


"What's their problem?" Harry hissed as the trio made their way to breakfast. "Just because of that stupid Witch Weekly article on Hames they all think I'll be more interested in them?"

Hermione sighed, silently agreeing with him that a lot of teenage girls didn't use their brains enough. They had been almost physically hanging on him ever since that article was published, and it was grating on Harry's nerves – and hers, she admitted. Ron's, too, she added mentally when he scowled fiercely at the group of girls waiting for Harry in front of the Great Hall.

"Alright, everyone shove off!" he groused, leading the way into the hall, Hermione taking up the back and Harry in the middle.

"We're like a protective detail," she muttered wryly, and Harry shot her a crooked grin.

"The best protective detail ever," he agreed, and she shook her head with a grin.

"We'd need two more people for the sides," she pointed out as Harry swerved to avoid a hand that had reached out to grab him, and he scowled. "Maybe we should get the DA onto it," Hermione grinned, and he grimaced. They both knew that the DA would help out, but Harry resented having that kind of authority. "I'm sure Neville would make a great bodyguard," she added as they reached the Gryffindor table.

"Wha-?" Neville choked, his drink going down the wrong way and leaving him coughing.

"I agree," Ron grinned, pounding the other boy on the back enthusiastically. "Remember our first year, when Hermione had to body bind you to let us through? That's some serious dedication there."

Harry nodded with an identical grin as he slid into his seat. "Neville may not be a leader, but he's definitely not a follower! 'The herbologist bodyguard' has a neat ring to it, doesn't it?"

Hermione laughed slightly. "Oh, stop it – you'll make him think you're making fun of him," she reproached them.

"Nah, Neville knows that we like him, right, mate?" Ron took a seat next to Neville and started helping himself to breakfast.

"Er, right," Neville agreed warily.

"Don't worry, we're just joking," Hermione reassured him. "About the bodyguard thing, I mean," she elaborated, just for the case that he might misinterpret her words. "It's just that the situation is getting out of hand," she shot a dirty look at the Gryffindor girl trying to persuade Ginny to move over and let her sit next to Harry – as though Ginny would ever give up that spot. Hermione briefly wondered whether Ginny was still interested in Harry, then realized that Michael Corner, her boyfriend of several months, was sitting on her other side. Not that that means she's not still interested in Harry, but at least she took my advice to heart, Hermione thought, remembering when Ginny had come to her for advice about Harry and she had told her to relax around Harry and maybe date other boys. It seemed to be going well for her so far, and Harry never had seemed interested in Ginny in that way.

How do I get Harry and Greengrass together? Hermione wondered again. It's probably best if they start out as friends – and didn't Hames suggest bringing some Slytherins into the DA? But I guess that'll have to wait till after Dumbledore is dealt with, she thought, feeling the same sharp hurt each time she remembered what the Headmaster had done to them. No use worrying about it now, then, she decided and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

"Er, Hermione?"

She looked up from her glass. "Yeah, Neville?" He fidgeted a bit under her gaze, but eventually said,

"Could I talk to you after breakfast?"

"Sure," she agreed amicably, somewhat surprised at the request.


"Anytime, Neville." With that he turned back to his breakfast, but Hermione noticed that the tips of his ears were a bit red.

I wonder what that's about, she thought as she pensively buttered a slice of toast. The Lestranges again? There didn't seem to be anything else to say about them beside what she had already told him, though, and it didn't feel like that was what he wanted to speak about...

He couldn't be thinking of asking me out, the absurd thought had her glancing up sharply at the boy across the table. She paused, taking in the sight of the teenager. ...And if he is? She looked back down again, keeping her eyes away from Neville now that she had taken a thorough look at him. He's not the little boy I first met anymore. Oh, he still has a lot of baby fat – I wonder if his face will ever be less than oval. And his hairstyle doesn't suit him – er, not that I know what would suit him better, she admitted. It's not like my hair looks any good, either, so I really shouldn't be criticizing his... Snorting softly to herself, she tried to get away from physical aspects and think about his character instead.

I don't actually know Neville very well, she realized rather quickly. He's quiet... Good with plants, hardworking... Loyal, of course, and I think he'd be very reliable... Actually, if you were his girlfriend he'd probably stand up to anyone for you, she realized. I mean, in our first year he stood up to the Boy Who Lived and his two friends over house points, so surely he'd be even more resolute in the defense of a loved one, regardless of who meant them harm. It was a sobering realization, really. Everyone seemed to think of Neville as a pushover, but he had a hidden strength that she didn't think she'd seen since her very first year at Hogwarts. He didn't lose it, did he? No – that was most likely why he had been sorted into Gryffindor in the first place: That courage to stand up for what he felt was right.

