family that arrived in Orario recently? Well, today they published the information about their statuses."

"Oh? What's wrong, were they very strong?" Alice asked with interest.

"There's a level 6 and eight level 5s..." Lyra told her family with a serious face.

The Astrea family was shocked, Astrea herself was dumbfounded.

"You're not joking, are you!?" Kaguya asked incredulously.

The other girls also looked at Lyra seriously, clearly the appearance of such a strong family is hard to believe.

Lyra looked at her Goddess Astrea, Astrea understanding Lyra's gaze said, "Lyra is not lying."

Everyone in the family was shocked again. In this era of Orario where level 5 can be considered the vanguard, the appearance of so many strong individuals is undoubtedly mind-blowing.

Alice, coming out of the surprise, turned her gaze to her goddess and asked, "Kami-sama, what kind of God is the head of the Rozzo family?"

Understanding Alice's question, Astrea replied, "You don't have to worry, Kaylon is a God more inclined towards the side of order."

It is important to know what kind of people this new family is. For that, the best way is to know the character of their God, after all, most Gods recruit members according to their preferences.

"Is that so? Then we must make time to go greet them. This new family will be one of the future giants of Orario, it is important to have a good relationship," Alice, as captain, has to consider the relationships of her family, and a new family so strong is important to make contact.

"By the way, Kami-sama, what is your relationship in heaven with the God of the Rozzo family?" Alice asked, if the relationship was good, it will be easier to contact.

Astrea remained silent and then said, "Not very close, although I said that Kaylon is more inclined to the just side, his position is usually neutral, and he also doesn't leave his temple much, so it's difficult to contact him."

Kaylon is someone who rarely shows himself in Tenkai, so few Gods have a good relationship with him.

"The Gods who have the best relationship with Kaylon are Loki, Hestia, Hephaestus, Demeter, Takemikazuchi, and Hermes... Of course, and Nix, but she hasn't descended," Astrea remembered the Gods who came into contact with Kaylon frequently.

"I understand Kami-sama, we must go greet them as soon as we have time," Alice said.

"Alright, we can go tomorrow " Astrea nodded.

"Okay, I'll go prepare gifts," Alice went to fetch a welcome gift.



A strident scream echoed inside the divine office of the Loki family.

This scream came from a Goddess, who at this moment had a face distorted by envy.

"Finn! Repeat the absurdity you just said!" Loki stood up from the table and grabbed the collar of the small Pallum.

"Sigh... Loki-sama, I've already repeated it three times, that's the strength of the Kaylon family that just arrived." Finn, feeling powerless against his God's reaction, sighed and said.

Loki, who received confirmation for the third time, walked towards the sofa and collapsed.

"The Gods say my luck is good, however, compared to Kaylon's luck, it's ridiculous," Loki felt that her dream of being an older sister had disappeared.

Many years ago, after she descended with Kaylon, she ended up falling near a city. After traveling to many places, she met her first family, Finn Deimne.

After many journeys, she ended up recruiting her large family. Currently, she has three level 5s, twenty level 4s, and forty-six level 3s.

Without a doubt, it's excellent. She can be called a giant in Orario, but now compared to Kaylon, who not only has a level 6 but also has eight level 5s, her family pales in comparison.

"Let's go, Finn, Garreth, Kalisa!" Loki suddenly got up from her chair with resentment.

Calling her three level 5 leaders, Loki walked towards the door. (Without Riveria, it's difficult for the three greats to appear, so I added an extra mage to the Loki family so they can still have the three greats)

"Where are you going, Loki-sama?" Finn touched his head with helplessness, then got up from his chair and followed his Goddess.

"Well, to the Rozzo family, of course!" Loki replied as she took a bottle of liquor from the front shelf.

"Loki-sama, remember that you can't drink today, besides, that's the most expensive bottle on the shelf..." A sharp look appeared in the human mage Kalisa.

"Don't worry, it's not for me, Kalisa. Kaylon has a certain taste for liquor," Loki quickly accepted her reality. Now that Kaylon arrived with such a powerful family, she plans to improve the relationship between both families.

Although her relationship with Kaylon is good, it's only between her and him. Their families have no relationship. An alliance with Kaylon would make her stronger, and they could completely suppress the nymphomaniac Freya.

"Oh, I understand, Kami-sama. Thank you for your consideration," Finn thanked Loki. He understands that what Loki wants to do is improve the relationship between both families.

Of course, he thinks that Loki's motive must be deeper. With the long time he has served his Goddess, he naturally came to know better the kind of person Loki is. Don't be fooled by her clownish personality; every move of his Goddess is coldly calculated.

Loki just nodded and, along with the leaders of her family, walked towards Kaylon's family residence.


Rozzo Residence.


Today, in the courtyard of the Rozzo family's temporary villa, a training combat is taking place.


"That sword lacks sharpness, Eris. Ghislaine, your movements are becoming clumsy. Don't let yourself be dragged into Eris's rhythm," Kaylon, who was sitting in a comfortable chair, shouted out all the flaws in the fight that Ghislaine and Eris were having right now.

