
Shining Darkness

In a post apocalyptic world where the human race is in danger of going extinct. Join our hero as he and his friends fight for their survival against human and alien foes alike

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52 Chs

Chapter 13 -- Mission


Over the last two weeks Lex and his classmates had been learning how to control their powers. Ms Laura had an easy time teaching her 6 students because of their talent. They only needed one explanation to grasp even the most complicated of skills.

It turned out that Laura was not the cause of her students surviving the system project. They themselves where just naturally really.

Lex had been training his fire element as hard as he could for the last two weeks. He had to, because his 'Flame brother' was the genius of the school. Adam was the fastest leaner compared to his peers. He was a genius even among geniuses and Lex refused to be left behind.

Lex had tried to use his other two elements but he failed everytime. No matter how hard he tried he could not manipulate light or darkness. Even his AI, Angela did not know. He decided to put the matter at the back of his mind until he figured out a solution. Angela also said that his father will return one day so he figured it was best not to stress about something outside his control

The hardest part of Ms Laura's job had been hiding her kid's talent from the school. If the students where found out there was no doubt in her mind that they would not have an easy life. The military was desperate to increase the increase the overall power of the human race and she knew that her students would turn into guinea pigs. Laura was no stranger to military cruelty as she herself had killed over 250 people during the system testing phase.

She had found a way to hide their elemental levels from the Inspect skills of other students. It was harder though for the students themselves to hide their prowess, but they knew the price of their powers getting discovered.

"Im not wearing that " Lex said while looking at the suit in Adam's hands. It was a Sunday morning and the best friends where in Lex's dorm room.

"Lex this is the day we have been waiting for all our lives do you really want to not look your best? you have to understand this. Adam argued

Lex though was adamant

"No bro suits are just not my style. I'm not wearing it "

Adam sighed in defeat "Fine wear what you want. You know i still can't believe we are finally going on our first dates ,and together at that !" he exclaimed

"Don't you find it weird that they are the ones who asked us out"Lex said while tying his shoe laces

"Who cares ! the important thing is that Tina and I are going to have a good time" Adam replied

"Since when where you into Tina anyway ?, i remember you saying that Tina is not your type".

"Let me give you a piece of advice my clueless brother, ANY girl who has the courage to ask you out IS your type." Adam said , excitement going through the roof.

Lex however was nervous, or more like scared shitless, but he saw how happy his brother was and he didn't want to ruin that.

Lex wore black skinny jeans, white high cut air force sneakers , a white T shirt and a black and white cap. Adam wore black chinos , brown formal shoes a white shirt and a black blazer on top , he looked like he was going to a wedding, but even Lex had to admit that they looked good.

Lex looked at Adam and with a serious face says

"Don't forget the pack of condoms..." after 2 seconds of silence they both break out laughing before going out the door.

"Man if only we could just fly to the restaurant, it would be so much easier" Adam groaned. They where sitting at the bus stop.

"Oh yeah how long can you hold 5 meters again ?" Lex asked

"Let me show you "Adam said before standing up.

He put his hands on his sides with his open palms facing downwards . Two pillars of fire suddenly came out of his hands blasting at the ground. His feet left the ground and he started floating in mid air. More fire started to come out , causing his altitude to rise until his feet where 5 meters off the ground.

Sweat started to come out of his forehead as Adam closed his eyes to focus better. An uncomfortable look appeared on his expression and you could tell he was in some kind of pain. In the end he could not take it anymore, dispensing his flames and landing back on the ground. He immediately sat on the bench and closed his eyes.

Lex used 'System inspect' on Adam to see his friend's condition

'System inspect'


Rank 1 Cultivator (Adam)

Element : Fire Lvl 2

Force : 0/40

Strength : 29

Speed : 25

Endurance : 30

Skills :

Absorption Lvl 1

Flame blast Lvl 1

Scorching blade Lvl 1


Lex noticed that Adam completely used up his 'Force' when trying to fly. So now he was using his [Absorption] skill to regain some of his 'Force'. After 2 minutes Adam finally opened his eyes.

"Well..?" He asked "How long?"

"8 seconds at 5 meters" Lex answered " But why did you have to exhaust all your 'Force' ? , you wanna fly that badly ?" he questioned.

"You know it's always been my dream dude."

"I thought your dream was being a pilot" Lex said with a smile.

"Same thing! at least thi...."

Adam was interupted when both his and Lex's phones received a message.

"It's Laura, she said to meet at school immediately" Lex said, reading the message.

"I wonder what she wants, but we better run, how about a race ?" Adam challenged with a smile.

"You're on!" Lex accepted before immediately shooting in the school's direction. Flames came out of his feet everytime they touched the ground, making him and Adam reach speeds of 120km/hr. In five minutes they where already there.

They found the rest of the group in their classroom with a worried Ms Laura standing at the front. Immediately after they sat down Laura began.

"A pack of wild magical beasts has broken through the defenses of a small farming village near the border. This school is the closest to the town and by the time military reinforcement arrives the town will be completely wiped out." She took a deep breath.

"We have been ordered to head to the village. The primary objective is to save as many lives as we can. The secondary objective is to kill the entire pack and bring back the head of the leader , if possible"