

NOVEMBER 25, IS THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON-ABUSE OF WOMEN, and it is the day that every woman must take to the streets to defend our rights and be respected. This book talks about the consequences of living with an abuser and having no idea what our rights are as women. This book talks about all the ways men deceive women into believing something that will never be. They are beasts, disguised as meek sheep, when inside they are predators. They present themselves to their future victims as "Prince Charming", or "The perfect man"; until they achieve their objectives, one of them is, marrying their victims and that is when they show their true face and nature, which are predatory beasts without any feelings. From meek sheep, they become these cannibals, thirsty for new blood and hungry for power who are capable of committing all kinds of monstrosities, to commit their objective and that objective is "Power" and to shout loudly, how proud they feel they have achieved their goals. They also want and wish to highlight with this cannibalism, that they are cannibalistic macho and proud of it. Every November 25, the day of non-mistreatment of women and the International Day for the elimination of violence against women is celebrated and commemorated and through this book, I wish to make a strong appeal to women who, should not to allow himself to be mistreated, humiliated, beaten and raped by any man. We must learn to say "NO" to mistreatment, abuse, beatings and rape, by them, and we must also know when to say "Up to here", "Enough!", "No more", "It was enough" or as Lorena Gallo ex Bobbitt did to John Bobbitt who, tired of that vicious cycle of beatings, mistreatment, humiliation and rape, cut off her husband's penis, in self-defense. We must have a perfect idea that if there is a life after that hell and that life, it will always be much better, if we know how to live it. Finally, we should not be part of a number of women who are underground, due to the mistreatment of us.

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22 Chs


Rosaura and José Antonio have been married for ten years and José Antonio for six years has dedicated himself to mistreating, hitting, raping, and humiliating his wife for everything.

At first, everything was wonderful, perfect, rosy, because they were both living in a wonderful fairy tale and after a while, things turned for the worse.

One day, José Antonio came home drunk, his wife complained why he came home drunk and he, drunk and how he could not take the complaints anymore, slaps her so hard that he makes her fall to the ground and he begins to kick her.

"Women like you, we are like that," José Antonio told his wife Rosaura, who would not stop crying.

"I'd better go, I can't stand your crying," the husband told her again when he saw and heard that his wife would not stop crying.

José Antonio left, knocking on the door of the courage he had. Rosaura stayed on the ground, motionless and not knowing what to do about it.

Rosaura wanted to believe that José Antonio did that to her, because he was having a hard time.

The next day, he showed up with a beautiful arrangement of red and carnation flowers and a beautiful apology letter, along with a heart-shaped box of chocolate.

"Baby, will you forgive me? I do not know what happened to me yesterday, I did not want to hurt you. Sorry," José Antonio told her, as he gave her a kiss on each cheek and then a kiss on the mouth.

Rosaura did not answer and stared at him. She was wondering, "Should I forgive him? Will he go back to behaving like he did yesterday? What should I do?"

To each question he asked himself, he could not find a clear answer, because everything was fog and sadness.

"Baby, tell me something, please. Do not be quiet. I really want to know what you think," he said while stroking her chin.

"What do you want me to tell you? I don't know if what you're telling me is the truth or it's one of your deceptions," Rosaura replied, really hurt by what he did to her.

"I swear to you that yesterday's thing will not be repeated," he said while stroking her hand.

"I don't know if I believe you anymore. I need time," he only answered that, taking her hand away.

"If you want time, I'll give you all the time you need, I'll go live with my parents, whatever it takes, but I don't want to lose you," he said in a pleading voice.

Seeing his feigned regret, he forgave him, and they immediately went to a good restaurant for lunch.

After that, they went to the house, like two newlyweds, and made love until the next day.

The next morning, he wakes up and prepares a delicious breakfast for you.

"Good morning love. This is for you," he said as he kissed her on the mouth and smiled at her, showing how happy he was.

"Thank you love. It's delicious," he replied after taking the first bite.

"I'm glad you liked it. I did it with a lot of love," he replied, happy to see his wife next to him.

They were on their honeymoon for a month. A month in which, there were no screams; far from it, strong fights.

In that honeymoon time, they took advantage and traveled to Galapagos, where they had an incredible time and had their second honeymoon.

But how any story of apparent love and calm, the storm came and this time, it was worse.

Rosaura was ironing her husband's clothes, happy and content that, finally and there are no problems, when she sees lipstick on one of his shirts.