After accepting Eris into his family, he still didn't abandon his identity as a master, so Kaylon's teaching continues.

And Eris, with her great talent and perseverance, continues to improve constantly.


Eris and Ghislaine continued their combat, constantly perfecting their skills and refining their movements.

Suddenly, a sweet voice came from behind Kaylon.

"Kami-Sama, I've been contacted by the Goibniu family. It seems that our residence will be ready in a week," the beautiful Riveria, who today was wearing a luxurious mage robe bought by her God.

"Oh, really!? Hehe, if the extra money we pay that bastard Goibniu comes in handy," Kaylon nodded with satisfaction. Soon, his family mansion will be complete. Although this villa is large, it still doesn't satisfy him.

"By the way, Kami-sama, today our family's status was published, so everyone in Orario must know our power. I suppose many gods will soon come to establish a relationship with you," Riveria reminded her god.

"I'm not interested, Riveria. I already told you who my acquaintances in the heavens are. If it's any of them, let them in; if not, keep them out," Kaylon replied disinterestedly.

"By the way, how has Elinalise and the rest of the family been faring in the dungeon?" A week ago, Elinalise decided to take a large group of people into the dungeon to familiarize themselves with it.

Among the people she took were the entire Superd tribe, Paul, Rudeus, Sylphie, Zenith, Talhand, and Rujierd.

The rest of the family stayed at home, doing various things.

Eris and Ghislaine started their training, Riveria began building relationships in the guild and with some producing families.

Lilia continued her work as an assistant, helping Riveria in any way she could, while Roxy buried herself in the library upon arrival and hadn't emerged since; if it weren't for Lilia bringing her food, she'd probably starve.

"The progress is slow, although the monsters aren't a problem. Without maps to guide them, they take a long time finding the entrance to the next floor," Riveria said with frustration. Although the guild provides reports on the dungeon, it's only up to the 15th floor; beyond that, they're on their own.

"What floor have they reached?" Kaylon wasn't surprised by the slow progress; after all, the dungeon floors are enormous, some as big as Orario itself.

"Floor 23, Kami-sama. According to Elinalise's words, it's not profitable to descend like that, so she plans to return soon and descend after receiving a map," Riveria informed him about the letters they receive from Elinalise who is at the bottom of the dungeon.

"Don't worry, soon the kind-hearted person who will give us information about the dungeon floors will come," Kaylon reassured Riveria.

"Oh, who is it?" Riveria asked curiously.




Soon someone knocked forcefully on the door and shouted from outside.

"Oh, they've arrived. Our generous goddess who will give us information," Kaylon smiled satisfactorily.

Getting up from his chair, Kaylon walked to the door, with Riveria following him, along with Eris and Ghislaine.

Upon reaching the door and opening it, they were met with four people.

A Loki as flat as ever, a small blond Pallum, a muscular dwarf, and a human mage with purple hair. (The mage from Loki had a similar appearance to Medea from Fate.)

"Oh, if it isn't my favorite subordinate," Kaylon greeted Loki enthusiastically.

Loki's smile disappeared upon hearing Kaylon call her a subordinate. "What the hell!? Since when did I become your double subordinate?"

"Eh, what do you mean? I'm sure I heard you calling yourself my subordinate when the guards told you not to cut in line. Or did you only do it to cut in line?" Kaylon put on a wounded expression, as if he had been betrayed by his most trusted subordinate.

An expression of embarrassment appeared on Loki's face, and looking to the sky, she said, "You must have misheard me; I never said subordinate."

"Hehe, come in, my subordinate Loki," Kaylon opened the door and gestured for Loki and her family to enter.

"I'm not your subordinate!" Loki, as one of the three giants of Orario, protested for her dignity.

Entering the house, Kaylon led them to the meeting room. Entering the luxurious room, they sat at a table, with Riveria beside her god, and Eris and Ghislaine around them.

On the other hand, Loki sat at the other end, with Finn and the rest sitting around her as well.

"First, let me introduce you to the person you haven't stopped ogling since you arrived. By the way, if you don't take those eyes off Riveria, I'll hang you on the largest pole in my house," Kaylon said with a dangerous look.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just admiring her beauty," Loki apologized, and her perverted gaze vanished immediately.

"Let me introduce her. My wife, Riveria Ljos Alf. We haven't officially married yet, so she doesn't have my last name, but she's also the captain of my family," Kaylon said proudly.

Riveria blushed when Kaylon introduced her as his wife, but she didn't deny anything.

"Wife!?" A look of shock appeared on Loki's face, and her gaze towards Riveria changed; if she had previously seen her as a beautiful and talented elf, now she saw her as an equal.

After all, what does the status of a wife of a primordial mean? It's an extremely noble status even in Tenkai. Being a mortal? That's the least worries. For a primordial, turning a mortal into a god is as easy as snapping their fingers.

If Kaylon had introduced her as his woman, it would be different; she might think that Kaylon simply felt horny and took a woman. But by introducing her as his wife, the situation changes completely.

Recovering from the shock, Loki sincerely congratulated Kaylon, "Congratulations on finding love, Kaylon."

