

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. . Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. . . As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

Cosmic_phantom_19 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

A New Beginning in North Rukongai

Blake Welton stood amidst the ruins of North Rukongai, his eyes fixed on the desolate landscape before him. The once bustling district had fallen into disrepair, its streets empty and its buildings crumbling. But Blake carried within him the power of restoration, granted by the roulette of the system.

With a determined resolve, Blake activated the restoration opportunity. A surge of energy coursed through his veins as the crumbling structures began to mend and the streets regained their former vibrancy. The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. North Rukongai bloomed anew, and hope filled the air.

As the last traces of restoration settled, a mysterious phenomenon unfolded. The earth souls, long departed from the human world, found themselves transported to this new realm through the transmission point Blake had developed. They materialized in North Rukongai, their arrival met with a mix of astonishment and confusion.

Some souls looked around with wide eyes, their astonishment evident on their faces. They marveled at the vibrant surroundings, unable to comprehend the beauty that lay before them. It felt as if they had arrived in the afterlife, a realm beyond their wildest imaginations.

Conversely, there were those who looked around with fear, their expressions clouded with uncertainty. They whispered among themselves, unsure of their fate and what awaited them in this unfamiliar place. The unknown can be a frightening prospect, especially for souls who had only just departed the human world.

Amidst the curious murmurs and apprehensive whispers, Blake observed from above, his presence hidden from their sight. He watched as the earth souls slowly began to acclimate to their new surroundings, their astonishment giving way to a mix of emotions. Some souls tentatively approached one another, seeking solace in the company of fellow travelers.

Overhearing snippets of their conversations, Blake witnessed the stories of these earth souls unfold. They spoke of lives cut short, of dreams unfulfilled, and of the journey that brought them here. Some shared tales of tragedy, while others clung to memories of love and joy. Each soul carried a unique story, now interwoven with the tapestry of Soul Society.

In the midst of their uncertainty, Blake couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility. He knew that he held the key to their future, the power to shape their destinies in this new world. As the earth souls began to find their footing, he vowed to guide them, to provide them with a sense of purpose and belonging.

From his vantage point in the air, Blake whispered words of reassurance, his voice carried on the wind. He urged the earth souls to embrace this opportunity, to see it as a chance for rebirth and growth. He assured them that they were not alone, that together they would forge a path forward.

With each passing moment, the astonishment and fear subsided, replaced by a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the earth souls. They began to look at their new surroundings with a renewed sense of curiosity and determination. And Blake, their unseen guardian, silently vowed to guide them on this extraordinary journey through Soul Society.