
To Hell With Caution

Asmodeus witnessed every single man he sent to Maria come out with a different state of mind.What the hell was she telling them.They even refused to take the money Asmodeus offered to pay them.

He was flustered and confused.What broke his resolve on not getting involved directly was when he saw the dwarf guy coming back in tears praising Maria like she was some kind of Saint .

That was it!!!,to hell with caution,he was going to end this himself.Lets see how Maria would counsel the devil to make him sober and thoughtful.

He was an ancient demon prince and she was a 25 year old phsycologist from a small rural town.He could surely handle her,he thought to himself as he beamed with sheer confidence.

He entered the building putting on his best suit, cutest face and hottest aura to be ever felt in world that could barely contain him.

Deliah thought she was done for the day with seeing top class god-like beauties.Her eyes suddenly fell on the last man to walk onto the premises.She bit her lips so hard that,she bled.

The pain was ignored to continue to behold the greatest eye candy she had ever seen.If Arianda Grande saw this man at this moment she would probably reverse her lyrics for "God is a woman".

Deliah felt like doing the remix at that moment."Oh my God",left her lips right before she saw the man enter Maria's office.

Asmodeus entered Maria's office without warning.She was just relaxing in her seat, exhausted from the vigorous counseling she just did.Her eyes detected the entry of another man when she spoke,"I have to tell my boss to increase my pay for working overtime".

"It shall be as you wish my lady",she suddenly heard.She looked up intently at the man who just replied her,"Have I seen you before".Asmo wanted to start on a clean slate so he spoke,"Oh no,you have never met someone like me,I can assure you of that".

She wore her professional look again and asked,"So what do you want to talk about,Mr...."

"Mr.Asmo, that's the name and am here to talk about you",he suddenly said.

Maria's facial expression suddenly signalled confusion.

"What do you mean",she asked him.Asmodeus wasn't going to lie or beat around the bush,"You have caught the interest of some very powerful people from where I come from".

"Mr.Asmo,I don't mean to be rude but you came here for counseling right?",she asked.

"Oh,where are my manners,let me introduce myself"."I am Asmodeus the prince of lust and currently the Devil himself",Asmo answered dropping the greatest bombshell on Maria without warning.

Was Asmodeus crazy!!!,.Maybe he was insane but he was no lier .Whoever this woman was,she was important to his Father,so he had throw everything he got at her.It was unclear how exactly he could hide his identity.

His real face could be revealed to her at anytime and she probably had an angel whispering in her ears.

He was bringing his "A" game and unless this girl was taken from him by the Father himself, Asmodeus would help her choose.

He was preparing a mental picture of her reaction in his mind.He could see her freaking out and finding holy water and praying vigorously on him.

Of course that wouldn't work on him.The way and manner of the deal the human host he was in signed the contract ensured that Asmodeus wasn't just living in him,he became him.He could be 100% human when he wanted to and full demon mode when he wanted to spice things up.

There were so many exorcists he met in his past lives that tried to send him back to hell.It never ended well for them.Anyone who had lust that turned from thought into desire and then action couldn't face Asmodeus.

It was only people who were actually celibate and pure minded who could try and hope to win.In their current generation he only saw the divine one as his Challenger and since he wasn't on earth anymore,it was party time.

He remembered dancing, drinking and then sleeping whiles a bunch of priests tried to take him out.

The reason they were all failing was because they lacked faith and had showed no remorse for their lustful desire.He would then put dirty thoughts in their heads about their nasty fantasies and more.

It always worked and even one priest jacked infront of the whole congregation.

Asmodeus had a good laugh that day but he intended to have the greatest one yet right here and now as he waited for his words to settle down and register in the Maria's mind.