
Shattering Humanity

WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This series spotlights coincidental parallels between various religious scriptures, and scientific theories but is in no way discrediting or belittling the beliefs of others whether that be Creationist or Evolutionist. The views, ideas, and conversations between characters aren't in any way meant to change anyone's beliefs. The conscious use of certain psychological elements from theistic ideology is only to support this fictional plot and it's characters. The goal is to shatter humanity's current way of 'believing', without damaging the individual's beliefs. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ With the whole globe snowed over, humans are no longer on top. Violent aliens have forced humanity into hiding, and an evil ancient clan reveals itself. Three young heroes are our final hope. Two old friends, selected by "God" as the vessels for the universe's contemporary forces and the other, a female descendant of the greatest unknown Scandinavian sword fighter. Freedom or purpose, which means more?

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271 Chs

The Omnipotence N-Eye

From the side woods of the off ramp, heading towards Roronora City. The alien snow is falling. Even though it has been constantly falling for more than 3 years now, there is only a slight coating that covers the asphalt and grass.

Saku emerges from behind a tree and is pulling up his sweatpants after a piss.He joins the rest of the Izanami Division that is currently using the tall, condensed trees for cover.

Dom is still fuzed with one of the enemy soldiers, but he is struggling to keep the form contained and under control. 

The fuzion has a 2nd Stage with an oscillating blue and purple aura. The combined body of the two men is twitching, and his body is lightly pulsating with the light that usually engulfs the fuzed body to begin the meiosis-like process to separate them.

Dom: "Aye, I ain't gunna lie, this is getting hard to hold in. Like a bad shit that I really need to take. I guess one hour is my current time limit."