
She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment Ⅱ

They say the greatest blessing is marrying the idol you always dreamed of. But Qiao Lian knows that reality is different... The Internet claims that Best Actor Shen Liangchuan is a male god who is unaffected by any sexual drive, but Qiao Lian vehemently disagrees. It's a lie! After finally carrying out the contract, Qiao Lian burst out, "I want a divorce! I don't want such a life!"

Mr. Yan · perkotaan
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2055 Chs

Mo Xicheng Reinstated (45)

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The meeting room fell silent.

Mo Hai sat there looking at Li Shu, he was completely stunned.

The Li Shu he was seeing tonight was beyond his imagination. Her actions seemed those of a stranger and he could not figure out what she was doing.

The reporters quietened down and looked at her.

Li Shu looked back at them and was about to say something when another person charged into the room.

It was Yao Lili.

The moment Yao Lili entered, she dashed up to Li Shu and dropped to her knees with a loud thump, tears streaming down her face. "Madam, Madam, I'm sorry. It's all my fault, I failed to keep an eye on Mo Xicheng and allowed his greed to grow in a way that shouldn't be. You and Mr. Mo have been nothing but kind to us, we should not repay your kindness with such ingratitude! Madam, it's our mistake! Our mistake! Don't worry, I'll take Mo Xicheng away with me right now and will not allow him to step into this office ever again!"