

Shiba Tatsuya found himself in the void looking at nothingness.

Having no body and a feeling of emptyness as he reminiscences about the last memory before the void.

Sitting on the beach with Miyuki's dead body in his arms and all around him was carnage of destroyed destroyers,aircraft and dead magicians of all known countries.

All of this started when the 101'st independent magic equipped battalion was ordered to strike at The Great Asian Union using the strategic-class magic Material Burst, which ended up destroying the entire country.

Afraid of his powers the rest of the countries banded together to kill off this strategic-class magician code name Ooguro Ryuuya. Unfortunately for them they didn't succeed but it ended with Miyuki's death. In his greaf he used Material Burst on all the countries simultaneously eradicating almost all of the living from the planet. Shiba saw all this while dying to overheating of the magic calculation area.

Back to the void he heard a voice calling to him

Shiba: Who are you?

[ ? ]: You can call me the collective conscience of this world or the origin.

Shiba: ...

[Origin]: I have seen what u have done and know why you did it but u weren't able to protect her due to your own weakness yet u ended up destroying the world, now what to do with u?

Shiba: If only I had another chance I would have been able to prevent this outcome.

[Origin]: Oh so confident eh. Fine I'll give u a chance but only a chance only a chance, show me what u can do and what will you change. Now Begone.

He started blacking out.

When he regained his senses he found it hard to move but a soothing feel to which he determined that he war reincarnated back to his mother's womb.

Shiba began to look forward to his second chance of a life