"What is this, José Antonio?" He said, showing him the lipstick mark on one of his shirts.

"It's lipstick and what? Is there a problem?" José Antonio replied, in a sarcastic tone.

"Damn it, I'm your wife!" Rosaura replied, really annoyed.

"Are you, my wife? So, answer me like this and stop denying us to have sex," José Antonio asked her.

"Now I don't want to, not like this," Rosaura replied.

"I'm tired of you refusing! Right now, you're going to be mine!" José Antonio replied, as he took off his clothes.

"You will not dare!", Rosaura told him, while she saw his face, a man she had never seen.

"Of course, I do!", Replied José Antonio, as he beat her hard, leaving her unconscious.

He took advantage of the fact that Rosaura was unconscious and put a padlock on all the doors and windows. He also destroyed all the conventional and cell phones and once he saw that everything was how he wanted, he began to rape her savagely.

After a few minutes, Rosaura reacts and sees José Antonio, on top of her and raping her.

She tried to shake him off, but could not, because he had her in his power.

The only thing she could do is bite him, so she could get rid of him, and she did.

As soon as he managed to shake it off, he ran to the door, but was on the safe side.

While Rosaura was going to one of the rooms, José Antonio runs to meet her, grabs her, and begins to beat her, kick her and rape her.

"Help!" Was the only thing Rosaura could shout?

"Shout what you want, no one will save you! One of the two gets out of here alive and straight to jail and the other dead!" José Antonio yelled at him.

José Antonio began to kick her, hit her, and rape her, with more force; while, Rosaura, did not stop scratching him with the same force that he used on her.

So strong were Rosaura's scratches that they made him step aside and she, being weak, got up and ran like crazy to the kitchen to get a knife.

The moment José Antonio managed to reach the kitchen; he saw that Rosaura had a knife.

"You will not dare to kill me with the knife! You are too weak and cowardly to do it!" José Antonio told her, challenging her.

"Of course, I dare damn it! You turned me into this! And we are both going to die," Rosaura replied, in a challenging tone.

"We'll see who dies first, bitch!" José Antonio told her, in the same challenging tone as Rosaura's.

José Antonio also took the knife and the two began to stab each other.

While José Antonio managed to knock her down to rape her, Rosaura took advantage of it and began to stab him and the other also did the same to her.

On the one hand, José Antonio was stabbing her and raping her and on the other hand, Rosaura was also stabbing him.

The two began to stab each other, for the sole purpose of killing each other, and after four hours of hitting, kicking, raping, and stabbing, the two died.

Six hours after the terrible accident, the police appeared with the forensic team and after two hours of examining the place and the bodies, they declared them dead.

The next day, the relatives of José Antonio and Rosaura went to the morgue to recognize the bodies and, indeed, they were their children.

The two families did not stop crying or cursing each other, because they could not understand how the two came to this.

Two weeks after what happened, the two families buried their children separately and after that, they cut off all communication between them.

November 25, is the Day of NO ABUSE OF WOMEN, because on that day, many women died because of their partners and there was no one to defend them.

This song fits perfectly with the mistreatment of women:

They are me

Gloria Trevi

She is a lollipop because she gave herself

And that in love

He is a mop because he threw it

Seeing his face

That it was the fault that they touched her

For her miniskirt

There is no lack of an idiot who says that she

I wanted to be raped

He is 50 and has become

Such an interesting man

They at 30 see them obsolete

Old-fashioned and on sale

Let the earth tremble when a woman

raise your head

How did you forget

From her belly and her blood you fed

Like wings of an angel it took you

In his arms to take care of you

And you chain her to pain

And you erase all its value at once

And they are all

And they are me

They are me

Fucking society that for the sake of morality

They cover us with stones

But where are they when another woman

The sand swallows her

Some put a price on innocence

And they demand decency

There is no lack of the coward who imposes himself with blows

When there are no reasons

In the middle of a world is overpopulation

Who plays at being god

Having a boy is the most desired

On the other hand, a girl is a convicted case

Another heart cries in the sky

That they have turned off

How did you forget

From her belly and her blood you fed

Like wings of an angel it took you

In his arms to take care of you

And you chain her to pain

And you erase all its value at once

And they are all

And they are me

How did you forget

From her belly and her blood you fed

Like wings of an angel it took you

In his arms to take care of you

And you chain her to pain

And you erase all its value at once

And they are all

And they are me

They are me

VULCANOcreators' thoughts