
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Chapter 37 -- Hatred

"So how are we gonna do this ?, you take the left and i take the right?" Adam asked as he and Lex faced the oncoming wave of beasts. The ground shook as their large limbs caused the birth of a minor sand storm accompanied by an earth tremor.

"No, the rank one lions are useless, fighting them will only deplete our 'Force'. The real fight are the lions behind them." Lex instructed

"I hear you, but they are coming straight towards us you know"

"Ohh don't worry about that, i have a feeling they won't do anything to us"Lex said, and just as he predicted, the army of rank one lions didn't even stop when it reached Lex and Adam's position. The beasts just parted and ran around the duo, not once even bothering to attack the two.

"What's happening right now" Adam was confused as he witnessed the lions straight up ignoring him and Lex.

"We are rank two beings Adam, rank one beasts don't stand a chance against us, no matter how many they are, and they know this. The real target of these beasts is the village not us." Lex said as the information just flowed into his head. It all came naturally to him like it was common knowledge.

"That's our target right there" Lex announced, turning his attention from the rank one's behind him to the rank two's in front of him. There where at least 50 rank two beasts in front of Lex and Adam. Instead of charging like the weaker ones, these lions just calmly walked towards the battlefield only to stop 20 meters away from the brothers.

"Aim for the head and hind legs" Lex said as sounds of the battle behind him started. He was tempted to look but knew that would mean his death.

"Got it." Adam nodded as he reached for the sword on his back, Lex doing the same.


Name : Lex Black

Race : Lesser Void Dragon (Human form)

Rank : 2

Force : 47 / 53

Strength : 61(+10)

Speed : 45

Endurance : 57

Mind : 25

Elements : Fire ; Darkness ; Light.

Fire element -> Lvl 3.

Darkness element -> Lvl 2.

Light element -> Lvl 1.

Human skills :

Absorption Lvl 2

Flame blast Lvl 2

Flame bullet Lvl 1

Scorching blade Lvl 1

Laser Lvl 1

Inventory (Passive)

Dragon skills:

Roar Lvl 1

Sensitive (Passive)


Lex knew that his 'Force' was not enough to kill all the lions on his half of the battlefield. So he decided to use everything he had to deal as much damage with his flame skills first, then use his raw strength and battle prowess after he runs out of 'Force'.

The lions took the gesture of the boys reaching for their weapons as a sign to start the battle. All 50 lions raced towards Lex and Adam with vigorous speed. They would have reached the duo in 2 seconds if Adam hadn't slowed down their charge with [Inferno].

After the breakthrough, Adam's [Inferno] became strong enough to damage the skin of rank two lions but was still not effective enough to do real battle worthy damage. The skill still worked as a diversion and a way to temporarily blind the enemy as they could not see through the dense orange flames. Lex used the opening provided by Adam's skill to wreck havoc on the defenseless lions.

He stood in place with both his hands outstretched and forefingers rapid firing [Flame bullet]. Two lines of dark red fire also came out of his eyes as he also activated [Laser] at the same time. He then opened his mouth and a wave of pitch black fire came out of it, greatly taking Lex by surprise. He could feel that this flame was not fueled by his 'Force'.

(< System Alert!! >)

(< New Dragon skill unlocked! >)

(< Dragon's breath; Lvl ?? >)

Somewhere in Abaddon City, a man was seen walking through the streets of a dark neighborhood. The darkness being due to the fact that it was midnight and thick black clouds covered the sky. Obstructing the moonlight and threatening to to unload all their waters on the town below.

The man donned black trousers and a black hoodie that covered the top half of his head. He walked through the dark alley ways before entering a seemingly burnt down building. After walking around the building a few times like he was looking for something, he descended a staircase which was carefully hidden under a carpet.

After walking a few seconds down the stairs he came to a door on which he proceeded to knock. The door opened to reveal a boy of around 14 years. The man then removed his hood to show his face. If Lex was there he would recognize the man as the same person who he bought his pain killers from the day he met Linda at the convenience store.

"Jeff ! I didn't know you where coming in today" The boy at the door said.

"Hey Jerry, yah the boss summoned me" Jeff replied.

"Aww man you guys are so lucky you get to meet the boss" Jerry complained.

"Just stay loyal to the gang and in a few years you might might too" Jeff said with a smile as he walked past Jerry. Going further into the underground facility.

The Kalel gang was an underground organisation started by Kalel Lane. An ex student who graduated from Abaddon Academy a few years before Laura. He was a great talent at the time of his school days, but an disagreement with the military caused the two to part ways after Kalel's graduation.

Kalel was a Wind Cultivator at the third rank, a bit more powerful than Laura. He somehow managed to gather loyal Cultivators to follow him and started the Kalel gang. Most of his gang members where ex Academy students who also had a grudge with the military. He planned to one day go to war against the military, his hatred ran that deep

At the moment he was sitting in his office or room in the gang's hideout. He sat back on his chair with feet in the table while enjoying a cigar.

"Come in" he said after hearing a knock.

"Hey boss, I heard you were looking for me" Jeff said after entering and closing the door behind him.

"Jeff ! come on in and sit down how are you doing these days? how's the family?" Kalel (the boss) asked with a smile.

"They're... fine b... boss, are you ok?"Jeff was really surprised. Kalel was not known for being so.... happy.

"Of course in fine Jeffy boy! how could i not be when our force is growing this much. Did you hear the news? .Michael broke through to the second rank." Kalel answered with a wide smile, further freaking out Jeff.

"Michael? as in my first year contact in the Academy Michael?"

"Yes THAT Michael we are getting stronger Jeff, one day just one day we will take down the military. My sister and I will finally get our revenge." Kalel said while looking at a picture hanging on the wall. It was the only picture in the room and it was of a younger Kalel with two other people, and one of those people was Laura.