
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

Wevara · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Chapter 28 -- Eyes

Laura and Linda landed in the middle of the village. Attracting a crowd around them, which was quickly dispersed courtesy of Rocky. The two quickly rushed the unconscious brothers to a small room that was pointed out by Clara, Mia's mother

"Uhh so are we just gonna watch them like this" Mia asked, breaking the silence. Linda, Tina, Michael, Jennifer, Mia, Laura, Rocky and Clara where all standing around the the two unconscious boys.

It was the first time for everyone in team Cursed, including Mia, to witness the birth of a rank two Cultivator so their curiosity was justified. Mia's statement though seemed to snap them out of their curiosity.

"Watching them is no use, it takes up to 8 hours for a Cultivator to to recover from a breakthrough so let's leave them to...." Laura was then interrupted by a voice coming from below her.

"Ohh come on Laura, let the ladies stare at the magnificence that is Adam Jones for a while longer" A very wide grin was seen on Adam's face.

"Adam are you ok ?" Jennifer asked with concern in her voice.

Adam opened his eyes and they immediately zoned in on Mia.

"Of course I'm fine Jenny, how could I not be when I am in the presence of an angel." Adam remarked. Causing the poor girl to look away in embarrassment.

"Mia this is Adam, he is the idiot of the group, and Adam meet Mia, the new member of the team, she is fast" Laura introduced Adam to the newbie.

"With how fast she stole my heart, I don't doubt that for a second." Adam said, reaching out to shake Mia's hand with a smile.

"Why is Lex still not awake yet ?" Linda asked in a worried tone, not even trying to pay attention to the awkward interaction between Adam and Mia. Adam seemed to snap out of whatever was happening to his senses as he looked over at his Flame brother.

"Lex ? , bro are you okay ? can you hear me ?come on wake up it's over, we did it ,we are now rank two Cultivators, wake up Lexus" Adam started by shaking Lex in order to wake him, but by the time he finished his sentence he was straight up punching him with tears threatening to burst out of his now red eyes. The rest of the gang where not sure whether the cause of Adam's red eyes was due to him crying or if it was just his elemental aura.

"Bro do you really want to die and leave all these hot chicks for me ? wait actually you know, what I've changed my mind you can die it's all okay I'll take good care of Linda." Adam remarked. That statement seemed to trigger a reaction as Lex started to shake uncontrollably.

He seemed to be having a seizure as black foam started to come out of his mouth and nose.

"It's really happening" Adam said in surprise.

"No.. what's happening to him ? what did you do to him" Linda said with anger starting to show in her expression.

"He is fine this is what's supposed to happen" Adam said in a matter of fact.

"Im pretty sure this is not how it works Adam , i am calling the base we need healers, now" Laura said, taking out her communication device.

"No! don't please not yet please just give him 5 minutes please." Adam pleaded.

Lex had explained to Adam exactly what would be happening during his evolution before attempting the breakthrough, so Adam knew that what was happening to Lex was completely normal. Well normal enough for a half dragon that is.

Of course all of the information Lex told Adam came directly from Angela. They had planned for all this to happen in the forest so that Lex could have the time to think up a plan to break the news to his team , or to break a lie to his team. That was all ruined though as they did not predict themselves passing out after the breakthroughs.

However Adam could not just tell everyone what was happening to Lex. It was not his place to divulge Lex's secret, he would do that himself when he wakes up as he would no longer have a choice at that point.

Linda was however not buying Adam's story as it was still not at all clear.

"Laura you can't believe what this moron is saying right ? Lex is in pain we need to do something , what if he dies huh what then"

"He won't die Linda!" Adam snapped

"You don't know that!!"

"Yes I do ok! he won't die " Adam was getting really pissed off at this point.

"How could you possibly know that he won't die!?" Linda shouted.

"Because he told me! he told me and I trust him"

"How did he tell you ? he knew this was gonna happen ? Adam what is going on !?" Linda started getting suspicious of Adam.

"That's none of your business and if you continue to push me I WILL tell him how worried you where when he wakes up" Adam threatened.

Before Linda could argue further, sounds where heard coming from Lex. They were cracking sounds like like bones breaking, which further worried the team, except for Michael, he actually looked bored.

Suddenly a different sound was heard coming from Lex. This one was low and the group had to listen closely in order to hear it but it sounded like a low growl. It didn't take long for them to figure out that the sound was coming from Lex's mouth.

A loud ear piercing roar sudden came out of Lex's mouth, causing his spectators to back away in fear. Especially the three inhabitants of Rion in the room. They had fought magical beasts all their lives and they could not mistake the roar of a beast.

Mia slowly moved back while placing her hands on her two daggers which where firmly strapped to her back. Linda's mother, Clara, moved towards the door, most likely so she can run away when the crazy red haired beast starts to eat everyone. Rocky imitated Mia and already had a short sword in his hand.

Lex's roar started to change the longer it went on. It started deep like a real dragon and ended like a five year old kid screaming for candy in a grocery store.

"....aaaaaahhhhhhh..fuck that hurt" Lex said as sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Bro you back !" Adam explained while jumping to hug Lex.

"Yoo! bro come on dude gay vibes" Lex screamed with a laugh.

"So how was it !?" Adam asked excitedly

"Painful as fuck bro, but before that, i heard you say something about 'taking care' of Linda when i die. You do know that i would straight up kill you right ?" Lex warned with a smile and a chuckle.

"Uhh....Bro...." Adam signaled for Lex to turn around. Which he did , to find exactly eight pairs of eyes staring at him.