


Shawn looked at me and I gave him a small smile

/"Cmere/" Shawn said as he pulled me into a small comforting hug

/" Amelia, would you like to come with us?/" Manuel said

/" what?/" I spat out

/" yeah come with us!/" Aaliyah said as she got out of the bathroom

/" come with us!/" Karen said

/" no! You're going as a family together, I'll just stay here/" I said

/" but you're a part of my family lia/" shawn said taking my hands into his and pulling me

/" what?/" I said

/" you're a big part of my family lia/" Shawn said

I gave him a sad smile

/"It means a lot Shawn, but just go have fun/" I said

/" Amelia! You're coming and This is final/" Manuel said

/" alright/" I said taking my shoes and wearing it

/" yaaaay!/" Aaliyah said making me smile


After spending a whole day at a theme park with the mendes family