
When The Sun Strikes Noon

When the sky turns dark all that is visible is the light reflected off the lakes showing the moon.

The lakes that held the light of the moon were sounded by mountains. These mountains looked as though they pierced the sky trying to touch the moon. When the wind stops blowing through the valleys of the mountains you can hear them creaking and cracking as if they want to move.

The area around the mountains was full of beautiful plants that were swaying in the wind as if they were surfing through waves in the ocean. They formed a complex pattern's as the wind blew and began to take the shape of a hand. It seemed as if the hand was waiting to grab something.

"The grass has become restless every since the rain has stopped flowing in this area," Marcus told his father in a concerted manner. After thinking about how the grass has been acting differently Marcus started to think of the legends that his father told him.

Marcus has never believed in the story's that his father tells him because they involve people achieving feats that aren't humanly possible. When his father would get drunk he would spout nonsense like people being able to bend steel or pick up boulders with their bare hands with ease.

His father snapped him out of his daze when he suddenly grabbed his shoulder very tightly. "Son I don't have much longer to live I can feel my days becoming numbered." As he was saying this he started coughing very hard and some blood oozed from the edge fo his mouth. "You should be 15 years old by now it is time for you to leave this place." the old man said as his arm slowly left Marcus's shoulder.

" Father this is the only place I've ever been my whole life is here! were will I go?" Marcus stuttered as he said these words in misery. " Past the mountains of this small village is the place were I meet your mother." As the old man said this he didn't know when the tears started to form in his eyes as he thought of the past. " I haven't seen her in a very long time so I'm not sure if she will still be there but its the only place close to here that is worth going to."

Marcus got up and looked around the room he was in as if searching for something. As he looked around he remembered the first time he walked into the house. Marcus knows that he wasn't born in this town but came here when he was very young with his father. They lived on the road and would go from place to place when he was younger and his father would always tell him that one day they would have a house and build a life somewhere. His father was right when he was 7 they found this village in a remote area that seemed peaceful and full of life. There were no children in this village because most of the people who came here trappers or hunters that made their living from the land.

" Father where is the map that you made from our journey on the road?" Marcus said as he looks at his father. " The map is gone I sold it for booze how do you think I've been able to drink this much?" The old man said with a grin that went ear to ear showing his yellow teeth.

Marcus stared at the old man as if he had seen a ghost. " How do you expect me to go anywhere if I don't have a map!" Marcus shouted as he began walking to the door. " Don't worry son I was not a complete fool when I sold the map I also got a sword for you." As the old man was saying that he took out a thin but long blade from under his bed.

The old man throws the blade at Marcus as if he was aiming for his head. The blade looked like it was made from some sort of metal but it was very rusted and the edge of the blade was dull. Marcus caught the blade with his face. There was no damage but Marcus couldn't help let out a shout.

" Old man what the hell are you doing you!?" as he said that he looked down and reached for the blade. When he picked up the blade he noticed that the handle was made from wood and it was rotting. " This blade is crap I would rather have the map" As Markus said this he looked at the old man one more time before going outside.

As Marcus walked outside he noticed that the sun was at its heights he set out on his first journey when the sun struck noon.

Hello everyone this is the author of this series and I'm going to be straight forwards with you this is my passion project so I'm going to shoot for 1 chapter ever 1-2 days and if the grammar sucks that's because I'm not the best with that stuff and I just plug my things into Grammarly when I'm done typing

Cseleycreators' thoughts