
Love at First Sight?

It was during a pleasant evening on my homeland where my friend's post marriage function was going on.

After having the pretty good food and desserts I was just having a chat with my other friends and having fun.

Me, who was not at all in a mood to fall for someone during that period because I was feeling not to have any more love and just go straight to an arranged marriage.

But, for some reasons, fate got me looking at this beautiful girl standing a few foot away from where I was, who was also doing the same with her friends. She was just all happy and laughing.

The tall beautiful girl got me stuck on looking at her for some while and before I could think of anything else I had already fell for her. Her eyes seemed to as the most beautiful pair of them I have ever seen. The way she dressed just as the girl in my fantasy, the way she was laughing and talking....

That's it right? Love at first sight.