Hermione ducked her head to hide a smile. He probably would have defied Voldemort right to his face had he ever come calling, she thought. What girl wouldn't want that kind of support?

That thought stopped her short. Was she seriously considering Neville Longbottom as a prospective boyfriend? Oh, you'll feel so silly if that isn't what he wants after all, she blushed. But even so, she felt that she wouldn't mind getting to know him a bit better. With Ron her main problem was that he didn't respect her interests, but Neville seemed the type to, even if he couldn't understand the intricacy of Runes or Arithmancy. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, she decided. I don't know Herbology nearly as well as he does, but that doesn't mean we can't have a decent conversation about plants.

Before she knew it she had finished her breakfast, and a look up showed that Neville was done as well. Harry only had a few bites left, but Ron would most likely have another serving of eggs before he was ready, so Hermione caught Neville's eye and smiled. "Shall we?" The boy blushed and nodded, so she grabbed her bag and stood. "I'll see you two in Transfiguration," she told her friends before heading out of the hall with Neville.

"What was it you wanted to talk about, Neville?" she asked after they had gone a little way from the Great Hall.

"I, well..." Neville was blushing and not meeting her eye, so she subtly directed their steps towards a little-used corner just off the hallway they were on.

"Yes?" she prompted, wondering whether her suspicion had been right after all and he was going to ask her out.

Finally the other teenager shored together his courage and met her eye, attempting to stand straighter as he said, "I was wondering if you'd go to Hogsmeade with me on the 25th." He couldn't hide the note of uncertainty that crept into his voice, and Hermione was sure that he expected her to say no.

"Sure," she smiled at him. "That's Saturday next week, isn't it?"

"Yes," Neville answered automatically, then stuttered, "W-wait, you'll go with me?"

"I did say yes, didn't I?" Hermione couldn't keep her lips from twitching at the boy's dumbfounded look. "Look, I realized earlier that I don't really know you even though we've already known each other nearly five years – and that's just sad, isn't it? I know you're a really nice guy, and I think we may get along really well, so I'd like to get to know you a bit better. If we end up as more then friends, then I'll be happy to call you my boyfriend," she smiled, then hesitated. "I mean, that is what you meant, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Neville reassured her immediately, though he still looked somewhat dazed.

"Alright then," Hermione said, relieved. "So, what do you think we'll be transfiguring in class today?" she asked as she turned to walk towards the classroom. Privately she resolved to spend a bit of time with Neville before the Hogsmeade weekend – it was still over a week away, after all, and she certainly planned on getting to know him a bit better before then!


"What did Neville want?" Harry asked quietly during Transfiguration, and even though Ron wasn't looking her way she knew he was listening for her answer.

"He asked me out to the next Hogsmead weekend," Hermione whispered back, smiling again in memory.

"He WHAT?!" Ron yelped, and both Harry and Hermione shushed him as Professor McGonagall rounded on him.

"I allow my students to talk in class only if they keep their voices down and complete the assignment, Mister Weasley," she said sternly. "Have you managed to turn your turtle into a teapot?"

"No ma'am," Ron replied sullenly, and she pursed her lips.

"May I point out that this year is your OWL year, and that I only accept students with an 'Exceeds Expectations' or higher into my NEWT class? I suggest you work harder at Transfiguration, Mister Weasley." With that she walked away to oversee another table's efforts.

"You didn't say yes, did you?" Ron immediately hissed to Hermione, completely ignoring Professor McGonagall's advice.

Hermione frowned, drawing herself up slightly. "Of course I did," she said, perfectly aware that Neville must be able to hear their conversation from the bench behind them.

"What?! Why?" Ron hissed, leaning even further over and nearly knocking over his turtle.

"Honestly, Ron," Hermione said in exasperation. "I said yes because I wanted to, obviously." Deciding there was no point in continuing the conversation, she turned back to her teapot and adroitly turned it back into a turtle.

"Excellent work, Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall's voice rang out from behind them, making Ron flinch and sit upright. "Since you have the transfiguration down, I suggest you try variations of color, pattern and shape. Have fifteen points for Gryffindor."

"Thank you, Professor!" Hermione beamed, then spent the rest of the lesson ignoring Ron and changing the appearance of her teapot with each transfiguration. She felt rather sorry for the turtle, though she couldn't help but wonder whether the turtles themselves were transfigurations Professor McGonagall had done in preparation for the lesson. How else would the professor be able to present them with a different animal each lesson?