
Shifted Hearts

Sold into marriage to a prince by her abusive father, Dawn hoped she could keep her head down and her demon under control. But, when a dark Duke catches her eye at her engagement party, she is swept into an underground society of magic and steamy romance that she was not prepared for. As political tensions rise and danger grows closer, Dawn's darkest secret threatens to come to light and her only protection lies in trusting the Duke of the Wolves.

Amanda_Nistico · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 7

Dawn woke early, the sun just starting to kiss the sky with the orange of a sunrise, and she sat up inside the little tent. She was met with the utter normal dullness of the colours around her and she knew her eyes had returned to being human. She reached a hand up to the top of her head, already knowing they were gone but feeling anyways for the fox ears. The demon had returned to the depths inside her.

She took a moment to breathe and calm herself from the day before. Whatever today would entail, her life would be completely different going forward than what she had thought it would be. Thomas would not take her back, not now, not after seeing her demon. Luck had had it, that Atlas had pitied her enough to take her away or else she may not even still be alive. She hadn't decided if it was bad luck or good luck.

She looked to the exit of the tent, she couldn't see him, but he had said he would stay up and watch through the night. Whatever the next hours, day, weeks, entailed, it would be linked to the dark duke. She remembered the black paw that had pressed against her hand and she curled her fingers in her lap. So easy. So controlled. She didn't believe she would ever get to that point and she wasn't sure she wanted to.

She wasn't ready to face that part of herself yet, but maybe she could start by just facing the day. She crawled out of the tent into the morning air and onto the damp dewed grass. Her ribs felt stiff and dull pain ached in them from where she had been kicked.

"Good morning." Atlas called. True to his word he had stayed up the entire night, the shadow of exhaustion not even showing on his face. He wasted no time to come over and disassemble the tent now that she was awake.

"Good morning." She said back to him, her formal role coming back up.

"Sleep well?" He asked, the tent falling as he pulled the supports out.

"Well enough. Thank you." She looked down at the ground. She was human again and the dress he had put on her shoulders the night before fit her well now.

"My manor is still a full day's ride. We should arrive around dinner time." He explained and she only nodded as he finished packing everything up. "When we arrive, we'll have a healer see to your wounds properly." He looked over his shoulder at her, seeing her looking at the ground and not at him. The belt had left angry lines on her shoulders and chest and the bruise around her eye was discoloured. He quickly cooled a building rage as he saw the wounds again. He had dealt with Thomas, and no doubt the prince would be displeased when he awoke to find the surprise he had left for him.

Once he had finished packing the supplies, he helped Dawn onto the horse before mounting it behind her. They didn't talk throughout the ride, aside from Atlas checking in on how she was doing, noticing her fidgeting uncomfortably from the pain in her torso. They stopped for breaks for themselves or the horse at Atlas's insistence. It was more often than necessary for him or the horse but he knew Dawn needed the rest for her hurting body. When the manor came into view it was already early evening, Atlas's arrival estimate off the mark due to the added breaks. Dawn didn't seem to notice or mind that it had taken longer.

She had spent most of the ride thinking and subsequently trying not to think. It was difficult trying to puzzle it all out, the feelings and questions, without making herself feel horrible and often resulted in her having to shut down mentally for a while before trying again. Once they arrived, she felt fear climb up her spine. She'd done this before with Thomas, all that was inside would be pain for her and she was afraid.

"Easy…" Atlas said behind her, noticing her change in body language. He brought the horse to the front doors. "It's okay, on my fathers grave, no harm will come to you here." He skillfully dismounted, then helped her down.

Her feet landed on the solid cobblestone and she felt the fear deep in her bones till she looked at him, a man she'd known for such a short time that showed her kindness beyond anyone else in her life. It could all be a vile trick, but then again, what else did she have to lose?

She dared to reach for his hand, her fingers brushing against his, asking to be held. He didn't hesitate when he felt her hand and took it in his, holding it gently and led her into his home.

"I'll take you to a guest room to rest. I'll have food brought to you, it would be good for you to try to eat if you can. You will have a servant assigned to you and if you need anything, let her know…" He explained as they walked at her pace.

The inside of the mansion was beautiful and well kept but not nearly to the same level as the palace. Dawn liked it, it felt warmer inside than her previous homes had. There was no one around as he led her to her room. When they arrived, he held the door open for her with a soft smile, letting her inside. It was a large room; a bed, a vanity, a wardrobe, were all included but also a small sitting area, a bookshelf, and a desk.

"There's a personal bathing room through that door for you as well." Atlas said motioning to the door. Dawn only nodded and went and sat on the bed, hugging herself. She hadn't said anything in a long time and her eyes looked sad and far away. Atlas felt his chest tighten and he went to her, crouching in front of her so she was looking at him and not at the floor.

"I would like a healer to come check on you, is that okay?" He asked, putting a hand on her knee. She was so hesitant now that they had arrived at the manor, like a frightened child. She was ready for everything to happen all over again. For him to yell and beat her like every other leader of a household she'd been a part of had.

"Not tonight... please. I can't." She felt so small. Her world had been shattered at their campsite and expanded and she wasn't sure she wanted to be a part of it. His brow creased with worry as he wanted his healer to ensure she was alright, but he knew he couldn't push her. He nodded though it was slow and resigned.

"I can bring you up a supper plate. Is there anything else you need?" He asked and she dropped one arm from herself, to put a hand on his hand on her knee.

"I'm not hungry…" She said quietly, more tears threatening in her voice."I don't want to be alone." He would turn on her. He would leave her. She couldn't bear the thought of it and she looked him in the eyes. She needed to give him reason to stay. Shame burned inside her and just as quickly as she met his gaze, she dropped it, looking back down. She needed to do this. It was the only thing she could think of to make him stay.

"I'll do whatever you want." She let go of his hand and reached for her bodice, pulling it down and exposing her breasts. "Anything… j-just please don't leave me alone." Her voice cracked as she spoke and her cheeks burned. She didn't want to do anything but she didn't want to be alone more.

Atlas kept his eyes on her face and took her free hand off the bed and held it gently

"Dawn, I don't want sexual favours from you. Not like this. All I want is for you to be happy, healthy and taken care of." He tried to be gentle, not wanting the rejection to hurt her. "What do you need right now?" he asked again.

She was taken aback and her eyes met his. She covered her chest feeling shame still burning inside, but also confusion.

"But..." She looked perplexed and dropped her eyes from his again. There was too much kindness to be seen in them and she couldn't hold it.

"I... just don't want to be alone... I'm tired." She said faintly. He nodded and looked her over. Her dress was clean enough. He stood and helped manoeuvre her so that she was under the plush comforter.

"Get some sleep then. I'll be right here when you wake. We'll eat and talk tomorrow." He smiled lightly hoping it would be a positive promise, but Dawn only felt dread at the statement.

She curled around herself into the foetal position, wincing lightly at the pain in her ribs, before letting her eyes fall closed.

He pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed. Her hand rested on the mattress and he picked it up gently, brushing the back of it comfortingly with his thumb. He smiled when he felt her squeeze his hand lightly, before she drifted to sleep.