
She is My Hope

Hope Black is a Delta, a person who was born among werewolves, but does not have a wolf... Despite this, she is one of the best warriors, always being at the forefront of training. With the chance to train in the great Lycan royal castle, Hope enlists with the hope of further improving her fighting skills, she just didn't expect to find her Destined on the first day. Dylan Miller is an Alpha, future leader of the Blue Moon pack, he enlisted in royal training to escape a forced union, he is against the ancient rule that he needs to unite with someone of pure and ancient blood. With this chance he hopes to find his Destined and thus be able to free himself from the forced union his father and his elders placed for him. The only thing he didn't expect was for the Moon Goddess to put him together with a Delta who doesn't want him.

LadyArawn · Fantasi
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11 Chs


Kendrick POV

I heard a familiar voice, well it had been many years since I had heard that voice, but it was almost impossible not to recognize it. Ever since I was 16 years old, that voice haunted me, even in my dreams. I was happy and at the same time tense, if the rumors were real she didn't belong to me.

"Can I choose anyone?" I turned to see the colorful-haired girl running her hand through various weapons. Rachel's response was what everyone expected, always start training with the weapon she is least skilled at.

I saw her pick up the double staff. I arched my eyebrow, that was not the one she was least skilled at, but it had been years since I had seen her train, my father had warned she had improved a lot.

As soon as she picked up the staff Rachel launched herself at her and her response made me laugh, it was something my father always said and then I saw her movements, pulling Rachel's paw away with a thud at the joint of her paws.she picked up the staff Rachel launched herself at her and her response made me laugh, it was something my father always said and then I saw her movements, pulling Rachel's paw away with a thud at the joint of her paws.

Simple, if you are unstrong enough to subdue someone, then you must destabilize them and Hope seemed to understand this very well. Her movements were exactly like that, but the thing is, I began to realize she wasn't just using it to push Rachel away.

Her eyes were dark.

'Damn it! Wasn't she taking her medicine?

That's when I realized that in the last three attacks, she had hurt Rachel, broken her ribs, and was about to hurt her mortally. I moved quickly, grabbing Hope's hand and pulling her away from Rachel, expecting her to try to attack me and it was easy to dodge.

I twisted her wrists to release the sticks and brought her close to me, but I knew she wouldn't stop, so I used my command.

"Hope Black! I command you to calm down!" Immediately her body relaxed.

"What?" Her voice sounded like a whisper seeing Rachel standing in front of us, badly bruised, with blood dripping down her face.

"Did you take your medicine, Hope?" I asked and let go, I knew several states were on me, but there wasn't much I could do about it, anyone who had read the report knew very well what was going on.

"This morning, but since I was in the Hospital for a week, I don't think they gave it to me." She replied lowering her head, twisting her lips.

Hope was someone strange, one moment she is consumed by a murderous rage while the next she can't even look me in the eye.

"Until you stabilize, no fight training. Just drills and theory." I watched her kick an invisible stone.

"Ok." She turned to Rachel and bowed. "Sorry, I didn't control myself...next time I'll beat you without having to wander." I smiled in a corner, typical. Hope cared about hierarchy, but she also liked to challenge it.

"Now go take a shower and then go to your class with Miss Clark." I watched Hope run out of the arena.

"Good thing you warned me." Rachel's face was already returning to normal, healing. "But how come she stopped with your order, but the Prince didn't?"

"Because she only accepts my father as her Leader and Alpha. Since I am the future Alpha, then I can too, but I believe if you want you can challenge our orders too." I answered sincerely. Rachel and I are a little more than friends and have no secrets from each other.

"It's a shame she doesn't have a wolf. If she did, she would surely be an excellent Alpha." I agreed with Rachel. It was a shame.

"Or Luna." I completed it and felt my heart warm a little more at that thought.

'Our Luna.'

I listened to my wolf and took a deep breath and narrowed the space between Rachel and me and gave her a light kiss, just brushing my lips against hers and then turned to the rest who were standing around watching.

