
She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment Ⅱ

They say the greatest blessing is marrying the idol you always dreamed of. But Qiao Lian knows that reality is different... The Internet claims that Best Actor Shen Liangchuan is a male god who is unaffected by any sexual drive, but Qiao Lian vehemently disagrees. It's a lie! After finally carrying out the contract, Qiao Lian burst out, "I want a divorce! I don't want such a life!"

Mr. Yan · perkotaan
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So She Is Mo Xicheng's Girlfriend (14)

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

With Mo Zhi and Dad Mo, Li Shu got into the car.

Just as they were about to drive away, Si Jingyu suddenly spoke, "Today is Yao Yao's birthday. Some of the children have gone out together to have fun, Mo Xicheng is with them."

Li Shu halted when she heard these words.

She turned around to look at Si Jingyu, pursed her lips and nodded.

As the car drove away, Mo Zhi frowned and said, "Mom, Auntie Si Jingyu said just that they've gone out with friends to have fun. Those friends… was she referring to Si Mubei, Xiao Munan and the rest?"

Zhuang Nainai and Si Zhengting had twin boys.

The older one, Si Mubei, had inherited the Si family estate.

Xiao Munan, on the other hand, had inherited his maternal grandmother's flourishing family business.

Both were huge enterprises, making them almost Beijing city's rulers.