
She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment Ⅱ

They say the greatest blessing is marrying the idol you always dreamed of. But Qiao Lian knows that reality is different... The Internet claims that Best Actor Shen Liangchuan is a male god who is unaffected by any sexual drive, but Qiao Lian vehemently disagrees. It's a lie! After finally carrying out the contract, Qiao Lian burst out, "I want a divorce! I don't want such a life!"

Mr. Yan · perkotaan
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2055 Chs

Mei Feng's Ending (24)

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Were they Shen Xiu's initials?

Puzzled, she stopped to think. Then, there was a sudden flash of realization.

Now she remembered!

She remembered there was one time he got hopping mad at Shen Liangchuan in the office. She had tried to console him and he had said something about what mattered to Shen Liangchuan the most, and that he couldn't take it even if it were destroyed.

Shen Xiu had thought deeply at that time and in the end, he had said, "The only thing that that silly cares about is eSports!"

He had added, "I'll beat him at eSports then."

At the time, Shen Liangchuan's CQ Team had won the top place in the Beijing regional competition and they had managed to get into the national competition.

So this SX?

Mei Feng quickly picked up her cell phone. She made a search on the internet and discovered that this SX Team was registered in Shanghai. They had already gotten into the national competition.