
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Chapter Three--Wind

Complete silence dominated the classroom, no one dared to make a sound . The only audible sound was of the clock hanging on the wall .Everyone was just replaying Ms Laura's words over and over in theirs heads. Some thought they heard wrongly and some thought their always dead serious teacher was pulling a prank on them.

The class was made up of 16 year old children but the news forced them to abandon the way they used to evaluate life from that point. Some felt the need to grow up as they knew that there was a chance of their parents not coming back home. One student eventually had the courage to raise her hand.

"Linda " said Ms Laura after pointing her hand toward the student

A beautiful girl wearing glasses and black hair tied to a ponytail stood up to speak.

"Ma'am, how much time do we have ?" she asked in a shaky voice

"The human forces are depleting fast in number , more than Two Hundred soldiers die every week . If the situation doesn't get any worse we have about ten months before the enemy reaches the civilian towns." Ms Laura replied to Linda's question

Once again the whole class was silent. The student's already started to accept their fate . They knew that at that very moment , people where fighting with their lives on the line just so that their families could gain a few more months of life. Some regretted how they lived their lives and silently vowed to fix their mistakes before the end of humanity, while others , like Adam , were sad that they would die as virgins.

"You might be wondering why I am telling you all this, why I would tell a bunch of powerless kids about something outside of their control."

Miss Laura claimed their attention. Then a look of unwavering determination appeared on the teacher's face before she continued.

"We need more forces , we need more people to fight for our future, we need you"

The student's where dumbfounded, they then understood that the future of the human race really was over if the government had put it's trust in a bunch of inexperienced kids who have never had to fight for anything their entire lives.

"But...." a student was about to contest when Ms Laura spoke once more

"We will train you and groom you to become the best versions of yourself , in five months, you all are going the the front line , and not only you . Everyone between the ages of fifteen and sixty is expected to fight for our right to live. When I look at you all I no longer see school kids , you are soldiers now, behave accordingly"

Surprise filled the class , never in their wildest dreams did they even imagine that they would find themselves in that situation.

"But we are just kids !" one student said aloud

"Didn't you hear what Ms Laura just said? we are the only hope of mankind" another said

"Do you really think that we can make a difference?"

"Yes as a matter of fact i do" they began to argue

"That's because you are a fool"

"Who are you calling a fool ?" the student stood up in anger,

Before he could do anything though the sound of a sword cutting the air resounded in the room.

A second later the student's desk caved in as it was completely cut in half . All eyes went to the now destroyed table . None of the students saw what happened , one second Michael wanted to go and confront jake , the next second his table is in two equal parts.

It was against school policy to use any sort of ability inside the premises. A junior student was once badly injured during a confrontation with a senior student. Ever since that day all abilities, where banned. This rule did not matter that much anyway since all junior students except for Liam did not have powers yet. Liam got away with using his lightning because of his family's influence.

Only one person in the classroom had the capabilities to perform something like that . Naturally all the students turned their gaze towards Ms Laura. Their teacher was not known to be a violent person , even Michael thought that he was just going to get off with a slap on the wrist.

However for the first time in their young lives the students saw the angry side of Miss Laura. Her brows where furrowed, her green hair was moving about in the air as if it was alive and her normally black eyes where glowing the same shade of green as her hair.

But the most shocking part was that Ms Laura was now floating about a meter off the ground and violent winds surrounded her figure. She looked like a living catastrophe. Everyone started moving towards the back of the class and away from the human tornado forming in front of them. To say the students where scared would be a huge understatement.