"Did I tell you to stop training?" I spoke loudly and hugged Rachel. I watched my class go back to training, apologizing. I started walking with Rachel to the exit of the training area, there was an attendance room there, just because now that there were weapons involved, I always ended up with people in there.

"Kendrick, you know your father wouldn't mind if you chose her, right? Even though she doesn't have a wolf."

I choked slightly, it was impossible to hide anything from this woman.

"Well, I know. But that doesn't mean she wants it. Besides, from the rumors she is destined for another." I replied and watched the medic begin to treat Rachel's wounds.

"From the rumors, she doesn't seem to be interested in accepting the bond."

I smiled involuntarily, why was that happening? Even after years of not seeing her, just the thought that I could be with her made me happier than being with another woman.

"See, that smile of yours is the only answer you need."

"Rachel, we are together..." I started, but she cut me off.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. It was nice while it lasted, you know how to satisfy a woman, I'll miss that. But at least I will continue your friendship."

"Rachel... I don't even know what to say to you." I hugged her and kissed the side of her face.

"You are my friend, Kendrick. Before we were lovers, besides, I think it's time for me to look for my own Mate, or start looking for a Chosen One."

I felt her hug and her kiss on my cheek, I didn't feel jealous of what she had said, I felt happy she said it. We were old now, so to speak, 23 years old and we still hadn't chosen anyone to be our companions. Most people thought we would end up together, but she and I knew that wouldn't happen. It is a feeling we had from the beginning, from our first kiss.

"Just don't forget you still have a post here." She spoke to me, and I turned away from her and went back to the training arena.

Third Person POV

"So she's awake?" I asked looking out the window.

"Yes, she's back for training already. She took the group to the forest, looks like she's going to train them there." I listened to the female answer.

"Good. Have you had the training changed?"

"Yes, I have already informed everyone."

"Keep an eye on her. Something tells me there is a lot more behind the story of the wolfless girl." I turned to look at the woman in front of me.

"Yes." I watched the woman give a brief nod and leave my office.

I sat down in my chair. It was hard to believe the rumors, if it wasn't for the recorded video of everything that had happened in the group selection no one would believe the fights that had happened.

Hope had caught the attention of the royal family and sometimes that wasn't necessarily a good thing. But there was nothing more to be done and yet there was a feeling inside me that wouldn't quiet me.

'We need to know more.'

My wolf was just as bothered as I was.

'Could it be that she is a witch and no one knows?'

'Well, only if she hid very well. From history she was born into the SilverRage pack and her abilities are quite similar...'

'But it doesn't make any sense, her skills shouldn't be that strong.'

'Well, hunters shouldn't be that strong either, but they can kill supernatural beings too.'

'I wonder if she has any hunter in her?'

'Well, it doesn't hurt to ask for the tests, does it?'

'I agree.'

Dylan POV

The evening's training was intense, as usual, I was one of the fastest wolves I had and the strongest, yet fighting 3 of them was pretty hard. Besides, Sin has been impatient, ever since our coach said Hope was going to another arena, stronger, worse than this one worried him.

'Our Mate is in danger.'

'In that training, she always will be and I doubt if we tell her to stop, she'll do it.'

Then let's wrap it up and go check on her.

But always when we defeated one opponent, another appeared. I didn't even realize how many I had beaten until the coach told me that practice was over.

"You did well today, Dylan. You beat 16 opponents." I heard the coach speaking and looked at him surprised.

"Sin was impatient, wanting to finish practice soon," I answered sincerely.

"Worried about your mate?" He asked and I nodded positively. "Normal, you never get used to it. Mine is also a warrior, always when she goes out on a mission my wolf gets impatient."

"I don't exactly know how to deal with that." How should I handle my destined one who has no wolf and loves being targeted?

"Take advantage of these training sessions to vent that anger and restlessness. No matter how much we want to, they will never stay home being protected. It's not in their blood."

"Thank you, Philip." I thanked him for his advice and then went to take a quick shower, got changed and was soon in the study room. Hope was not there.