The friendship between Kaylon and Loki can be considered genuine, so Loki is happy to know that her friend found love.

Kaylon also smiled, then changed the subject, "By the way, why have you come to visit me? Miss me, your boss?"

"I'm not your subordinate! Look, I brought you one of my best bottles of alcohol," Loki pulled out the bottle she had kept in a box.

"I bought it from a dwarf, she's been saving it for 200 years. Consider it a welcome gift," Loki saw the bottle with pain but still passed it to Kaylon.

Kaylon took the bottle enthusiastically, smelling it. He planned to open it eagerly, but before he could, it was snatched from his hands by two gentle hands.

"Now's not the time to drink, Kami-sama. I'll save it for later. Thank you very much, Loki-sama," Riveria took the bottle, preventing her god from getting drunk.

Kaylon looked at Riveria with a resentful look.

"Heh, they have you under control, Kaylon," Loki mercilessly teased Kaylon when she saw him deflated.

"Shut up,flat goddess, Tell me, wouldn't you come to my house to give me your precious alcohol for nothing, right?" Kaylon gave Loki a cruel look, then asked the reason for Loki's visit.

"Well, it's quite simple, and I won't beat around the bush. I would like to have an alliance between our families," Loki got straight to the point; with someone like Kaylon who knows her well and is just as calculating as she is, intrigues won't work.

"That sounds good... You can let your captain discuss it with my Riveria," Kaylon easily accepted; he has no plans to conquer Orario or anything like that, so he doesn't mind an alliance.

"Alright! Then, Finn, you can go discuss the details of the alliance with Riveria," Loki nodded satisfactorily at Kaylon's response, then left the rest to Finn; she trusts her captain.

Finn and Riveria were a little stunned by how easily something as important as an alliance was decided.

Nodding towards Riveria, Finn left the room with the other two leaders of his family.

Riveria also got up and left with Eris and Ghislaine.

Both groups will go to another room to discuss the details of the alliance.

After they left, only Loki and Kaylon remained in the room. Loki looked at Kaylon, who had taken the bottle of liquor from Riveria's hands without her noticing.

Opening the bottle, Kaylon poured a glass for himself and for Loki.

Taking the glass of liquor, Loki said with a mocking smile, "If the goddesses find out that a mortal stole your heart, they'll probably be heartbroken."

Kaylon, as a primordial god and one of the most handsome gods in Tenkai, is practically the wet dream of hundreds of goddesses.

"They're just a bunch of sex lovers," Kaylon said disdainfully. Most goddesses in Tenkai would give you their love for several thousand years, then get bored and look for another god or goddess.

"Heh, do you think that nymphomaniac still remembers that?" Loki asked as she poured herself another glass of alcohol.

"Freya? She might have been told, but I don't think she remembers everything completely," Kaylon shook his head. Freya died and was reborn, so she shouldn't remember anything.

Kaylon started to remember his situation with Freya. In the past, Freya fell in love with him, but Kaylon wasn't interested in a woman with such a distorted idea of love, so he firmly rejected her.

Of course, Freya didn't take the rejection well. At that time, she was much more capricious than she is now, so angered and offended by the rejection, she tried to find a way to get revenge.

But what could harm a primordial? The easiest answer is another primordial. Knowing that, Freya tried to manipulate another primordial to confront Kaylon. Unfortunately for her, she overestimated herself; she thought her beauty would help her manipulate another primordial.

But how could a being who had lived for so long fall for such a foolish manipulation? Barely realizing what Freya wanted to do, the primordial killed her. At least he was compassionate enough not to erase her essence, which allowed her to be reborn.

However, when a god dies in Tenkai, they will forget their memories and be reborn completely blank.

Therefore, Freya doesn't remember at all. Of course, another god could have told her about the situation.

"If she remembers... I might have to be careful." If it were Tenkai, he wouldn't care at all, but this is Genkai, and the Freya family is strong enough to cause him problems.

Not to mention Freya's charm; it's a very powerful weapon. So far, in his family, there are only two people who could resist Freya's charm: Elinalise and Riveria; the rest are defenseless.

"I wish consciousness would find a world with something that could protect people's minds," Kaylon thought it was necessary to ensure that his members didn't fall under Freya's charm.

"Hehe, it must be difficult to have a crazy yandere after you," Loki laughed mercilessly at Kaylon's problems.

"Hmph, if she dares to have any ill thoughts, don't blame me for being cruel," Kaylon's eyes turned cold and ruthless.

Anyone who dares to harm his family will be his enemy, and he won't hesitate to destroy them.

Loki, who saw Kaylon's cold eyes that seemed like an abyss, smiled with amusement, 'hehehe, after all, light and darkness are two sides of the same coin, right?'

Standing up from his chair, Kaylon told Loki, "Come on, let's see how our alliance ended."

Loki also got up from her chair, eyeing Kaylon's bottle greedily. "By the way, are you going to finish that bottle? If you want, I can help you."

"Don't even think about it!"

"Damn, you're so jealous."


That's it for today's chapter. I appreciate your input on adding Freya as an antagonist in Danmachi.


I appreciate the power stones and collections.