
She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment Ⅱ

They say the greatest blessing is marrying the idol you always dreamed of. But Qiao Lian knows that reality is different... The Internet claims that Best Actor Shen Liangchuan is a male god who is unaffected by any sexual drive, but Qiao Lian vehemently disagrees. It's a lie! After finally carrying out the contract, Qiao Lian burst out, "I want a divorce! I don't want such a life!"

Mr. Yan · perkotaan
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2055 Chs

He Is My Son (38)

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As Chen Junjie listened to the introduction, he arrogantly lifted his chin.

He hadn't expected that the filming crew would make such flattering remarks about him to raise his popularity.

However when that last sentence was delivered, he was instantly stumped.

He sprang onto his feet and almost said aloud, "This is impossible."

The attainment of self-cultivation as an actor helped him to maintain his calm. Then he watched dumbstruck as Mo Xicheng walked out of the VIP lounge in his suit and leather shoes.

He kept a low profile like always, but he emitted a strong aura of someone with substance. He inevitably left an indelible mark in one's memory.

In a relaxed posture, he walked up the stage, every movement making him look graceful and elegant.

The emcee stood on the stage and immediately smiled when he saw Mo Xicheng. After introducing Mo Xicheng, he started introducing Director Wang and then the female lead.