
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Chapter 40 -- Familiar voice

"Noo! No! no no!!" Lex cried as he used all the 'Force' in his body to dash towards the only family he had. His mind was not even fully there as his only thought was reaching Adam as fast as possible. Flame 'Force' burst out of his body as he accelerated towards Adam, his tears evaporating as soon as they left his eyes .

Lex's feet didn't even touch the ground as he ran. One second later and he had already arrived at Adam's position.

"Adam! are you-----"

All of a sudden, Lex felt an insane amount of force crash onto his side. Literally knocking the air out of his lungs and breaking two of his ribs.

The lion didn't wait for Lex to reach the human and quickly cut him off, headbutting him on the side. The headbutt flung Lex away with extreme speed and power. Lex would have crashed into the forest like Adam if he had not slowed down his momentum by sticking his fingers into the hard ground.

*Cough* *Cough* Black blood came out of Lex's mouth as he coughed. His hand tightly clutching his side. He could feel thet his ribs had broken but luckily his lungs where still intact. The beast slowly walks towards him in an imposing manner.

'No... it..can't.....be' Lex was refusing to believe the reality of it. He was close to Adam for only a second but he was sure he couldn't hear a heartbeat. Adam was dead.

Lex had lost all hope, they where now even deeper into the forest. There where obviously beasts all around him, he could not even fight a rank one beast in his condition much less the nearly evolved rank two in front of him.

{Angela i need you} Lex called out in a breaking voice. The pain in his heart was beginning to be too much to bear but he had to admit that he had lost his brother, and try to save his own life.

{Lex i need you to stall it for one minute} Angela replied. Lex could hear the pain in her voice. He was starting to wonder if Angela really was just an Artificial Intelligence.

{Why ?} he asked. Mental conversations happen at a really fast pace so Lex had the luxury to ask questions.

{I can't explain right now, I need to focus all my attention on this task. It's the only thing that can help you} Angela replied in a calm but hurried tone. Now Lex was really curious as to what this 'task' Angela was talking about is.

The way he saw it, nothing could get them out of this situation. Except if Angela could find a way to give him some new overpowered ability he was going to die. Lex was beginning accepted his fate and he was ready for it. Very soon he was going to meet his brother in heaven and then complain about how they both died as virgins.

However since he had nothing to lose anymore it would not hurt to follow Angela's request and stall the lion for a minute.

{Okay I'll try} he replied as he stood up.

{Goodbye Lex, it was fun while it lasted. Oh and I forgive you for calling me fucken useless}

{Bye Angela} Lex said. He could feel that those where the last words he will ever say to his AI.

It had been less than a month but Lex had grown close to Angela. Probably because she was inside his mind. 'What kind of luck is this ' Lex thought. His life was just starting and it was most probably coming to an end.

"Fine i give up!" Lex shouted at the lion, which was about 30 meters away from him.

"GIVE up ? I do NOT understand?" The beast said with a look of confusion on it's face. Well as confused as a lion's face could get that is.

"I was never really on the humans side. I was just pretending to be part of them in order to one day exact my revenge" Lex lied through his teeth.

"Why Should i BELIEVE you Anyway" The lion growled

"Think about it why would a proud dragon like myself chose to willingly live with these filthy humans?"Lex stated. Any normal person could tell he was lying from a mile away.

However right now he was not talking to a person, he was talking to a beast. Lex knew that even if apparently all beasts could talk they could not be that smart. If beasts where that smart they would have taken over the planet years ago as their average strength is way higher than the humans.

Just the thought about an army of human level intelligent creatures freaked Lex out. If beasts had the intelligence of humans they would really be Overpowered. A rank three beast is stronger than a rank three Cultivator, however the human intelligence flips the scale by a large margin.

"You are Right, I once Had the PLEASURE of meeting A void Dragon and they Are the one of Proudest creatures I have EVER met." The lion revealed. Lex internally sighed a sigh of relief his hunch had paid off. If the lion had sensed his lie he would be dead.

'Wait why am i even worried, I am going to die anyway', he thought.

He didn't want to admit it, but a part of him wanted Angela's plan to work out. He wanted to live some more so he can tell Mrs Jones what happened to her son, it was the least he could do. Lex also did not for once think that the lion would leave Adam's body. It would definitely eat him to gain his 'Force' so he had to protect it.

It would bring Mrs Jones closure to bury her son rather than to just hear that he died. He was then brought out of his thoughts when the beast spoke once more.

"Tell ME young one , WHAT did Those filthy HUMANS do for you to seek revenge" Lex had to admit that the way this lion spoke was beginning to be heavily annoying.

"They killed my parents"Lex said in a low voice as he spoke the truth this time.

"They murdered my parents in cold blood and I am going to find them and kill them all" He continued with his fist clenched so hard that his nails dug into his palms, drawing black blood.

"I Xad Zelos, son of Xen Zelos vow to one day get my revenge on all those who hurt the people i love" Lex exclaimed with his teeth clenched.

{Nice to know you have accepted your legacy my son} Lex heard the familiar yet not so familiar voice in his head.