
She Fell For Her.. (GL)

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16 Chs

Where is she?


Summary Of: By-Frost?! Yes Please!

A girl bursts into the classroom, announcing an upcoming feast with various events. Raven is intrigued by the "By-Frost" event but understands Parker's hesitation to participate. Grace plans to join the Gold Rush event with Shawn and Vesper. Sabrina invites Raven to be her partner for the By-Frost event, and they both eagerly agree. Classes proceed, and Raven's sports training for the inter-school event intensifies, leaving her with less time for socializing. Sabrina sneaks away from her lunch spot to watch Raven's athletic prowess during practice, and she is impressed by her friend's dedication and skill. Sabrina decides not to interrupt Raven's training and leaves her to it.



As the days passed, Sabrina eagerly looked forward to watching Raven's relay practice once again. She admired her friend's dedication and athleticism, and each practice session only fueled her excitement to see Raven perform even better.

Sabrina contemplated her decision to invite Mae to watch Raven's relay practice. Mae was a close friend, but she also had a tendency to speak without much filter, which could potentially create awkward situations.

Sabrina didn't want to risk anything that might cause an unnecessary situation like the "sexy handshake" one. As much as she valued Mae's company, Sabrina decided it would be best to attend the practice alone. She didn't want to take any chances with Mae.

As the lunch break begins, Sabrina seizes another opportunity to visit Raven while still keeping her intentions a surprise from their other friends. She casually tells Parker and the others that she's going to grab something from the canteen, which conveniently is located near the field where Raven's relay team is practising.

Sabrina walks briskly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as she nears the field. She can hear the faint sounds of laughter and cheers from Raven's team, signaling that they are still in the midst of their practice.

Sabrina searched around the track, hoping to find Raven. She looked in every direction, but Raven was nowhere in sight. Frowning slightly, Sabrina wondered where her friend could be. "Where is she? I wanted to see her," Sabrina muttered to herself, feeling a bit disappointed.

As she continued her search, Sabrina's eyes suddenly caught sight of Raven's long, luscious black hair, elegantly styled in a French braid. Her heart skipped a beat, relieved to finally spot her friend.

But to her surprise, there was someone else with Raven, embracing her in a hug. Sabrina's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected sight. "Someone is hugging Raven?" she thought, taken aback. Raven was never one to seek physical affection, so the embrace had to mean something significant.

As Sabrina got a better view of the person hugging Raven, her eyes widened with surprise. "It's a guy!!" she exclaimed in a hushed tone, her curiosity growing exponentially. "Who is it? Who is it?" Sabrina whispered to herself, eager to figure out the identity of the mystery person.

As the guy finally let go of the hug, Sabrina's eyes widened even further. "Is that... Parker?!" she whispered incredulously. For a moment, she was convinced it was their soft-spoken friend who had surprised them all with such a heartfelt display of affection. However, upon taking another look, Sabrina quickly realized her mistake. "Ohh, it's Mark..." she corrected herself.

Mark, the sports captain of their school, was a familiar face to Sabrina and the rest of the group. She remembered that he had a crush on Raven, but he never mustered the courage to ask her out. He feared rejection, and so their interactions had always been friendly yet tinged with unspoken feelings.

As Raven's turn to run approached, she excused herself to change into her sports team uniform. When she returned to the track, Sabrina couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked in the attire. "She looks sexy like this," Sabrina whispered to herself, captivated by Raven's appearance in the sports team uniform.

The shirt was a sleek black with a mesmerizing galaxy finish, adding an air of mystery and allure to Raven's already confident demeanor. The shorts complemented the ensemble perfectly, pitch black with the runner's name elegantly imprinted in red on the side. Sabrina admired how the name "Raven" looked, finding it too good to resist.

As Sabrina continued to be lost in her thoughts about Raven, she didn't realize that Raven had glanced in her direction. As Raven looked toward Sabrina's direction, she couldn't help but feel puzzled. "Why is she here?" Raven wondered, momentarily distracted from her head-start.

Sabrina, on the other hand, watched with wide-eyed amazement as Raven was now running alongside some incredibly fast athletes. "Holy shit, is Raven going to be able to compete with that distance?" Sabrina thought, concern evident in her voice.

Feeling the pressure, Raven knew she had to give it her all to keep up with the fast-paced runners. "Damn," she thought, determined to give her best shot. Meanwhile, Sabrina couldn't help but fret over the intense competition. "They are so damn fast... I don't think Raven will make it," she mumbled, her worry taking over.

Trying to rationalize her emotions, Sabrina reminded herself that it was just practice, but her anxiety refused to subside. "Why am I getting so tense?!" she questioned herself, attempting to shake off her nervousness.

However, Sabrina's worries were soon replaced by awe as she witnessed Raven quickly closing the gap between her and the other athletes. "They are damn fast, but her strides are..." Sabrina paused, searching for the right words, "fire," she concluded, thoroughly impressed by Raven's performance.

With each stride, Raven's determination and athleticism were on full display, earning Sabrina's admiration. She watched in awe as her friend fearlessly kept up with the fast runners, not letting the pressure affect her.

As Raven handed off the baton to her teammate, she couldn't help but glance in Sabrina's direction. "Sabrina was sitting on the steps near the pavilion," Raven thought, trying to figure out who Sabrina was talking about earlier.

As she made her way towards the pavilion, her mind still preoccupied with the mystery person, the lunch bell suddenly rang, signaling the end of practice. "Shit, I lost my chance of verifying who that actually was," Raven muttered in frustration.

As Raven finished a few more rounds on the field, she couldn't help but ponder about the person she saw earlier. "Even if it was Sabrina, why would she come to see me of all people? It's probably something else," she mused to herself, trying to rationalize the situation.

Despite the distraction, Raven managed to complete her practice before heading back to the classroom. As she walked into the hallway, she couldn't help but reflect on how much time she had been spending outside of class lately. "It's been a long time since I've come back here and entered a class" she realized.

Raven had been relentlessly called out for sports practice, often during classes and lunch breaks. It seemed like her days were now consumed by training and preparing for the upcoming inter-school event. Today, however, they wrapped up practice quickly, allowing Raven to return to the classroom in a more timely manner.

Italian class was in session, a bit unenthusiastic about the subject. Raven had always preferred roaming around the school, exploring different areas, rather than attending classes she wasn't particularly interested in. With a slight smirk, she thought to herself, "Why would I even sit here when I can roam around? That's why I won…"


keep reading to find out.

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