
She is My Hope

Hope Black is a Delta, a person who was born among werewolves, but does not have a wolf... Despite this, she is one of the best warriors, always being at the forefront of training. With the chance to train in the great Lycan royal castle, Hope enlists with the hope of further improving her fighting skills, she just didn't expect to find her Destined on the first day. Dylan Miller is an Alpha, future leader of the Blue Moon pack, he enlisted in royal training to escape a forced union, he is against the ancient rule that he needs to unite with someone of pure and ancient blood. With this chance he hopes to find his Destined and thus be able to free himself from the forced union his father and his elders placed for him. The only thing he didn't expect was for the Moon Goddess to put him together with a Delta who doesn't want him.

LadyArawn · Fantasi
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11 Chs

The Darkness

Hope POV

I am wandering in this place, in this dreamless dream, just eternal darkness, no light, no hope.

I walked until my body was tired, everywhere and still, I couldn't find a way out, would there be any way out of this place? I hate this feeling of being just prey amid an endless hunt.

There is something about this place. I feel its gaze on my body, my skin creeps and instinctively I cringe, but I try to fight it and raise my head.

"COME OUT AT ONCE!" I shout into the void and feel a laugh hit me and I twist my mouth, I want to grab whatever was laughing at me.

The anger in me is palpable, it's like a wave of energy coming out of my body and disturbing the darkness around me.

"You won't win! I will never give up!" I spoke with conviction and this time I started running, I needed to find a way out of this place.

A place where I was dragged every time I got too tired, every time I dared to dream.

I had been running and trying to fight since I was 8 years old, the first time I appeared in such a place was after I was killed for the first time.

It was like a stain on my soul, a stain that I didn't intend to give in to. Something in me knew that if I just gave up, then there would be nothing to stop me from exploding from trying to kill everyone, friend or foe.

'But if you give up, then... You can rest and won't feel this pain anymore...'

I heard the voice whisper in my ear, a promise that made my soul yearn to reach, that made me fall to my knees, taking a deep breath as tears streamed down my face. It was so easy, so easy to give up.

To never feel that pain again and to give up this rage that consumes me. All I had to do was curl up in this darkness and make it my blanket, my protection, my shield.

"I'm tired..."

My voice is a whisper and when I finally realize that that darkness is going to take me I am pulled out.

Dylan POV

It's been a week since Hope has been in this hospital bed, every night I have to come back here I feel a piece of me break. Will she never wake up? I know the bond is helping her heal, but it seems something is holding her back and I don't know how to pull her back.

I leave every day at dawn to go to the training camp, at lunchtime I visit her again, in the afternoon to finish the second part of the training and then come back here, spending my evenings, sitting in the chair next to her, holding her hand.

I had gotten special permission to do this, they had said that Hope was in a coma and that without a wolf to help her, she could stay like this forever, but since I was her Mate, at least that they knew, then it was better that I stay on the side and that maybe my wolf could help her.

I ran into the Alpha's son of her pack, Kendrick, he was very concerned, he had asked me some questions, but they were questions I didn't know how to answer.

"Who is the first Mate? Did she accept you? Is she okay?"

And many others, besides explaining to me why Hope was so special and every word Kendrick said made me more proud of this girl, but my father didn't think so, he had called me a few times to discuss rejecting Hope as soon as she woke up.

There was no reason for me to argue, not yet, I didn't even know my girl would ever wake up, I ran my hand across her forehead, I could feel the agony, it was like she was in an eternal nightmare.

'Sin...' I begged, I knew my wolf was trying to reach her. We were both in pain. It was anguish that wouldn't go away, that wouldn't let me concentrate properly.

'I'm trying... She's blocking me. She won't let me get close.'

"Why are you so afraid?" I asked softly against her ear and then rested my head against her forehead. "Come back to me, Hope," I asked and pressed my lips against hers.

'Got it!'

Hope POV

"What?" I try opening my eyes, but the light is too strong, I am feeling dizzy, even with my eyes closed the world around me is spinning. If I didn't try concentrating I would fall back into that world of darkness.

"I need to..." I opened my eyes, and even though I felt pain, the white light was almost blinding me, along with the white ceiling and the smell of cleanliness told me where I was. I was in a hospital room. I took my hand to that access on my arm and pulled, letting out a groan of pain, whatever was in that IV was making me more dizzy.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, feeling two hands hold me down, since my eyes were still half closed it was almost impossible to see who it was, I put both hands underneath and leaned against his chest and pushed him hard away.

"Hope! Relax, you're just in the hospital."

I heard a man's voice near me, but there was a lot of noise nearby, the sound of footsteps, and voices mixed, I could feel my breathing and hear my beats.

"I need to..." I took a deep breath, my head hurting more and more, and every noise irritated me more and more. "SHUT UP!" I shouted and then almost everything went silent, only the sound of breathing from the people around.

"I need, from my... "I took several deep breaths, keeping my eyes closed. "Medicine."

I brought my hand to my head. I could already hear the laughter echoing inside it.

"NOW!" Someone moved and took my hand, putting two pills in it, I brought it to my mouth and swallowed. "Give me an hour for them to start taking effect."

Most people left the room, but there were still two breaths beside mine, I twisted my mouth, could they not leave me still? As the minutes went by the sounds started to get smaller and now I know I can open my eyes without hurting myself.

"How long was I unconscious?" I asked with a lower tone of voice. I could still feel the anger in it, but it was much less than before.

"A week." The one who answered me was Dylan. It was the same voice that had asked me to take it easy.

"It makes sense" I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes. I saw Dylan and a nurse. A doctor? I don't know. She was holding a tablet in her hand.

"You'll need to increase your dose in the morning, to make up for the days you went without your meds."

I heard the woman's voice and nodded lightly and grunted low, the anger was still very much on the surface.

"For how long?" My gaze was fixed on that woman who was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"Until it stabilizes."

"That's not a very accurate answer is it?" my voice is shaking, I close my hands and let my nails penetrate my skin, it was a good way to dissipate the anger.

"It's just that. Let's leave it like this for a week, if necessary we'll extend it." Her voice was almost a thread.

"Good." I closed my eyes again, taking several deep breaths, I heard lighter footsteps coming out, I knew it was the woman.

"Hope..." Dylan had moved closer to the bed now, I can feel he wants to touch me, but I can't let him and so I opened my eyes and when his fingers were too close to my cheek I dodged, pushing my head away.

"No." The anger still flowed through my body and I just wanted to jump out of bed and hurt him, it didn't matter if he was my Mate or not, just that I needed to see blood and hit something until the anger was drained completely.