
She isn’t what she seems

Alexus_Jones · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter One: Eyes Meet

(Lola's POV)

Everything went to hell the second I laid eyes upon him. From there I knew, no matter what I did I was his.

"Hey Nina, are you going to that party in old town?" I ask, biting on my fingernail while I work on my drawing.

"Yeah, I heard it starts at 11 and goes until the DJ just stops," Nina's excited voice says on the other end of the line, "it could last for hours!"

Pushing my glasses back up my nose, I sigh, slightly unhappy with the picture. There was a smudge right over the left eye.

"Did you mess up on another one?" She whispers, sounding worried for me.

"Yeah, I did," I groan, crumbling the ruined piece into a ball and tossing it towards my trash basket.

"I think this party could do you some good! Get you out of the house, and interact in person with people versus playing DnD online all the time," she explains gently, trying to distract me.

"I guess a couple hours couldn't hurt," I sigh, stretching my arms out wide, "you just want to see me dance again."

"That too, I really love seeing it!" She yells, getting excited.

"Uh ow thanks for the ear bleed you dick," I groan, clutching my ears as though she could see me.

"You love me, now shut up and get ready, I'll be there in 45 minutes," she says quickly, before hanging up on me.

Mumbling cuss words under my breath, I slide off the bed and head towards my closet. Many shirts flew by my cat Mrs. Kipp as I rushed to find my lime green fishnet crop top and black booty shorts. By the time I've gathered my outfit I'm left with 10 minutes for makeup. I went with neon green eyeliner and neon green lipstick, making sure everything popped and my face would stay intact with all the sweating. I'm just finishing up lacing my dancing shoes(3 inch black heels), when I hear a knock at the door and then a KABOOM!!!!!!! As Nina flies into my apartment, wearing pink and green everywhere.

"ARE YOU READDDDDYYYYY?!?!!" She yells, dancing around the room like a maniac.

"Chill out! I'm ready let's go!" I groan, setting ibuprofen and water next to my nightstand, knowing I would need it when I got home.

"Cmon cmon cmon!" She yells again, pulling me towards the door.

I let her drag me, doing a mental check that my cat has food and water, everything is properly turned off, or set to the right temperature. On my way out the door, I grab my stilleto knife and hook it onto my bra and make sure my keys are triple laced to my shoe.

"Are you sure you need the knife?" She groans, giving me the look.

"Unless you want me to bring my gun instead?" I ask innocently, fluttering my eyes.

"Oh my god! Fine let's just go! Knowing you, you probably have throwing knifes up your ass or something," she sighs, pulling me out the door.

Smirking a little, I double check and make sure all my knifes are in place. Several tied into my hair and hidden, and two in my back pockets, safely tucked away. My heels also have retractable blades on the tip, just in case some idiot tries something. The entire car ride to this warehouse is quiet, but also suspenseful. An almost tangible sense of excitement filled the air the closer we got. Many people were piling into this place, which was already packed full and it was only 9:30!

"Got your bracelet?" I ask, looking out the window.

"Oh you mean the bracelet thats tracked by the other one, which you have on your wrist so you know where I am. And the feature that lights it up white if I press its panic button?" She huffs out, rolling her eyes at me, "yes mom I do. It's right here see!"

Dangling on her wrist in front of me was said bracelet, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"It's better to be safe then sorry, especially if we lose each other," I say, before opening the car door, squishing out the cigarette I had been smoking.

"I still think you need to quit," she yells at me, the music starting up.

I shrug, and we walk towards the entrance watching as they pile in through the doors. Several fights broke out, but they ended just as quickly as they started by the security team.

"Ok well, here goes nothing!" She yells in my ear as we pass the double doors.

Almost instantly I lose her, and I try not to panic, remembering the bracelet. I go up to the bar and order a tequila sunrise when I have the opportunity, tipping the lady $15. The look of surprise crosses her face momentarily, before grinning widely. I sip at the bar, counting down the seconds because I knew someone was going to be stupid enough to walk up to me. Sure enough, a big tall scruffy looking guy stumbles up, and reaches for my drink, and without skipping a beat I sidestep him and knock him in the back of the head, before disappearing into the never ending crowd of people. In the middle, a dance battle was going on, and I grinned before downing my drink and setting it on a random table. At the edge of the ring I can now see it's a battle between two guys, both equally built, but both very pissed off. I could feel it coming off them in waves, the empath in me screaming for blood. One of the guys when in for a spin, and accidental slammed into this guy wearing a suit of all things. Instantly the music stops, as though it had been unplugged and everyone's holding their breath. I start edging closer, until I'm behind the guy that got shoved. His energy was almost black, with flickers of white flashing. Two big guys step in front of him, staring down the dancer. I knew what would happen, and I couldn't stand by idly. I crack my neck, and stumble gently into the two bodyguards, hitting the guy wearing the suit on accident as well.

"Oh h-hey guys, sorry to bother you, but do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask, leaning on one of the guards' arms.

He pushes me off and goes to punch, but I block him, grabbing his fist mid flight. My arm tingles front impact, making me flex and pop his wrist.

"Now listen here buddy, punching women isn't nice," I pout, twisting his wrist as I talk, "especially one who just wanted to know where the bathroom was."

The other guard tries to punch me as well, and I catch his fist too, twisting his wrist and bringing him to the ground.

"Now listen up children, I can let go and you can leave peacefully, or these hundreds of people can see a girl less then twice your size beat you unconscious," I say, grinning at them, "your choice."

The first guard throws my hand off, and the other guy backs away, looking to circle me.

"Don't say I didn't warn you fellas," I smile, taunting them.

The first guy launches himself at me, aiming for my throat and leaving his ride side exposed. Seeing the opportunity in front of me, I jab at his right armpit, driving my fist upwards and knocking his arm out of the socket. With the cry of rage he turns and tries to come at me again, trying to kick out my feet from under me. As he tries to kick up my legs, I jump landing on top of his knee shattering it. A scream came out of his mouth, unholy sounding. Bending over and whispering in his ear "I told you so."

The second guy backs up, after seeing what had just happened to his fellow guard. I nod at him before turning to the guy in the suit and bowing.

"Shows over guys, get back to your dancing and drinking!" I yell out, wringing out my hands.

With a soft pause, the music starts up again, almost louder than before. People make wide circles around me, almost seeming to avoid me at all costs. The guy in the suit catches my eye, and for a brief moment we make eye contact, and everything else fades away. I feel myself lose my breath, his eyes capturing mine as though we were stuck in time. Even from across the circle I could see his bright green eyes staring at me. I look away, and look down to see the bracelet has turned white. Without skipping a beat, I race in the direction that the bracelet leads me, towards the back end of the building. Getting ready to pull out my knife as I reach her, turning her around only to see that she's smiling.

"You had fun didn't you?" She smirks, leaning against the wall.

"Wait, so you pressed the panic button to call me to you?! But you don't need help?!" I yell, shaking my head.

"Yes, but it was worth it, because now I'm not alone." She smiles, patting my shoulder.

A guy walks up, and hands me a note without saying a word, and then turns around and walks away into the crowd. Confusion on my face I slowly open the note, and much to my surprise it's a note from the guy in the suit.